“That would work,” I stated and then smiled when an older couple made their way over to me and Nolan.

“Mr. Byers, I heard you are an Air Force pilot!” the older woman proclaimed.

“Yes, ma’am,” Nolan said with his most charming smile. “I am.”

“There is something very sexy about a man who’s a pilot!”

The woman’s husband rolled his eyes as I nearly choked on my own tongue, but somehow I managed to keep it in.

Nolan, on the other hand, laughed out loud. “Have you met Linnzi Cunningham?” he asked.

They both turned to me, and we exchanged greetings. A part of me wished Nolan was introducing me as his fiancée. I knew it was crazy to even think that way, but knowing we were engaged before the stupid accident, and now pretending like we weren’t, was slowly starting to bother me. I mean, were we still engaged? Were we not? Would Nolan have to propose to me all over again? It wasn’t like he could take back his original proposal, right? Gahhh, so many variables to our relationship. When the couple walked away, I turned to Nolan. I had no idea where it came from, but I word vomited on him.

“Why aren’t you introducing me as your fiancée?”

Nolan’s eyes went wide with shock, and he opened and closed his mouth several times before he asked, “What?”

I drew in a deep breath through my nose and said, “Did we break off the engagement? Is that what we need to discuss?”

He shook his head. “No, I told you, we were going to be married that weekend, but the accident prevented it.”

His voice trailed off, and that distant look slowly crept into his eyes once more.

“Then why are we pretending like we’re not engaged. Do you still want to marry me?”

Oh Lord. Where was this coming from? My emotions were all over the place. Linnzi, stop this. Now.

Nolan took my arm at my elbow and guided me to a quiet spot. “Of course I do, Linz. A lot has happened over the last eight years, and I didn’t want to assume we would just pick up right where we left things.”

“You,” I said. I was taken aback by the coldness in my own voice.

“Excuse me?” he asked, a confused look on his face.

“Where you left off. Because clearly you remembered me after the accident, but I didn’t remember you. And you decided not to remind me who you were. So, there isn’t a we, it’s only…you.”

The moment the words were out and I saw the devastation on his face and that all-too-familiar look of pain in his eyes, I regretted my words. Nolan cleared his throat and looked around the room.

“I’m…I’m sorry, Nolan. I didn’t mean that. I didn’t mean any of it.”

He pressed his lips into a tight line. All he offered was one small nod. “We should go get that ice cream and then head on home.”

I closed my eyes and cursed myself. What in the world had come over me just then? “Nolan…”

“Don’t, Linnzi. Please. Don’t.”

I clamped my mouth shut and allowed him to guide me over to where Truitt and Saryn were. They were obviously attempting to leave as well.

“We’re going to head out,” Nolan said as he and Truitt exchanged a look that said a million things between the two of them. Saryn looked at Nolan, then at me. She smiled and then leaned down and hugged me.

“This was fun! I’m glad I wasn’t the only other one here tonight.”

“You did an amazing job planning all this, Saryn. Please let me know how I can help next year.”

Her eyes sparkled like diamonds. “I will! I’d love the help!”

With a nod, I replied, “Count me in.”

Before I knew what was happening, Nolan swept us out of the room and we were standing at the valet waiting for his truck to be brought around.

Nolan cursed. “Shit, I forgot to give Truitt something. Can you go ahead and tip him for me and wait in the truck?”

“Of course,” I replied, still reeling with guilt over the words I had spoken only a few minutes ago.

I nodded and took Nolan’s wallet as he handed it to me. “It won’t take but a minute to give Truitt this check someone gave me earlier,” he said.

“Okay, no worries.”

I watched as Nolan took the steps back up two at a time and disappeared into the event center.

Glancing down the street, I waited for the valet to bring Nolan’s truck up. I opened his wallet and looked for a small bill to give the valet. I pulled out a ten and then smiled as I saw Nolan’s military ID. I ran my finger over his face and felt my heart grow bigger. I was so proud of Nolan and all that he had accomplished.

“Oh, how I do love you, Nolan Byers.”