His hands gripped my hips for a terrifying, exciting moment. I shimmied my hips ever so slightly, ashamed at how soaking wet I felt. This wasn’t part of the plan, not even a little bit.

I wanted him off guard. I wanted to surprise him and set him off his game. I thought if I could get him riled up and wanting me then maybe he wouldn’t be so careful.

But it seemed to be having the opposite effect. He was wary of me, and this was only making me even more agitate and confused.

“Are you just going to stare at me?” I asked.

“For as long as you let me.”

I chewed my lip. “You like this, don’t you?”

“I like it a lot.”

“I don’t normally dress up for guys like this.”

“Maybe you should. Really suits you.”

I pushed him back. He released my hips but I could tell it took some effort.

“Stay here,” I said. “One more to go.”

I turned to leave. He grabbed my wrist. I looked back at him.

“Don’t do it,” he said.

“Don’t do what?”

“Run.” He squeezed my wrist. “Don’t do it.”

“Why do you think I’m going to run?”

“Because why else put on this little show? As much as I like it, little birdie, we both know it’s bullshit. So don’t try to run. Come back in here in that sexy little piece of lingerie and give me something to dream about tonight.”

He released my wrist. “I’m not going to run,” I said.

Which was a lie.

He just shrugged and crossed his arms.

I slipped out of his dressing room. I closed the door and he didn’t protest.

I hurried back into the other room and stood there as my heart raced. I stared at the clothes left on the bench then looked up at the bit of lingerie hanging against the wall. I could put that on and go back into his room. Maybe he’d even reward me somehow.

Or I could follow through with my plan.

I was fucked either way and I knew it.

So I put my underwear back on and got dressed. I left the Victoria’s Secret stuff lying on the bench then slipped back out. I moved across the hall, far enough that he wouldn’t see my shoes, and walked as quietly as I could past the dressing room door.

No sound, no movement. He didn’t come bursting out after me.

I made it to the end of the hall and walked faster. The dressing room lady gave me a smile then a frown when she saw that Leo wasn’t with me.

“Where’s your—”

“Still busy,” I said and walked faster.

I could feel her eyes on me. But I didn’t care.

I made it to the exit—

And stopped myself.

I stood there on the cusp of leaving the store. An old couple walked past. I saw a pair of young kids with a stressed mom. A young couple lingered nearby on a bench eating ice cream from small bowls with plastic spoons.

I could run up to any one of them and beg for help. Well, any one of them except for the little kids.

But something made me look back.

Leo stood by the dressing rooms with his arms crossed. He frowned at me, head tilted to one side.

I made a break for it.

I don’t know what I was thinking. But in that moment, I knew it was my only chance. I ran as fast as I could, sprinting out into the mall. I heard him come after me, crashing through the store, knocking over racks as he plowed forward. I heard someone yell after me but I couldn’t think.

I just ran.

I didn’t know where I was going or what my end goal was, but I had to get away. I risked looking back over my shoulder and saw him gaining on me, little by little. A scream threatened to rip from my throat but I held it back. I jumped down a small set of stairs and nearly lost my footing.

The mall whipped past me. He kept coming, my bags gripped in his hands as he barreled forward. For a second it occurred to me how absurd it was that he stopped to grab our stuff before chasing after me.

I crashed through a group of tired-looking teens, nearly bowled over an older woman with a pair of headphones shoved in her ears.

I could see the exits up ahead. I almost shouted in excitement. I smashed against the door and shoved it open as hard as I could—

But it slowed me down too much. He caught me, hand rough on my wrist, grabbing tight. I let out a yelp as he pulled me against his body.

I was breathing hard, gasping for breath. He stared down at me and his expression was strangely blank.

“Good try,” he said. “But you were too obvious.”

“Fuck you.”

He tightened his grip on my wrist and pulled me out the front door.