“Good girl,” he said. “You taste like heaven. You keep tasting like that and I won’t be able to stop.”

I laughed, not sure what else to do. I was giddy and dizzy with pleasure.

He smirked, leaned over me, kissed my lips.

Made me taste my cum on his tongue.

I returned that kiss eagerly.

He pulled back and looked at me. I felt my cheeks flush.

“Now, get some rest,” he said. “Forget about what happened tonight, at least for a while. We’ll have to talk about it tomorrow, but for now, just sleep.”

I chewed my lip. “What about you? You’re just fine?”

His eyes went dark for a moment but his smile never slipped. “You don’t worry about me, little birdie. I’ll handle myself.”

“I guess I should give you some privacy.” I grinned a little bit.

He laughed. “Darling, when I want to get off, I’ll make sure it’s deep between your legs.”


He walked to the bedroom door and lingered there. He looked back and for a moment, I thought I saw real worry in his expression. But he just turned and left, closing the door softly behind him.

I curled up in a ball on the bed and pulled the sheets over me. When I closed my eyes, I thought I’d see Pavel lying dead on the sidewalk.

Instead, I saw Leo’s eyes down between my legs, his tongue on my clit, his handsome face smirking as I came.11LeonidI sent some messages that night and got a few hours’ sleep. In the morning, I stared at the ceiling and kept replaying what happened over and over in my head.

I couldn’t save him. If I had stopped him from driving down that street, maybe things could’ve been different. Something felt off, I knew it, Robin knew it, but Pavel just wouldn’t fucking listen to reason.

And so he got killed for it.

Fucking hell.

He was dead the moment he got out of that car. He knew it as well as I did. There was no surprise in his expression when I took out my gun and finished him off. There was no fear, no shock. Only a sad sort of resignation that there could be no more.

Stupid bastard.

I got up, ordered room service, and checked on Robin. She slept curled in a pile of blankets and pillows. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on fresh clothes. When I finished, the room service sat outside our door. I brought in the tray, drank some coffee, and sent a few more texts.

“Morning.” Robin lingered in the doorway. She wore a pair of dark panties, a fresh t-shirt, and a blanket draped over her shoulders like a shawl.

“Morning,” I said, gesturing at the breakfast cart. “Eat up. We’ve got business to attend today.”

“Yeah? Like what?” She walked over and sat on a chair, keeping the blanket wrapped around her.

I let my eyes drift up along her leg and felt myself stir with desire. I wanted her last night, wanted her so bad I nearly gave in to my impulse. Her delicious little cunt drove me wild and I knew I could take my pleasures out on her and leave her in a sweating little messy ball. But that’s not what she needed at the time. She needed something gentle, something nice to remind her that there’s good in this world, that life can be okay.

I don’t do gentle. I don’t do nice. When I fuck, I fuck.

She drank coffee and picked at toast.

“Meeting with Hedeon and a few others.”

“I thought you didn’t see the other guys in… whatever you call it.”

“We try to keep contact to a minimum. If we’re never all in the same room together, it’s less likely that anyone can take us all out at once. But sometimes we have to make exceptions.”

“I get that.”

“Hedeon needs to explain himself. There’s no reason we should’ve driven into a fucking ambush last night.”

She nodded and held her coffee under her lips. Steam rolled up against her skin.

“What do you think happened?”

“He got bad information. We need to know where it came from.”

“You think there’s a traitor?”

I took a deep breath and let it out through my nose. I hadn’t wanted to think about that, not yet at least, but she was right to ask.

“You need to understand something about our crew.” I reached out and picked up my coffee mug. “We’re not a normal gang. We don’t… operate like a normal crew.”

“I kind of gathered that.”

“We’re more like a secret society.”

“Like the Freemasons?”

“Sure. Or like the Skull and Bones Society. Shit like that.”

“Okay.” She made a face. “That’s a little weird.”

“Most of the guys grew up together. Hedeon was sort of their ringleader from the start. I’m one of the first members from outside their little friend group.”

“How many are there?”

“Ten in the core group. Ten guys started all this with Hedeon at the head.” I stood up, sipped my coffee, paced with it in my hands. “I met Hedeon right after they formed the group and made the commitment. He saw something in me, brought me into the fold. I’ve been working with them ever since, for a long fucking time at this point.”