Page 28 of Catch

“You attend social functions at my request.” He brushes past me to head to his desk. “That includes dinner meetings, lunches, parties, and travel.”

My stomach knots at that last word. “Travel? I have to go away with you?”

He glances at me as he places his phone and keys on his desk. “If need be.”

“Where to?” I don’t care where we’d go. I’m stuck on the fact that I agreed to all of this without realizing it.

Feelings can develop when people who work side-by-side spend time together outside of the office. It happened to me once and it didn’t end well. I’m attracted to Keats, but he’s my boss.

He straightens. “That’s to be determined. We’re staying in New York for the time being.”

I exhale. “Good.”

“You’re not afraid of flying, are you?” He perks a brow.

I shake my head. “No.”

A knock at the office door spins me around. “Should I get that?”

“Please,” Keats says from behind me.

I take shaky steps to the door as I try to absorb the fact that my boss and I will be spending a lot more time together than I expected.

When I swing open the door, I’m greeted with a pair of arms wrapped in a pink cardigan. A woman with graying brown hair pulls me toward her. “You must be Maren. I’m Patrika Newman. It’s so good to meet you two lovebirds.”Chapter 21KeatsI stand just out of reach of Patrika Newman’s grabby hands. Maren is taking one for the team, and I’m grateful.

I wave a hand in greeting to Earl and his son even though they are thirty minutes early. I suspect that was planned. Earl strikes me as the type of man who does a hell of a lot of testing on those around him.

From where I’m standing, this unexpected early arrival couldn’t have gone any better. I doubt Maren would agree since she’s getting the life hugged out of her.

“Your office is cool, Keats,” Fletcher says, looking around. “You can see the Empire State Building from here.”

I glance toward the window. “It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it?”

“You’re a beautiful sight,” Patrika Newman practically screams at me. “I knew you were hot as a griddle, but wow.”

That’s a compliment, so I smile. “It’s good to meet you.”

I wait for her to take a run at me, but she hangs onto Maren. “Earl told me that you all had the best time last night. I’m sorry I missed it.”

Maren takes a step back, and by some miracle, Patrika loosens the death grip she has on her.

Earl finally steps into my office. “We’re early, but we knew you wouldn’t mind.”

I flash a grin. “You’re welcome here anytime.”

Maren skims her hands down her sides to straighten her blouse. “Can I get anyone a beverage? We have coffee, green tea, an assortment of juices, and sodas.”

Like hell we do.

The break room is stocked with coffee and some brand of tea that my first assistant loved. If anyone wants something else, there’s water out of the tap and a bodega is a block from here.

“I’d love a green tea.” Patrika grins from ear-to-ear. “You wouldn’t happen to have honey, would you, honey?”

Maren laughs along at her joke. “We have honey.”

Since when and where the fuck did it come from?

“If there’s a bottle of orange juice, I’ll take that,” Earl says. “Fletcher, do you want a soda?”

“I’ve been craving one.” He takes another look at the window.

“I’ll grab those for you,” Maren says before she shoots me a glance over her shoulder. “Anything for you, Keats?”

I shake my head because I’m too stunned to say anything.

She has to be the one who is responsible for this. Who knew assorted beverages could make people this happy?

I rarely meet clients here, so the extent of my offerings is slim. I’m glad she thought far enough ahead to anticipate this.

“I do have to leave shortly.” Maren sighs, and goddammit, even I believe her disappointment is legitimate. “I’m glad I had the chance to meet you, Patrika.”

Patrika’s lips fall into a frown. “Why are you leaving?”

“It’s a work matter,” I interject. “Maren is needed elsewhere.”

“We need here her.” Patrika tugs at Maren’s arm. “I thought we’d have more time to get to know each other.”

This isn’t a goddamn blind date.

“Maybe another time,” Maren says politely as she inches toward my office door.

Patrika glares at Earl. I know that look. I saw my mother direct it my father’s way enough times when I was a kid. Patrika has an idea she thinks is brilliant, and she wants her husband on board.

Earl locks eyes with his wife and silently mouths something to her. I read every word that leaves his lips.

Do you want them at our anniversary party? Go ahead. Invite them.

I plaster on my best poker face because I’m about to land an invite to a family function. This isn’t the first time this has happened. It’s the third. I was invited to the wedding of the sister of a basketball player. He signed on with me a week later, and the tennis player who offered an invite to a birthday party agreed that I’d represent him before the night was over.