Robin came out after me. She glanced at the girls then looked down at the ground.

“Sounded like a gunshot.” Roundface stared at me. “Is that guy in there okay? He’s a real fucking creep, you know.”

I laughed. “I don’t think he’ll be bothering you anymore.”

Her face went pale. I limped away. Robin moved to my side, took my arm, and helped me along. We reached the car, got in, and drove away.

I felt happier than I had in a few days and my leg felt like it hurt a little bit less.

The future was looking bright now that it didn’t have Enrico in it.25RobinWe spent three weeks watching that house. And for the first week, nothing happened.

I was convinced Enrico had fucked us. “I’m happy you killed him.”

Leo laughed. “Patient, little birdie. Be patient.”

Patience was not my strength, but I tried. We sat in a car watching the block most afternoons, though some of the other guys in the crew swapped out. We had a rotation going to keep Maksim or any of the other Volkovs from noticing our surveillance.

Then, after one entire week of staring at a boring brick front row home with an AC unit in the top left window, Maksim pulled up in a black car and stepped out into the evening. He opened up the back door and two girls came out, girls I didn’t recognize.

“That’s him,” Leo whispered, staring with wide eyes. “Holy shit. I didn’t think we’d actually see him.”

“Enrico wasn’t lying.” I leaned against the glass and stared out at Maksim. “I’m still happy you killed him.”

Leo chuckled, leaned over to me, and kissed my neck. “I don’t know when you turned into a bloodthirsty monster, but I like it.”

I turned around and met his lips with my own. I kissed him gently then let his tongue press against mine.

“I think it was right around the time I let you get me off. Or maybe it was right around the time I decided there’s no use in fighting whatever this is.”

He laughed and took my hair in his fist. We kissed one more time then turned back to watch Maksim fumble at the locked door, finally get it open, and let the very young girls inside. He slammed the door shut and all the lights in the place came on at once.

“Call the others,” I said. “Make them come right now. He’s right there, Leo. We can get him.”

Leo grunted. “Maybe. But I think we should wait.”

“Why? We don’t know when this’ll happen again.”

“I want to see his habits. And I need a little more time.”

I frowned, tilted my head. “Time for what?”

“To heal.”

I took a breath and looked away. I felt like an asshole. Of course that’s what he wanted. He still walked with a cane, though he was getting better every day.

“Another week of surveillance can’t hurt. Maybe another two.”

“There you go. Now you’re thinking.” He grinned at me. “Come on. Let’s go tell Hedeon the good news. I think he could probably use it.”

He started the car and pulled out. I studied his face in the shifting light and wondered how I’d fallen so fast and so far. It felt like waking up one afternoon buried under a mountain of ash and blood and gore, but not minding it one bit.

So long as he was there.* * *I thought spotting Maksim would end my tedium.

Of course, I was wrong.

We spent another two weeks watching the house. Maksim came and went a few more times and brought new girls with each visit. Once, he brought five girls with him, although I couldn’t imagine that a man his age could possibly handle so many.

He always showed up late, after midnight, and stayed until three or four. The girls would leave first and an Uber would pick them up. Then he’d follow and drive his own car back home or wherever he wanted to go.

It was a pattern. Leo discussed it with Hedeon and together they came up with a plan.

Remarkably, it was like what I told him to do the very first night.

“So we just sit here and wait?” I asked.

“For a while. When Maksim shows, I make a call, and four guys come running.”

“Why not the whole crew? I mean, this is the biggest, most important fight ever, right?”

“Can’t get that many guys on that sort of notice. And besides, he’s always alone, just with the girls.”

“Girls could fight,” I pointed out.

He nodded. “Let’s hope they don’t.”

It took another couple nights before Maksim showed up again. He parked in his usual spot out front and opened his back door. Three girls came out, in their early twenties or younger, and marched toward the door. From the angle we were at, I could see their faces, and none of them looked happy.

Leo got on the phone. “He’s here. Yeah, right now. When you’re in position, honk your horn once, real short. Yeah, got it.” He hung up and took a deep breath.