Mike raised one brow as he gave me a quick once-over and then smiled. When he replied, he had a bit of teasing in his voice as he looked at Nolan, then back at me. “It’s nice meeting you too, Linnzi.”

Jessica elbowed him in the ribs and then pushed him toward the kitchen. “Hi, Linnzi. It’s really nice to meet you.”

Once both men were out of ear shot, her smile grew into a wide grin. “You are the first woman I’ve ever met whom Nolan has dated.” Then she looked up in thought and said, “You know, since I’ve known him the last five years, I’ve actually never seen him date anyone.”

I felt my cheeks blush. “Well, we’re old high school boyfriend and girlfriend. We, um, lost touch for a few years.”

Her brows lifted. “Really? Huh.”

It was all she said, but I could tell she was dying to ask me more questions. “Nolan told me he got Duke from you,” I said.

At the sound of his name, Duke raced around the corner and slammed into me, nearly throwing me off balance. I bent down and gave him a good amount of attention while Jessica picked up the silver lab puppy. “That’s right. He acts like he’s pissed at me for it, but Duke has been the best thing for him, to be honest. I hated the idea that he came home to this empty house every day.”

I gave her a slight smile and tried to ignore that little jealous devil that sat on my shoulder. “That was nice of you.”

She shrugged. “I’m hoping he’ll adopt this sweet girl too. She’s the last in the litter, and no one wants her!” She said the last part of the sentence in full-force baby talk while she rubbed her nose against the puppy’s.

“Why not?” I asked.

Jessica shrugged. “I’m not sure. She was the smallest in the litter. Truly had to fight for her way in the pack and was actually born not breathing. Mike was the one who brought her back.”

She looked down the hall, then back at me. Motioning for me to come closer, she whispered, “Don’t tell him I told you this, but he gave her puppy CPR. Oh my goodness, it made me fall in love with him all over again.”

I placed my hand over my chest and sighed.

“I know. Needless to say, he got lucky that night. Really lucky,” she said with a wink. I couldn’t help but laugh.

I cleared my throat and shot her a smile. “That might have been a bit too much information, but I’m glad he saved her life.”

“I know. I’m just so sad no one wants her,” Jessica said with a sad attempt at a pout.

I took one look at the puppy who was staring up at me with those big brown eyes, and my mouth spoke before my brain had time to process what I was saying. “I’ll take her.”

Jessica’s eyes lit up. “What! Are you serious?”

I nodded and reached for the pup once more. Jessica gave her to me and then did a weird little happy dance. “This is amazing!”

“What’s amazing?” Nolan and Mike asked at the same time.

“Linnzi just adopted the puppy!”

Mike looked pleased as pie, while Nolan simply stared at me like I had lost my mind. “Linnzi, how in the hell do you expect to get the puppy back to Texas?”

Jessica stopped her dance and looked at me. “You live in Texas?”

I snuggled my face into the puppy’s neck. “I do.”

Jessica shrugged. “That’s okay, we can easily get her transported back to Texas safely.”

I looked up at her. “Oh, no. She can come back with me when I fly back home. She’s small enough, and I’ll try and book a direct flight.”

Nolan walked up and pet under the puppy’s chin. “I’ll fly you back home when you want to go back to Texas.”

I was positive my face was beaming with happiness. “Are you sure?”

He grinned. “Are you sure you want a puppy? Your parents might be a bit upset by it.”

Glancing back down at the puppy, I said, “I’ve already asked a real estate agent to start looking for houses for me. I’ve got enough money saved up for a down payment, and I really don’t want to live with my folks for much longer.”

I looked at Mike and Jessica. “I’ve been in Paris the last eight years, working abroad.”

They both nodded, then looked at Nolan. I turned my head and nearly lost my breath with the way he was staring at me. I felt my face heat from the intensity of his gaze.

Jessica cleared her throat. “Well, I’m going to leave before you change your mind and give me the puppy back!” She grabbed her husband by the arm and tugged him toward the front door.

“I haven’t even finished my beer yet!” Mike complained.