He heard Tyler offer to drop the bags in their room, the sound of footsteps, and then a loud “Oomph” as something fell on the bag. “Shit,” Tyler mumbled. He heard the bag being moved. The noise that followed sounded muffled.

Edward sat on the edge of the chair and listened as the tape was skipped to when they entered the room. The voices were muffled, but he knew they said each other’s names, but they sounded distorted. Even he couldn’t make out anything on the tape. The only thing he could hear was moaning…sort of. He listened anxiously to the rest of the tape. He began to laugh as the embarrassing moments came and went. None of them were clear enough.

He took off the head phones and sighed with relief.

Dana was now composed and sitting in the overstuffed chair. “Have you noticed we keep earning a reprieve when it comes to our sex life being recorded? First the video tape at the beach and now this?”

Edward chuckled. “We just have to check bags when we get to the house.”

“You know this isn’t going to be the end of it, don’t you?”

Edward stood up and walked over to her. He dropped to his knees in front of her. “I know. It will still be pretty bad for a while. Will you stand by me?” He caressed her cheek.

“Always.” She reached out to run her fingers over his jaw.

Chapter 19

“Buckle up, small fry,” Edward said as he turned the car on. He looked back to make sure Elizabeth was safely belted in before he moved.

“Okay, Daddy.”

“I need you to put this on. You can play it loud this morning, okay?” He handed Elizabeth her MP3 player. She smiled and took it.

He was dying to hear what people thought of the recording. The media circus outside their house had tripled overnight, not a good sign. He had a bad feeling when he turned the radio on. He tuned into his favorite morning talk show.

A song was just ending. It was one of his favorites and he found himself relaxing and tapping his fingers to the beat. The media slowly moved out of his way as he made his way out of the driveway. He didn’t roll down his windows when they tried to scream questions.

“We’re back. That was One Republic who will be playing in town this weekend. Now onto more important news like the MP3 that was released last night at eleven thirty on the web. What did you think about that, Trevor?”

Trevor laughed. “I thought it was a hoax, kind of an annoying hoax. The distortion on the tape was painful. However, when they worked their magic on the tape overnight and re-released the MP3 I thought I died and went to heaven. The lovely Dana’s moans were enough to drive even the Pope to shoot in his pants.”

“Oh shit,” he mumbled to himself. He looked in the mirror and saw his daughter bopping her head to whatever music she was listening to.

“My concern is, is this real? Or is it another tease like the video that ruled the internet for two weeks, eight months ago?” Trevor said. “What are your thoughts on this, Hank?”

“Well, after I listened to it for the tenth time this morning I went to YouTube and played a clip with Edward’s voice for comparison. I would stake my life on it that it is the genuine article.”

“I would have to concur on this one, Hank. Hmm, how strange we agree. How the hell are we going to fill up the remaining hour?”

“Gee I don’t know, Trevor. I think we could think of something. I know let’s break it down for our listeners!” Hank said gleefully.

“Oh no,” Edward mumbled.

“Now, I think it’s pretty obvious that-” Trevor started.

“Wait! For the listeners that haven’t heard it go to www.thepierces.com so you can hear it.”

“Good thinking, Hank. They should be well informed. Back to the discussion. I think it’s pretty obvious from the tape that this is the first time the couple has, consummated their relationship since the birth of the twins.”

“That it is, Trevor. I think it’s also obvious that Dana is a considerate wife who made sure Edward didn’t suffer for those two dry months. ‘You know after two months of blowjobs One would think you’d grow tired of them.’” They played a clip from the recording. Dana’s voice sounded sultry and crystal clear.

“I agree, providing your man with a blowjob when you can’t spread is a considerate thing for a woman to do, however,” Trevor began. Edward didn’t like that however, not in the least. “I think it was more considerate of Edward to offer to pull out. Now, let’s be honest, how many men would be able to do it never mind offer to pull out of Dana Pierce when they were balls deep in her? Huh, I don’t think many would. Either Edward Pierce is the man of steel or he’s full of shit and that was a fake offer.”

“Hmm, good point. Is Edward Pierce a considerate lover or a man who would say anything to stay between those luscious legs? Let’s give it a listen and see if he sounds honest.”

There was a slight pause before the next piece of recording played. “We can’t do this. You need to see the doctor tomorrow, baby. Is this much pain normal?” Another small pause followed by “Damn it, I’m pulling out.”

“You know what concerns me here,” Trevor said, the humor was clear in his tone.

“What’s that, Trevor?” Hank asked innocently.

“While our poor Dana is getting ripped to shreds she is going out of her way to compliment him. I would like to vote right now that Dana is the WJOR’s sex kitten of the year.”

“I would second that, Trevor,” Hank said.

“Listeners, go online now. I’m told we have a link to the recording and you can vote. Do you think Dana deserves to be The Sex Kitten of the year? You need to let us know.”

“I don’t know if she can be considered The Sex Kitten of the year anymore, Trevor,” Hank said.

“Why’s that?”

“Well, after the tape I doubt she’ll ever let him touch her again. Therefore if she’s not ha**ng s*x during the rest of the year she can’t be in the running.”

“Hmm, good point, however, I don’t think that will be a problem.” If they only knew, Edward thought smugly as he took a right turn. They discussed the possibility of the tape being fixed last night. After that they made out for an hour like a couple of teenagers before he pushed her down and took her from behind. Damn if she didn’t make him sweat. Their impending humiliation didn’t dampen their sex drive, not in the least. Hell, he woke up with her straddling him two hours ago.