Page 22 of Frostbite

Settling on the corner of the bed, she sighs. “With who?”

I toss her a look that must say it all because she squeals.

“You’re going out with Calder?” She covers her mouth with her hand.

Rocco is somewhere inside this townhouse, and since we are still trying to keep the sculpture under wraps, I wince. “Don’t say his name, Dex.”

“Calder Frost?” she whispers. “Are you having dinner with him?”

I nod.

She jumps to her feet, wobbles for a second, but then finds her balance. “I like him, Rae. He’s perfect for you.”

I should agree, but the fact that I only just met him scares the hell out of me.

“It’s just dinner,” I remind her. “We’re probably going to talk about the sculpture.”

She glances over her shoulder. “That doesn’t look like a business dinner dress. It looks more like a rip-this-from-my-body-and-ravage-me dress.”

I stifle a laugh. “What the hell?”

“You should sleep with him.”

I shake my head. “We’re not having this discussion.”

“Why not?” She kicks the toe of one of her pink slippers against the bed frame. “The sex would be mind-blowing.”

I can feel my cheeks blush as I bow my head. “You don’t know that. You can’t judge a man’s performance in bed based on his looks.”

“Yes, you can.” Straightening her back, she stands taller. “Look at Rocco. He’s a beast in bed, and he’s the most handsome man on earth.”

I’d debate that last statement with her because I happen to think Calder holds that title.

“I’m not going to bed with him tonight, “ I insist. “I’m having dinner, and then I’ll be back.”

“I won’t wait up.” She rubs her chin. “Do you want to know why?”

“Because you’re very pregnant and exhausted?” I joke.

“No,” she says with a straight face. “It’s because you’re going to spend the night with him. It’s happening, sis. Brace yourself.”

I let out a laugh. “Brace myself?”

She nods in silence.

I steal a glance at my phone’s screen. “I need to go. I’m meeting Calder at eight.”

“Use a condom or condoms.” She pats her belly. “You may be ready for a wild night of fun, but you’re not ready for this.”

Moving forward, I kiss her cheek before I run a hand over her swollen stomach. “Sleep well, baby Jones, and you too, Dex.”

“I hope you don’t get a wink of sleep tonight.” She kisses my forehead. “I also hope you can’t walk straight tomorrow.”

“You’re something else,” I say as I breeze past her on my way to get a coat. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Or not,” she quips. “You might still have your hands full.”***As soon as I step into the lobby of Calder’s building, he’s exiting the elevator.

I sigh in relief when I see that he’s dressed for the night in a suit and tie. The suit is dark gray. The shirt and tie are blue.

He looks gorgeous as he approaches me with a smile on his face.

“You look amazing, Raelyn.”

He’s judging that only by the skirt of my dress. I’ve bundled myself in my wool coat since the forecast is calling for snow once again.

“I reserved a table at Nova.”

All I know about the restaurant is that my sister loves their food. She’s raved about it more than once. “That sounds great.”

He glances over my shoulder. “I ordered a car and driver to take us there. I don’t see them yet.”

Inching closer to him, I gaze up at his face. “What should we do until they get here?”

His eyes linger on my scarlet lips. “Do you know how fucking hot that red lipstick is?”

“Very hot?” I question with a smile.

He drags his finger over my chin, tilting my head up slightly. “Hotter than that.”

I lean closer, resting both hands on his shirt. “Is that a good thing?”

Nodding, he tilts his head. “Kiss me, and I’ll tell you.”

Just as I move to press my lips to his, a car horn wails outside. We both turn to look.

“That driver’s timing is shit,” Calder says before he gives me a quick kiss. “Promise me that we’ll continue this after dinner.”

That’s a promise I shouldn’t make, but I do. “I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” He reaches for my hand. “Follow me.”

I do, happily knowing that tonight may be the start of something life-changing for me.Chapter 19CalderIf someone were to ask me what I ordered for dinner, I’d tell them I don’t have a fucking clue. I ate it all. I finished the wine in my glass, but I don’t remember any of it.

I’ve spent the last two hours lost to the charms of Raelyn.

We talked about my process. She wanted to know where I find inspiration and if I’ve ever doubted my work.

I have no idea where the question came from, but I answered honestly. The doubt has given way to confidence, but there are still moments when I stand back and wonder why the hell anyone would pay a premium price for a tangle of twisted metal that I created and named.