Leo gestured agreement. “But we’re in early stages. First, we clear the board of obstructions. Then we build the business the way we want to.”

Dante and Vincent exchanged a look.

“What do we have to do with this?” Dante asked.

“I know you’re in an alliance with the Volkovs,” Leo said. “I know you have some kind of arrangement. The Leone family is on top in this city, with the Volkovs as a sort of vassal, or a lesser ally, however you want to call it.”

“Vassal,” Vincent said. “That’s a good word. And accurate.”

“I’m here to ask you to allow us to make our move. I’d love to have your full support, but I’m not so foolish as to think that I’d get it.”

“No, I don’t think we could openly back you in a war against the Volkovs,” Dante said, his face serious. “I don’t think we could do that at all.”

“I understand. But perhaps you could… stay out of it. Remain quiet.”

“Why?” Vincent asked. “Volkov’s a pain, but we know him. You might be worse.”

Leo nodded and reached for the bag. He lifted it off the floor and pushed it across the table to Vincent. He frowned at it then opened it up. He whistled, showed Dante, then closed it again.

“That’s an offering,” Leo said. “No strings attached. Make whatever decision you deem the correct one. That’s simply a gesture of good will. We mean business, gentlemen, and we mean to make sure this city grows bigger and more prosperous for everyone.”

“I like the sound of that,” Dante said. “But you’re still newcomers.”

“That’s fair. Give us time.”

Dante looked at Vincent again.

“We’ll think about it,” Dante said. “Thank you for this gift.”

“It’s nothing. Thank the Volkovs.” Leo stood. “I won’t take up any more of your time.”

Vincent nodded. “Very good then.”

“Wait.” I stared up at Leo then back at Dante and Vincent. “That’s all?”

Leo’s face darkened. “Let’s go.”

“I just… I want to say something.” I turned to the two Italian mobsters. “I know the Volkov family. I am the family… and I can tell you that my uncle, my cousins, all the men in that organization are corrupt, foolish, and dangerous. Leo and his people are the future of this city. And if you two want to be a part of that, I’d accept his offer. I’d back his play.”

Vincent smiled. Dante shook his head.

“Big words,” Dante said.

“But true words.” I stood up. “Think about it.”

“What makes you think we could ever trust you?” Vincent asked. “You turned your back on your family. That’s not exactly something we can ignore.”

I stared at them then pulled aside the collar of my shirt. I lifted my neck and pointed at the bruises on my throat.

“That’s why,” I said. “They tried to strangle me to death before I ever considered walking away from them. If you treat me well, there won’t be a problem. But my family thought I was trash, and I’m not going to stick around and take that forever.”

Vincent sniffed and glanced at Dante. He smiled at me, head cocked.

“I like you,” Dante said. “You’ve got spirit. I can see why Leo here keeps you around.”

I held my head high and looked down at the big mobsters. “Make the right choice here,” I said. “My own uncle tried to murder me, all because I had the audacity to get captured by one of his enemies. If you really think loyalty is important, then maybe consider that.”

Dante nodded his head and I turned away. Leo gave me an odd look as I strode past him and out onto the sidewalk. He followed and fell into step beside me as I walked fast back toward the car.

My heart was racing. I couldn’t believe I spoke up back there. It took all my confidence, everything deep inside to open my mouth and say all that. I thought they might laugh in my face or maybe stand up and backhand me for speaking out of turn.

It’s happened before, with my uncle.

Leo didn’t speak until we reached the car. I thought he might be angry, but instead his face looked thoughtful as I got into the passenger side and he got behind the wheel. He sat there and looked at his hands before starting the engine.

“What you said back there, that was probably hard for you to do.”

I sucked in a breath. “Yeah, it was.”

“But thanks for doing it. I think it helped.”

“Really? You’re not mad?”

“Not at all.” He looked at me. “I didn’t think you had it in you, so I thought it’d be better to stay quiet. But look at you now.” A smile crept across his lips.

I looked down and felt myself blush. “Yeah, look at me now. Standing up to mobsters.”

“Crazy world.” He pulled out of the spot. “Come on, you want some dinner? I feel like you should celebrate.”