He slowed down his strokes, enjoying the friction as his cock pulsated against her pussy walls, his climax growing closer and closer until he could no longer hold back. He picked up the pace again, rocking back and forth into her, thrusting deeply as she moaned beneath him, her eyes fixed on his own, creating some sort of emotion in him that he’d never experienced with another woman and couldn’t quite grasp.

It sent him flying over the edge as he buried himself fully inside her and unleashed the tension that had built up in his center, letting the ecstasy of the moment take control as he enjoyed his own climax. It was so intense that it left him feeling lightheaded from the sheer force of it.

He lay her down lightly on her belly, his cock still inside of her, slowly deflating now that their tryst had come to its spectacular conclusion. He struggled to grasp what he was feeling. It was more than just the excitement of sex with a new partner, but he couldn’t quite figure out what was so different from the dozens of other women he’d bedded.

Unlike some of his bear brothers, Olcan had never been one to sleep with anyone willing, but he was no stranger to meaningless sex either. This wasn’t that. This was something more, but he wasn’t sure he really wanted to figure out what that “something more” really meant. Some part of him was extremely comfortable in just believing she had somehow bewitched him, capturing a part of him that no other woman had been able to grasp.

Pulling free of her, he rolled over to his side of the bed. He lay there staring at the ceiling, just letting everything that had just happen really sink in. She lay beside him, unmoving, no doubt lost in her own thoughts about what had just happened between them.

After a few moments, he propped himself up on one elbow to look at her again. The pull toward her was still present, even after having sated himself so thoroughly. He could easily see her staying and doing this again and again until they were both exhausted and couldn’t continue. The glow that enveloped her only made her more appealing, more alluring.

That was the exact reason that she had to go.CHAPTER FIVENiamh

“I CAN’T BELIEVE I JUST did that . . . with you,” Niamh said, looking at the ceiling rather than at him.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, climbing out of the bed and walking across the room.

She watched him as he walked away, admiring the perfection of his ass and the power behind his muscular arms and legs. He truly was a beautiful man—or at least he was for a moment. Then he ruined every warm fuzzy feeling she might have after such mind-blowing sex by speaking.

“Thanks for the stew. I’ll reheat it and eat it later. You can get dressed and let yourself out.”

Niamh stared after him as he disappeared into what appeared to be the bathroom, closing the door behind him. How humiliating. She thought about not leaving, just staying and forcing him to face her instead of dismissing her while he went to wash her off of him in the shower, but she didn’t think she could look him in the eye after allowing him to have his way with her so easily.

Instead, she threw on her clothes, not even caring that her shirt was inside out and her hair looked like rats had crawled through it and left it in tangles. She hurried out the front door, carrying her shoes in one hand, and darting across the street, hoping none of the other neighbors saw to tell James and Hannah, though it didn’t really matter, she supposed. She sped up her retreat. Making it more of a sprint of shame than a walk.

Once inside the door, she threw her shoes across the room and screamed out loud. Thor came running in to check on her, observing the shoes with a puzzled expression before turning to leave again. Niamh wondered if he’d settle for walking around the back yard for the rest of her stay so she didn’t have to humiliate herself by exiting the front door ever again. She’d let herself get swept up, but she’d not expected to be tossed into the bin like day-old trash.

The worst part of it was knowing that if he walked through the door behind her right now, she’d be no more able to resist her natural urges than she had the first time. He’d done something to her, something no other bear had ever done before. All she could think about was about his smell, his taste, his cock. He’d laid claim to her, but she’d not had the same power over him that he had over her.