“You calling me fat?” he laughed.

Niamh looked at him through baleful eyes. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him from what she could tell, but she didn’t feel like retracting her statement just to flatter him, so she doubled down.

“Fat, no, but you are a right jackass and more than just a bit of a cob,” she replied.

“Now you’re getting to know me,” he told her, stepping out the door and standing in front of her, a move she was sure was meant to be menacing.

“If you are so unneighborly, why did you bring your surly backside across the street to see me in the first place?” she asked, refusing to back down.

“Because I don’t like strangers, and that is what you are. James and Hannah didn’t inform me that they would be having a guest in their house.”

“You require your neighbors to tell you who comes and goes from their house? Don’t you think that’s a bit overbearing?”

“Are you trying to make a bad pun?”

Niamh stared at him, confused by the comment for a moment, and then realizing what she had unwittingly said to him. He took a step forward so that he towered over her small frame, making her feel more than a little intimidated, but she refused to allow him to see that. They stood there in sort of an awkward silence for a moment. The sky around them darkening with the threat of impending rain. It was a good excuse to break it off.

“Fine. I’m going back to the house before the rain begins. I’ll just be taking my stew and wheaten bread with me.”

A breeze kicked up and blew against her face as she turned to leave. She was nearly halfway back down the walkway between the sidewalk and his front door when she heard his voice call out to her from the front stoop.

“Come back,” was all he said. It was as much a demand as an invitation, and she considered ignoring him. Instead, she found herself turning back and approaching him once more, trying to keep herself from staring at his perfectly toned pecs this time.

She expected him to be apologetic when she walked back, perhaps acknowledge he’d been rude. Instead, he turned and pushed the door open behind him and waved her inside. She went in, uncertain as to whether it was a promising idea at this point. Closing the front door behind her, he took the food from her, walked to the kitchen table to sit it down, and then returned to where she stood.

She expected that he’d continue his rudeness and tell her that she could go now, denying her any further opportunity to engage him in conversation. She felt a bit nervous being alone with him, unsure as to whether this was such a clever idea. With the food delivered, there was no need to linger, but she found that she couldn’t resist the urge to see how far she could push him to spend a moment to get to know one another. Much to her surprise, he leaned down and kissed her.

She was caught off guard but found that she didn’t want to push him away. He might be abrupt and rude, but his kiss sent a heat through her like nothing she’d ever experienced. She reciprocated the kiss, drinking him in, feeling him down into her center as he set a long-dead ember aflame. A part of her said she could be scared, but she wasn’t. Without really understanding why, she wanted this more than anything she’d ever wanted in her life.

By the time she felt his hands fumbling with her blouse, she couldn’t have said no even if she wanted to. Her Omega nature was completely drawn in by his Alpha scent. All she could think about was fucking this man like the wild animals they were. She let herself give in to him, let his heat warm the part of her that had felt dead inside for so long.

His hands slowly undid her blouse, reaching inside to put his hands on her skin. She felt alive in a way that was unfamiliar to her, and it only grew stronger as they both gave in to their primal instincts and let any other considerations be pushed aside.CHAPTER FOUROlcan

OLCAN DIDN’T COMPLETELY understand what had come over him, but he was damned if he seemed to have any control over the urge. It was a physical ache, a need, not just for sex, but specifically for her. All he could think about was being inside of her, and she seemed to respond in kind from the moment their lips met.

They were like a whirlwind, peeling off one another’s clothes as they devoured one another in the middle of his living room floor. Her skin was hot, supple in his hands as he caressed her breasts and bit into her neck, gently at first but with increasing ferocity, leaving a trail of light indentations down her shoulder and across her breasts.