I thought about fighting or screaming. But I knew it wouldn’t be any use. People stared at us but none of them came over to help. None of them stepped up to see if I was okay.

They let him drag me off.

He took me to the car and threw me into the back seat. He tossed the bags into the passenger side then got into the back with me.

I crawled as far from him as I could. But it wasn’t a big car.

“You know what I said would happen.”

“Don’t touch me.”

His eyes raged fire. “You ran. I told you not to run.”

“Can you blame me? I had to try.”

“It was stupid. You did the most obnoxious thing possible. You thought parading your tits around would turn me into a moron?”

“I thought I could throw you off your game.”

“Almost worked, too. You have nice tits.”

I chewed my lip. “What are you going to do?”

“Spank you.”

“Leo,” I said. “Don’t touch me.”

He leaned toward me. “You wanted me to touch you back in that dressing room. Don’t act like you didn’t. You wanted me to rip off that bra, lick your pink nipples, then palm your tight ass hard until it left a bruise. You were dripping wet just thinking about what I could do to your pretty little body.”

“You’re a fucking psycho,” I said. “And a monster.”

“And what does that make you?” He smiled at me. “Girl that wants to fuck a monster?”

“Fuck you.”

He reached for me. I slapped his hands away. He didn’t stop. He grabbed me and pulled me over to him. I tried to struggle but he was strong, so strong. His fingers bit down into my wrist and my hip.

“Asshole,” I said. “Fuck you.”

He pulled me into his lap, made me straddle him, then grabbed my hair.

And kissed me.

At first, I couldn’t believe it. I thought he might be joking, like this was just another game.

But no, I felt his hard cock between my legs, like chasing me down only made him more excited. Then I tasted his tongue against mine, and for a brief, blissful moment I lost all control and kissed him back.

It was heaven. It was hell. I felt like I’d gone insane, just like him, and couldn’t stop.

Until his hand spanked my ass nice and hard.

I gasped and pulled back. He smirked, tilted his head, and pulled my hair. I groaned in pain.

“Don’t run again,” he said. “Or next time I spank your bare skin with my belt. Then you’ll have to come to grips with the fact that you like to get spanked by a monster.”

He released me then. I climbed off his lap and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Asshole.” I wanted to hit him or scream at him, but I knew it wouldn’t make a difference.

He shrugged and got out then climbed into the driver’s side.

“Still got most your stuff,” he said. “Lucky for you, you only dropped the expensive shit.”

I blinked and looked at the bags.

He was right. I’d lost my boots, a couple pairs of jeans, some nice tops.

He started the engine and looked at me in the rearview.

“Don’t run again,” he said. “It’ll only get harder.”

Then he banked out of the spot and drove back to the city.5LeonidI parked outside my place and carried her bags up. As soon as we were inside, she stormed back into my room and slammed the door.

Fine by me. I dropped her shit in a corner and stretched. My hamstring was a little tight from chasing her ass down.

She had no clue how close she’d gotten to getting away. Her little ruse was painfully fucking obvious, but as soon as she showed up in that dressing room wearing just a bra and panties, I kind of lost my goddamn mind.

She looked gorgeous. Fucking perfect in a scary kind of way. She made me wild with animal lust for her. I knew she was going to run. I knew she was going to skip out on the next outfit and make a break for it. But some stupid part of me wanted to find out if maybe, just maybe, she really was putting on a show for me.

I was wrong about the show. But right about her running.

At least three mall cops saw that chase. One called it in on his radio, and another almost joined in, but he was a few years past his prime and about fifty pounds too heavy. In the end, I got her ass out of there before the real cops could show up and make things very, very difficult for me.

Goddamn though. That moment in the dressing room, then that kiss in the back seat was very much worth it.

I filled up a glass of water and drank it down. Then heard a thud from the bedroom.

I frowned. It was a loud thud. I thought for a second she might try to open the window, which really was stuck. There was no way in hell she’d get it up.