“Me too, sweetheart,” Dana said. The last nine weeks seemed to drag some days and speed by other days. Her film was done, well her part was. She wasn’t really sure what they had to do now. She'd finished her book and finished their book with online collaboration from Edward. She turned them in last week for Rick’s approval and red pen.

She also kept busy promoting two of her books as well as the upcoming release of Christian and Bailey movie. The premiere was tonight and Edward was going to miss it. He would be attending the premiere in London instead. She missed him so much.

“Mom, you have to get ready!” Elizabeth said. Dana looked at the clock. She had one hour to get dressed. Cole beamed because he knew they were spending the night with Grandma Eleanor and Grandpa James. The kids were very close to Edward’s family. They treated Elizabeth and Cole like they were Edward’s children and the kids loved it.

“Who’s your date, Mommy?” Cole asked.

“I’m bringing Uncle Lucas tonight.”

“I like Uncle Lucas. He’s funny,” Elizabeth said.

“I do too, he’s a good friend,” she said. And he was. He turned into a great friend over the last two months. Granted she had to make out with him several times and do two love scenes with him. They joked and laughed before and after each intimate action. They didn’t take it seriously, but it looked real. Did it ever. They were allowed to watch the video clips the other day and she'd turned three different shades of red when she saw them. If she didn’t know better she would have thought they were really having sex.

“Mommy, aren’t you going to eat?” Cole asked.

Her hand went to her stomach. “No, sweetie, I don’t want to get sick again.”

“Aunt Deana said you have butterflies in your stomach,” Elizabeth said.

Cole laughed a sweet baby boy laugh. “How did you get butterflies in your tummy, mommy?”

“It’s just a saying, baby man,” Dana said, kissing the top of his head.

“I have to get ready for Grandma,” Cole said. He jumped out of his chair and made his way to his room. She had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop from laughing. Cole took over Edward’s fashion sense weeks ago, probably because he missed him so much. Now Cole refused to wear a shirt inside the house. It was cute to see Cole walking around like Edward. He really loved him.

“Hello!” Eleanor said, walking inside the house followed by James and Amy.

“Hey, guys,” Dana said. She hugged them both. Elizabeth ran to James. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. “How are you today, squirt?”

“Good, Grandpa, only one more week until Papa Bear comes home!”

“Yeah, I know. You know what that means?”

“No. What?” she asked, looking serious.

“That means we only have one more week to spoil you before he gets home!”

Her face lit up. “Oh yeah!”

James chuckled.

“Okay, I’m taking the little lady out to the car so we can discuss what junk food we plan on having behind your back,” he said to the women.

“Where’s my little man?” Eleanor asked, looking around for Cole. She was securely wrapped around his little finger and he knew and loved it.

“Here I am, Grandma!” Cole ran down the hall naked. The burns on his body were completely gone now. Thankfully he didn’t have any scarring. He was a very fortunate little boy. They all were.

“You remind me so much of Edward sometimes it’s scary,” she said to Cole. That made his day.

“That’s ‘cause we’re weal men,” Cole said, puffing out his chest.

“Come on, little man, let’s get you dressed and grab your overnight bags,” Eleanor said before turning her attention to Dana. “Good luck, sweetie. I’m sorry we can’t go tonight, but you know how much we love to see the kids.”

“I know and I really appreciate it, so much. You guys have been so helpful,” Dana said.

She waved it off. “These are our babies, too.” Cole took her hand and walked with her to his room. Amy and Dana watched Cole’s little butt dimple with each step and broke out into giggles.

Deana burst into the house. “Okay, please tell me you are at least prepped to go.” She stopped in front of Dana and gasped. “You look tired, pale and sick. What the hell?” She put her hand over her mouth and looked around to make sure the kids didn’t hear her.

“I’m so nervous. I haven’t been able to sleep or eat.”

“You haven’t eaten?” Amy asked.

“No, my stomach keeps turning every time I think about it. I know everyone did a great job on the movie, but this is my baby. And it’s about to come alive in less than two hours.” With that her stomach turned sharply. “Excuse me.” She made her way to the bathroom and dry heaved.

“Dana, are you okay?” Amy asked.

“No, I am so damn nervous. What if I pass out or vomit on the red carpet?”

“Aim away from me okay,” Amy teased.

“Ha ha, very funny.”

“I was completely serious. If you vomit so will I.”

“Take a shower so we can get you dressed, Dana,” Deana said, gently prompting her towards the shower.

“Okay.” She looked in the mirror. She wondered if they could do anything about the bags under her eyes or her pale complexion. Damn she missed her tan. She sighed, giving up and jumped in the shower. They had her dressed and dolled up within a half hour.

Lucas was on time. He greeted her in his usual way, with teasing. “Wow, you look awful!”

She rolled her eyes. “Thanks, you’re so sweet.” She playfully slapped his arm.

“Well, since I’m doing you this great favor of escorting you when your man is out of the country I expect a favor in return.”

“What?” Dana asked cautiously.

“I need someone for waltz lessons. It’s for a movie… Please.” He gave her a pathetic expression that made her laugh.

"Jill's unavailable?" she asked.

He sighed warily as he rubbed the back of his neck. "She skipped town again yesterday morning with my credit card. When I get my hands on her I'm going to wring her neck," he said, only half joking.

Dana met his sister a few times over the past two months and although she liked the girl she thought she had a lot growing up to do. She was twenty-five, immature, and hell bent on living up her famous down to earth brother's status since he refused to. Several times she thought of suggesting that he cut her off and force her to grow up, but it wasn't her place. He was her friend and she wouldn't hurt him for anything.