There was a long silence, but finally, Niall spoke up.

“I’ll go with you, Alpha. You know I won’t let my brother go into this alone. Ronan is on his way. I feel sure he’ll be on board.”

“Thank you, Niall,” Olcan replied, knowing that his brothers might be his only backup and accepting that without any hard feelings toward any of the others.

“I’ll go too,” said a first, then a second, then a third and so on, until every man in the room was on board.

Carter ran into the room, out of breath. “I got her. I got her. She had the GPS off, but I messaged her and got her to turn it on. I got her,” he gasped.

“How long?”

“A couple of hours to get there. She says there are only two people there, for now. Both humans.”

“All right, let’s get on the road before that changes,” Olcan replied, nodding to Ronan as he walked into the room looking lost. “Go with Niall; he’ll explain on the way.”

Olcan grabbed his phone and the info from Carter and headed out the door. He’d reward him for the fast work later. Right now, he had only one priority, and that was to recover Niamh. What happened after that was anyone’s guess.CHAPTER NINETEENNiamh

NIAMH FELT RELIEVED, at least for the moment. Olcan had gotten her message. He hadn’t responded, but someone had, someone who worked for him. She could hear sounds outside, faint voices that were hard to hear through the heavy steel door that sat between them. The man was back, so perhaps he was just saying goodbye to the girl that he’d left to watch over her while he went somewhere. Though she had never opened the door, Niamh had heard her talking on the phone to someone.

Who would come for her? Would he? Would he send someone in his place? She found it hard to believe he would have someone go through the trouble of locating her unless he was planning on coming for her. Her mind drifted back to him, before this, before everything had gone to hell. There was a soft side to him, despite how rough he could be when necessary. She still loved him. She would always love him—whether he came for her not.

There was nothing to do now but wait, wait for Olcan to come for her, wait for Sorley to find her. Just wait until whatever would happen came to be. A calm swept over her, an acceptance. She’d done what she could to save herself. There was nothing more she could do. She lay her head down on the bag she’d saved from her lunch and drifted off to sleep, a dream quickly overtaking her unconscious thought.

In the dream, she was safely back in Olcan’s bed, his powerful arms wrapped around her, keeping her safe and warm. He made love to her slowly, taking his time to explore her every curve and crevice as she cooed beneath him, content, wanted, loved. She clung to him, letting the way he felt inside of her fill her with a certain kind of joy that could only be found in the arms of the man you love.

His hand tangled in her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck as he bit softly into her skin and kissed away the marks he left behind. His mouth moved downward, his tongue circling her nipples and then latching onto them, suckling at the hardened nubs until she felt she might explode from that alone.

His cock throbbed inside her, beating like some sort of mating drum against the walls of her heated core, slipping back and forth along a track built for him. She couldn’t feel the damage that remained behind from her assault by men who sought to punish her. Instead, he’d replaced that emotional pain with a love and devotion that most women could only dream they might find.

Their bodies rocked back and forth, a deliberate poignant journey to a precipice from which they would both gladly fall when they could go no further. She could feel the pressure building inside of her, growing stronger until she could no longer hold back. Sensing her approach to the summit, he increased his thrusts until their bodies exploded in a mutual symphony of orgasm.

Afterward, they lay there in the dark, their bodies still coupled together in blissful release, finally separated to curl together, her head resting against his shoulder. She could feel his heartbeat and hear his breath, just as she had the first time he had held her, and it was soothing. There was nothing to fear here.

This was her destiny, the man she had always been meant for, and it didn’t matter what had happened with the Maguires. What they had done to her was washed away by the love she felt for him. They had tried to break her, to dehumanize her by reducing her to her basic element, an Omega meant for nothing more than mass reproduction. They’d left their marks on her, but now those scars would fade away.