Mark was leaning against the limousine when they arrived. His cameraman was standing next to him with the camera down by his side. “Mark, I’m supposed to film this. We’re going to get in trouble.”

“We are not recording this,” Mark said through clenched teeth. He pushed off the limo and walked to Edward. He hugged Edward tightly.

“Man, am I am glad to see you. I’m glad the kids are alright. I’m so sorry about Brett. He was a great guy,” Mark said in Edward’s ear. Edward returned the hug and then released him so Mark could hug Dana.

“This is unbelievable. They’re acting like it’s a concert,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief, looking Edward and Dana over. “How are the kids?”

“They’re…they’re in a lot of pain. The doctors want to keep them sleeping for a little while. John has been sedated and admitted overnight to make sure he doesn’t do anything rash.” Dana wiped the tears off her face.

“Edward, can we have an interview?” a man from channel seven news asked.

“It might be the best thing if you said something now, while everything is fresh, Edward. It will have more of an impact,” Mark said softly.

“What if what I have to say is something people don’t want to hear?” he snapped.

“Then I think you should say it,” Mark said somberly.

Edward nodded. “Okay, but only if you pick up that camera and take part of it.” After a long pause Mark sighed and gestured to his cameraman to start rolling.

“I’ll wait for you by the car,” Dana said and stepped away. Edward grabbed her hand and brought her closer. He put his arm around her shoulders.

“We stand together,” Edward said. He kissed the top of her head which earned several “Boo’s”

He ignored the crowd. “Are we ready?” Edward asked

Mark nodded.

“This isn’t going to be interview. I have something I want to say.” He looked down at the ground for a minute, drew in a steadying breath before looked into the cameras. “Today I was attacked, chased, grabbed, and groped by teenage girls. I wish I could say this was a new experience, but it wasn’t.”

“This was a typical day in my life and in the lives of my family. I appreciate all of the people who enjoy our films and the books my wife writes, you have no idea how much you all mean to us. You’re in our daily prayers, but this” he gestured to the crowd surrounding them, “is too much.”

“A man, a very good man and friend died today because some fans went beyond appreciating our work to obsession. A young man’s life has been violently altered because three fans decided they had a right to attack and pursue me in very dangerous situation with two of our children in the car, a three year old and a six year old.” He shook his head in disgust.

“I understand the excitement behind meeting someone you admire, believe me I do,” he looked down at Dana and smiled fondly. “But there needs to be an understanding. I am a very happily married man with four small children. I am not, now nor will I ever be interested in another woman. I am done. I’m sorry if this upsets anyone, but this is the reality. Please respect that when you approach me, respect my wife by not crossing the line and laying your hands on me or her. Especially stop doing it in front of my children. It upsets and confuses them.”

“We don’t mind signing autographs and we especially enjoy getting to know you. All we ask is that some consideration be shown for everyone’s safety so something like this,” he gestured to the hospital, “doesn’t happen again. Now, I’m taking my wife home and making preparations to bring home our two children. We need to plan the funeral for our beloved friend and right now I need to hold my two youngest sons more than anything else in this world. So please, if you are going to stay here make it out of respect for that boy who is suffering in there because he lost his father. If you’re here for any other reason, please leave.” Edward turned with Dana and climbed into the limo with Tyler close behind them.

Dana snuggled into Edward’s shoulder. “Do you think that got through to anyone?” Edward asked as he absently played with a strand of her hair.

“Maybe a few people listened,” she sighed.

“What do we do now?” Edward asked.

“We go home, hold our sons, and prepare for tomorrow. I want nothing more right now than to enjoy our family and friends.” Dana pulled his hand to her mouth and kissed it.

“I don’t want us hiding out. I refuse to let them take anything else from us,” Edward said firmly.

“No, we’re not going to hide out. I have no plans on giving up any more freedom. We’ll live and deal with all of this nonsense as it comes. You’ll continue to act, I’ll write and sometimes maybe I’ll take a role. The kids will grow up in a happy loving home with two parents. That’s all I care about.”

“I love you, Dana.”

“I love you too, Edward.” He leaned over and kissed her softly.


Ten years later….

“Come on, Dad! One more time.” Cole’s voice cracked. He ran a hand through his damp hair.

“Yeah, Dad!” Tristan begged.

“Please, Daddy!” Caleb joined in.

Edward stopped kissing Dana long enough to answer his very demanding sons. “Can’t you guys see I’m busy trying to convince your mother to take tomorrow off so we can go to Busch Gardens?”

“Busch Gardens?” Caleb and Tristan repeated in unison.

“Yes, now go away so I can convince your mother properly.” Edward grinned. He didn’t wait for his sons to respond. He leaned back down and continued to kiss Dana. His hands gently rubbed her back as hers gripped his shoulders tightly.

“Guys, leave them alone. Tyler already said he’d take you on Splash Mountain, again,” Elizabeth said. She had grown into a very pretty young woman and Edward thanked god every day that she seemed to have her mother’s good sense. He never had to worry about her bringing home some loser. All her boyfriends treated her with respect or she dumped them without hesitation. It eased a great deal of tension off his shoulders over her dating.

“Yeah, but wait, Mom?” Cole asked. He was fourteen, but still her mama’s boy, when no one was around of course. In front of his friends he was more like Edward, laid back, relaxed and a guy’s guy. But when it came to his mother he didn’t play around. She was his best friend.