One quick glance down at her nine-month swollen belly and she laughed. “Nolan, you cannot predict when I’m going to go into labor.”

Linnzi turned and headed up the steps to the house, with me and Jackson following.

“I can and I’m telling you, it’s going to happen in the next few days.”

She laughed, stepped into the house and mumbled, “If only.”

I reached up and took Jackson off of my shoulders and set him down. “No more running from Mommy and chasing the dogs, okay, buddy?”

He nodded. “Pwane?”

Glancing over at Linnzi, I raised a brow. The last time I played plane with Jackson, he had just eaten, and I ended up with his lunch all over me when he threw up.

“It’s fine. Let’s not be a fighter jet today, though, okay?”

I winked and then picked up Jackson again, causing him to squeal in delight. “Someday soon, buddy, I’ll take you up in a fighter jet.”

I didn’t even have to see the look on Linnzi’s face. I could feel her eyes boring into me. “You’ve already taken him up in your plane, and he’s not even two yet. Do you think maybe we can wait for the fighter jets until he’s at least eighteen?”

Before I went back out the door, I looked over my shoulder. “You’re right. We need to jump out of one first.”

“Nolan Byers!” Linnzi called out as I laughed and quickly headed outside.

“Pwane, Daddy!”

“Okay, buddy, let’s do this.”

Adjusting Jackson in my arms, I took off running as I lifted him and then dropped my arms down, only to lift him again. The sound of his laughter was music to my ears.

Jackson cried out in a clear indication he wanted to go faster.

“You really are my son, aren’t you?”

For another twenty minutes I played airplane, then chase, then airplane again, before I collapsed onto the grass. “Jack, your old man is tired.”

He laughed and jumped on top of me where he promptly laid his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his little head. “I love you, little man.”

Jackson snuggled his face into my neck, and I held him just a bit tighter. My heart couldn’t have felt more full if I wanted it to.

“Nolan?” Linnzi’s voice called out.

I turned my head and saw her standing on the porch. Her expression was one of worry and love.

“Pretty sure I finally wore him out,” I said.

She nodded. “Good, Mom and Dad are on their way over to watch him.”

I sat up, which caused Jackson to slide down into my lap. He laughed as Duke walked up and licked him on the face. Jackson gently started to pet him.

“Why?” I asked.

Linnzi bit into her bottom lip and let out a nervous laugh. “My water broke.”

Five hours later, I cried as the nurse placed my newborn daughter, Raney, in my arms. The most beautiful blue eyes stared up at me as I sat down on the bed next to Linnzi in utter amazement. This was our third child, and each time I was awestruck by it all. “Hello, sweet baby girl,” I whispered.

Raney formed a little O with her mouth, almost as if she was saying hello.

“She’s beautiful,” Linnzi whispered as she reached over and kissed Raney on the cheek. “So beautiful.”

I gently moved my finger over her face as I took in every inch of her. I pulled back the blanket and checked her toes and then her fingers. Then I wrapped her back up and placed her into Linnzi’s arms. “You are amazing, Linz. Thank you.”

The smile on my wife’s face made my heart beat faster. The love that seemed to be pouring out of her left me breathless.

Her gaze moved up to mine. “Why are you thanking me?”

I leaned down and kissed her. “For giving me another miracle.”

She giggled. “You did play a part in it, Mr. Byers.”

With a nod, I replied, “I guess so. But you did all the work.”

“That’s true,” she replied with a wink.

Linnzi looked back down at Raney and sighed. “She looks like her.”

“I know she does.”

Linnzi wiped a tear away. “She certainly is calmer than Amanda was.”

I laughed. “Amanda was screaming the moment she came into the world.”

Raney looked up at Linnzi and seemed to be studying her.

“I feel like she’s looking into my soul,” Linnzi whispered.

Then, Raney’s little gaze moved to me, and I felt my breath hitch.

“I have a feeling this little girl is going to change the world,” I softly said. My daughter gripped my finger with a strength that surprised me.

“She already has,” Linnzi said with a smile as she looked up at me. “She already has.”The End