“Daddy!” Elizabeth screamed.

He saw the cars racing through the intersection too late. They were speeding and lost control of their cars while trying to avoid the cross traffic. One of cars was sliding towards Elizabeth’s side.

Edward turned in his seat to grab the kids when the car was slammed from behind. They were rammed into the car in front of them and to the right of them. They slammed hard.

He heard the glass shatter and saw it pour on the kids. Elizabeth’s head snapped back. Cole put his hands over his face and was crying. He reached to take his seat belt off to grab the kids when they were hit again from his side. The car was crushed in, slamming into Elizabeth’s body.

“No! Elizabeth!” he screamed at the same time his door was slammed into his back. Cole’s arm slammed with a sickening crack into the door as Brett’s head went through his window.


“The boys are sleeping, Susan. I need to start lunch,” Dana said.

“Dana, you need to get to the hospital,” Deana sobbed, stepping into the kitchen and motioning for Dana to follow her.

“What?” she asked, walking into the living room.

On the television screen a “Live” caption flashed in the corner of a video of a crushed silver car. Edward’s picture was in the right hand corner. “A deadly crash on Lincoln Street occurred a half hour ago when crazed fans raced through an intersection after actor Edward Pierce. Reports indicate there were two children in the car with Mr. Pierce at the time as well as a bodyguard. We do know that one of the adults is dead. We will let you know when clearer reports come in. We’ve been told by eye witnesses that one of the children was dragged out of the car and police tried to revive the child. We are not sure of their status at this time.”

“Susan and Deana, watch the twins! Tyler, get me to the hospital!” She was out of the house and running towards the car with Tyler on her heels by the time the last word left her mouth.

“Please God!” she muttered repeatedly.

Tyler drove them as quickly as he could to the hospital. There was already a large crowd waiting outside the hospital when they got there. Dana pushed her way through, ignoring screaming fans and intrusive reporters. Tyler had to push people away from her so she could make her way to the emergency room. She ran right for the triage station.

“Edward, Elizabeth and Cole Pierce and Brett McCain!” she said, gasping for breath.

“Are you family?” the nurse asked in a cold professional tone.

“Yes, goddammit! Where’s my husband and kids?”

“Ma’am, you’ll have to wait in the chairs for the-hey, you can’t go in there!”

Dana pushed through the emergency room doors and ran towards the nurse’s station. “Pierce, where are they?”

“Right this way, Mrs. Pierce.” a nurse said with a look of recognition. She took Dana’s hand and led her to the open Emergency room. Several rooms were hectic with doctors and nurses running in and out.

“Where are my children?” Edward yelled. “Let me see my kids, now!”

Some of the pain in her heart went away when she heard Edward’s voice. Now she needed to find her kids and Brett. “Where are my children?” she asked the nurse. There was no question by her tone that she would not be refused. The nurse pointed to the two rooms in front of her. Large curtains were the only thing that separated the beds.

Dana pushed through one curtain and saw Cole crying. He was covered in dry blood and strapped to a long board. “Oh thank god,” she mumbled.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Cole screamed. He couldn’t see her so she pushed her way to him. “Baby, Mommy’s here.” She kissed his cheek.

“I’m scared,” he whimpered.

“It’s okay, baby. I’ll be right back. I have to go find your sister first, okay?”

He nodded weakly against his straps. “I love you, Cole.” She kissed him again and looked at the doctor working on him.

“Tell me my son is going to be okay.”

“I think he has a few broken bones, a concussion and bruises, but other than that I think he’ll be fine,” he answered with a soft reassuring smile.

“Time of death 12:57.” She heard from the bed next door. She moved automatically. Her heart pounding violently in her chest. She pushed the curtain aside and sighed with relief, a teenage girl.

She drew the curtain back and looked at one of the nurses. “Where’s my daughter? Elizabeth Pierce and our bodyguard Bret McCain.”

“Doctor,” the nurse said nervously.

A man turned around and faced her. “Let’s step outside, please.”


Edward fought against his restraints. No one would tell him anything. “Let me out of here or tell me how my kids are, now!” he demanded.

“Please calm down, Mr. Pierce. Your scans came back negative so we’re going to release you from the board, but I need you calm down so I can stitch up those cuts,” a doctor said.

He made no promises as he waited to be released. They expected him to relax and stay in the bed when his two children were close by in pain? No way in hell. As soon as the last restraint was removed he pushed off the board and sat up.

“No!” he heard Dana scream. “No!”

“Dana!” he yelled. He stumbled to his feet and pushed past the doctor and the curtain.

Dana was in the middle of the emergency room, on her hands and knees sobbing hysterically. A doctor was bent over her trying to soothe her. Someone was dead. He stumbled over to her and pushed the doctor’s arm away from her. He took her into his arms. She latched onto him tightly.

He looked at the doctor. “Which of my children is dead?” his hoarse voice broke several times.

The doctor looked like he aged a hundred years in the last few minutes. “Neither. Brett McCain has passed away.”

Dana squeezed her arms around him tighter. She sobbed into his neck. A huge part of him sighed inwardly with relief. Then the sense of loss hit him. Brett was dead. He was a good friend and part of the family. He'd protected his wife and children on a daily basis.

“Your children are going to be fine, Mr. Pierce. A concussion, broken bones, cuts and minor internal bleeding, but I believe they will make a full recovery. I’m sorry about your loss,” he said softly and walked away.

“Oh god, Brett,” Edward mumbled. He began sobbing against her shoulder. They held each other for several minutes, ignoring the world around them.