“Where’s Niamh?” he asked, grabbing a set they’d apparently set aside for him and slipping into them. It had been a good thing he hadn’t gotten pulled over on his way or he’d have had to explain his state of undress. Of course, from the look of the rest of them, he could say the same for them.

“Outside. Looking over the lake. Fallon’s out there with her.”

Olcan headed out the back door and around the house, finding Fallon in the same white and gray outfit as the rest of them and Niamh wearing a flirty summer dress she had no doubt borrowed from the stash of clothes Eimear kept on hand.

Despite everything, she looked radiant in the light cast across the lake by the setting summer sun. He walked toward them, interrupting some story Fallon was telling her about a bar brawl he’d once gotten into with the McNally clan.CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVENNiamh

“HONEY, I’M HOME,” OLCAN said cheerfully, catching both her and Fallon off guard as they sat laughing and splitting a bottle of wine.

Niamh jumped up to greet him, her smile quickly fading as she got a good look at him. He’d obviously been in a hell of a fight of his own, with long scratches on his arms that were still significant even half healed. Blood still soaked through the shoulder of his shirt, which she knew he’d just put on from the clothes she’d set out for his arrival.

“My God, Olcan. What happened to you?”

“You know, got in a fight.”

“With what? A tiger?”

“An asshole, Sorley.”

“Sorley? He is here?”

“He was. I wouldn’t worry about him anymore if I were you.”

“He’s dead?”

“For all purposes, I’d say yes.”

“What does that mean?”

“Nothing you need to worry about, not ever again,” he told her before turning to address Fallon. “You’re a good man, Fallon. Thank you for taking care of my lass. You’ll be rewarded for it.”

“Thanks,” Fallon replied with just a hint of a smile.

“You and the boys can head back in. I see no reason to think we won’t be safe here. Check with Niall or Ronan when you get back to see if they need anything, but I think we’re good for the day.”

“Will do,” Fallon replied, making a hasty retreat back to the cabin.

“We aren’t going with them?” Niamh asked.

“To where? Sleep on someone’s couch or a hotel room? The bunker of the office? You let someone burn down our house while I was at work, woman!” he teased.

“Glad you can see the amusement in it,” she replied.

“I can now that I know you are okay.”

“He burned all my brand-new clothes,” she objected.

“You almost got killed by a dragon today and your only complaint is that he burned your new clothes?”

“Yes. They were nice. If I were rich, I would hire Frances as my personal shopper.”

“Well, you might just want to ask if she’s interested in that because, according to Tom, you’ve got a lot more money than you anticipated.”

“Aye? I know how much there was in my account, and it wasn’t that much. It was enough to get by on for a while, but not exactly riches beyond measure.”

“In your account, yes, but he did a bit of nosing around per my request. We wanted to access Sorley’s wealth while we were at it. We might have transferred all his funds into your account before we moved it to an offshore account. It’ll take a few weeks to hide the trail before it ends up here in your name, but when he’s finished with what he does best, it’ll all be yours, free and clear.”

“You stole Sorley’s money?”

“We did. He won’t be needing it.”

“But his clan will come after it. Isn’t it just asking for more trouble?”

“It’s taking away their financing, thus slowing down their ambitions to rule the world, and trust me when I say they’ll need a miracle to find out where it went.”

“Won’t my account being emptied be a good indication?”

Olcan laughed and kissed her on the cheek. “You don’t think he stopped at your account, do you? Pretty much every member of that clan is going to have trouble making rent this month.”

“You stole all their money and moved it into an account for me?”

“Don’t be silly. We only gave you what you had coming to you, the money in your account and the money that would have been Sean’s had he outlived his father. The rest will belong to the Boston Bears when all is said and done. There were some really rich bears in the Maguire Clan,” he laughed.

“But Sean’s brothers, they’ll be looking for their father’s money. They don’t just give up.”

“They’re all dead.”

“What? You killed them too? The whole family was here?”

“No. They apparently died before Sean. You didn’t know?”

“I didn’t know because it didn’t happen,” she replied.

“Why would he say it did?”