I brought my hand up to my mouth and scrubbed at my stubble. Then I shook my head. “I have to tell her.”

The both nodded.

I turned my head and stared out the window, praying I wouldn’t lose her again.

I couldn’t lose her this time. We’d both already lost so much.LinnziBLISS. THAT WAS how my life was currently. Nolan and I had been back in Texas for a week, and although he seemed off and distant at times, everything had truly been amazing. We made love in nearly every room of the ranch house. We were as close as two people could be, like the eight missing years weren’t even between us. Nolan had been so sweet and caring when it came to Belle and having to take her out in the middle of the night—of course, he had experience with puppies after raising Duke. I would even catch him staring at me when he didn’t think I was looking; it made my heart grow even more in love with him.

But a part of me wanted to scream at him sometimes. For the missing years and how it left me to wonder why he stayed away from me for so long. We could have been together, starting our life. Our family. I knew all I had to do was ask him. But a bigger part of me was scared of the answer.

In all honesty, I had figured it out on my own why he had walked away that day. Nolan was afraid he would trigger my memory. No, he was afraid he would trigger a memory. Whatever had happened, he was scared to death I was going to find out. My parents knew. Hell, I was positive most of Boerne knew.

With a sigh, I stared at myself in the mirror. My light brown hair was piled up in a loose bun on top of my head with curls hanging down to frame my face. My pale blue eyes were outlined with only mascara, and I added a pair of small sapphire earrings that I knew would make my eyes pop more.

I stood, turned, and walked over to the full-length mirror that was in the bedroom. I had on a long, flowing, white lace skirt and a cropped, white lace shirt that showed just enough of my stomach that I knew it would drive Nolan crazy all night long. I finished it all off with a pair of silver and sapphire blue high-heeled shoes. I also wore a small sapphire necklace that had been a gift from Nolan when I turned twenty-one. I didn’t remember getting it, but my mother told me where it came from when she gave it back to me recently. I knew Nolan would be over the moon when he saw it.

With a smile, I turned and grabbed my cell phone and slipped it into a small clutch. Nolan and I were heading out to a benefit dinner with Truitt and Saryn. The only thing I knew about it was that the proceeds were for an organization Nolan and Truitt started a few years back for underprivileged kids in the Boerne area. It was for a summer camp that taught them how to build and design things—playing on Truitt’s love of building with wood, and Nolan’s love of aeronautical engineering.

As I walked into the living room, I couldn’t help but notice how Nolan stopped talking the moment he saw me. He was speaking to someone on the phone, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head as he stared at me. I let my gaze move slowly over him. He was in dress pants, a long-sleeved, blue button-down shirt, and a black cowboy hat. Not to mention the black cowboy boots. The whole package made my lower stomach clench with desire.

“Um, I need to let you go. I’ll talk to you about that later, Paul.” Nolan ended the call and tossed his phone onto the sofa, moving toward me like a lion on the prowl.

“Do not mess up my hair, Nolan Byers!” I warned as I took a few steps back.

“If you didn’t want me to ravish you, you shouldn’t have walked out in this outfit. Holy shit, Linz. You look beautiful. And sexy. And…damn…you’re stunning.” He gently cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly. A small sigh slipped free and caused him to smile against my lips.

Nolan leaned his forehead against mine and drew in a deep breath.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He shook his head slightly, not meeting my eyes. “No.”

My heart started to pick up speed, and I swallowed hard. “Nolan, what’s been bothering you? You’ve been so distant.”

He jerked his head back. “Distant?”

“Well, I don’t mean all the time. But at times you seem so lost and confused. You’re worrying me.”

Nolan rubbed at the back of his neck. “After the dinner, Linz, we need to sit down and talk. There’s something I need to tell you about us—the past us. I can’t let it go any longer.”