“What happens if they’re in there?”

“You’ll need surgery. And before you ask, no, I’m not going to do it in your bathtub with ice and lots of alcohol. You’re going into a real hospital, or else you’ll likely bleed out once those fragments move around and nick an artery.”

“Got it,” Leo said.

Dr. Chen grunted, finished packing, and walked to the door of our hotel room. I walked with him and spoke quietly.

“How long will his recovery take?” I asked. “Assuming there aren’t any bullet fragments.”

“If he’s lucky? A month and he’ll be close to one hundred percent. But if he’s not lucky, or he decides to run around doing very dumb things, then it’ll be longer.”

“Thanks for your help.”

“Sure.” He sighed. “I don’t know how you’re involved with him, but I’d be very careful. I’ve gone to too many hotel rooms and safehouses over the years, and the wounds I treat are never from accidents. Violent men breed violent actions.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

He nodded, opened the door, and disappeared down the hall. I shut it behind him and walked back to Leo. He sat up on the couch, his face slightly less pale then before, and managed a mile.

“What’d he say?”

“That you’re a violent asshole and I should run far away.”

“Probably true.”

“I was scared, Leo. That was really, really bad.”

He shook his head and gestured for me to come to him. I hesitated, lingering a few feet away.

“It’s okay,” he said. “Freak accident. One of the johns there decided to take up a gun and try to take me out. Not sure why, I guess he freaked, thought I might be the cops or some shit.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better.”

“I know. Come here.”

I walked over and sat beside him. He leaned toward me, kissed my neck. I let out a soft little groan and nuzzled in closer.

I was falling apart. Every second spent wondering if he was going to be okay threatened to break me. Worse than that, each moment I realized how much his injury hurt me deep down in my chest, it only pushed me closer and closer toward a truth I wasn’t sure I wanted to face just yet.

A truth I thought I could ignore forever.

But he wasn’t the kind of man I could ignore, and the way he made me feel was more than impossible to turn my back on.

“Chen’s a worrier. It’s his job. He’s a doctor, and doctors need to think about the worst-case scenario. But this isn’t the first time I’ve been shot, and it won’t be the last.”

“I don’t want you to get shot again. I don’t want to deal with anything like this ever again.”

He tilted my chin toward him. “I know. And I understand that.”

“What am I supposed to do?”

“Be here. That’s all I can ask.”

I leaned toward him and he kissed me. I drifted into that kiss like a deep sleep and tried to push everything else out from my mind. I meditated on that kiss, I let it overtake me and become my world.

It felt stupid, impulsive. But that kiss deepened, got more intense. I let out a little gasp as he grabbed me and pulled me over toward him. I straddled his hips, careful not to press against his wounded leg, and reached down to stroke his hard cock over his pants.

“Doctor wouldn’t like this,” I whispered in his ear as he gripped my ass then reached around to unbutton my jeans.

“Fuck the doctor. He’s not fun.”

“And you think you are? Running around with a gun, getting shot at, killing people? You think that’s fun?”

“I think that’s the sort of man I am, little darling.” He grinned, bit my lip. “And I think you fucking like it.”

I arched my back as he slipped his hand down the front of my jeans, over my panties. I moaned as he stroked my wet spot. I gripped him and felt a shiver run down my spine.

Then pulled back, climbed off him. I got his pants unbuckled and pulled them off, or at least what was left of them after Dr. Chen had slit down his injured leg. His cock strained against his boxer briefs, and I knelt down in front of him and gingerly pulled them off.

“That’s how I like you,” he said. “Down on your knees, right in front of my hard cock.”

I smiled, stroked him. “I bet you do.”

“Can’t help myself when you’re around. I just keep thinking about what it feels like to sink my cock between your legs.”

“What’s it feel like?” I asked, leaning forward to lick him top to bottom. “Tell me about it.”

I took him into my mouth and he let out a groan of pleasure. As I sucked him, I slipped one hand between my legs and began to stroke my pussy with my fingers, gently rolling them around my clit.