Page 4 of Frostbite

“I’ll set the table.” Rocco presses his lips to my sister’s forehead. “If I haven’t said it lately, I’m glad you’re staying with us, Rae. Family means everything to us.”

It means everything to me too, but New York City is a pit stop on my journey. Once the holidays are over, I’ll be off on my next adventure, wherever that may be.Chapter 3RaelynA night spent watching sweet Christmas movies with my sister put me in a much better mood. By the time I crawled into the ridiculously comfortable king-sized bed in the guest room, I felt calm.

To pay Dexie back for the delicious dinner last night, I made a batch of eggnog pancakes for breakfast. They are nonalcoholic, although I did add an extra sprinkle of nutmeg for flavor.

There is little that is more intimidating than cooking for Dexie and Rocco. The reason is beautiful, kind, and lives across the street.

Marti Calvetti, Rocco’s grandma, is a wizard in the kitchen. It’s the reason she owns one of the most popular Italian restaurants in Manhattan. The first time I had a plate of spaghetti at Calvetti’s, I confessed that it was the best I ever had. I made Marti promise to never tell my mom I said that.

Marti has been bringing food over on an almost daily basis. Since my sister met Rocco, she’s been well-loved and well-fed.

“Are you going to head out to get more ornaments soon?” Dexie checks the watch on her wrist. “I can walk to the craft store with you before I go to work, or you could join me for the day?”

She’s been joking that I should stick around Manhattan and take on a job helping with her purse line. Dexie Walsh, the brand, has grown by leaps and bounds since she launched it.

I ignore the offer to shadow her in her studio. “I have to get started on painting ornaments. I’m falling behind on orders.”

She tosses me a knowing nod. “I hear you. I’m behind too.”

I can’t tell if that’s a subtle hint that she genuinely wants my help. Since I know little about how to craft cute handbags out of leather, I make her an offer I know she won’t be able to resist.

“I’ll cook tonight.” I smile. “How does salmon, parmesan-crusted potatoes, and a spinach salad sound?”

She rubs her belly through the fabric of the red and white print dress she’s wearing. “It sounds like a dinner I’d really enjoy tomorrow. We have that thing tonight, remember?”

I sigh, hoping that the ‘we’ she’s referring to includes Rocco and not me. “What thing?”

Her thumb jerks toward the front door. “We’re going to that charity art auction. I want to find a sculpture for the foyer.”

She mentioned something about that last week, but I was in the middle of chatting with a potential customer online. The orders on my Etsy shop have tripled since Thanksgiving Day.

“I’m sure you and Rocco will find something perfect at the auction,” I say with a smile, even though I’m secretly holding my breath, hoping that I’m spending the night here.

“All three of us will.” She steps closer to me. “You said last week that you’d love to come, Rae.”

I might have felt that way back then, but I’m in full panic mode now. I’m relying on the sales of my hand-painted ornaments more than ever this year. I was let go from my last job as the assistant to a sculptor in Brazil. Her impending marriage and relocation meant that she didn’t need me anymore. Even though she gave me a severance check and paid for my flight to New York, I’m still looking for another position in a much warmer climate than Manhattan in December.

I can’t be responsible for stealing the smile from my sister’s face. She’s given me a place to stay for free, and I’ve gotten to know Rocco better the past few weeks. Going to a charity art auction may help me find inspiration for my paintings, the large ones on canvas, not the miniature ones on Christmas ornaments.

“What’s the dress code for this evening?” I ask with a grin.

Dexie glances at the blue sweater and ripped jeans I’m wearing. “Not that.”

I let out a stuttered laugh. “Brutal.”

“Wear your red pantsuit.” She wiggles her brows. “The backless one. You look sexy as hell in that thing.”

I cock a hand on my hip. “Why do I want to look sexy for an art auction?”

“Gorgeous men love art.” She glances over her shoulder as Rocco descends the staircase from the second floor. “Case in point.”

I smile at my brother-in-law. “I’ll wear the pantsuit.”

She claps her hands together. “I can’t wait for tonight.”

“What’s tonight?” Rocco questions as he slides a pancake onto a plate.

Dexie turns to watch him. “The charity art auction.”

He shakes his head. “Shit. I forgot. I’ve got a meeting tonight, Dexie. It’s a deal I need to make.”