

“Are the twins still sleeping?”

“Yes, don’t forget the snack,” Susan said.

“Already got it. I'll be home soon,” she answered before hanging up. She stopped on the way to the mall, knowing she would forget afterward. She picked up a hundred M & M cookies knowing Edward, Bret and Tyler would each steal some during the night.

“No luck I take it," Tyler said, chuckling.

“No, I’ll have to be sneakier about this,” she said. She walked around slowly. She didn’t touch anything. Tyler followed after her. Several women stopped shopping to watch her. She knew the minute she picked something out at least two other women would rush to buy the same thing. It was both flattering and annoying.

Her phone went off. She looked at the caller ID, it was Edward. “Hey baby, what’s going on?” she asked, trying to sound casual.

His answer was a chuckle. “I thought I’d call you and let you know I like the black teddy you were holding, oh and the white one as well.”

She groaned. “You really couldn’t let me surprise you.”

“Nope,” he said unapologetically.

“I would make my selection quickly before poor Tyler dies from heart failure. Man is his face red,” Edward commented.

His face was still the same bright red it was ten minutes ago. “Okay. I’ll see you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby, oh get the baby pink teddy with the lace in front.” Edward said, she could practically hear him drooling.

“Brat,” she teased.

“Yup.” He hung up.

She quickly picked up his selections in her size and a few that she liked. New panties were definitely in order. Her old ones had been stretched out from carrying the twins. Tyler held her garments so she could move faster.

Sure enough, two women trailed behind them picking out exactly what she did. She wondered if they knew she wasn’t a fashion expert. It was flattering and unnerving that women did this.

The clerk rang up her order and they were out of there. Tyler’s face slowly turned back to normal as they walked through the mall, making their way back to the garage.

“Great,” Tyler muttered. Their car was surrounded by paparazzi and fans. They pushed forward.

“Dana Pierce!” a girl yelled.

“Dana!” her name was screamed by several others. Tyler took the bags and made his way to the trunk.

“Mrs. Pierce, I am such a huge fan of yours!” a woman at least ten years older than her said. She was practically shaking with excitement.

“Thank you. Which book is your favorite?” she asked. That was one thing she always did, make time for her fans. They were the reason her books were published and they enjoyed her books almost as much as she enjoyed writing them.

“Oh, I love Pyte. That was so unexpected. I really enjoyed it. I also loved you in Rogue. I can’t wait for your new movie to come out! Only two more months!” she said breathlessly.

“Are you going to be making a new movie soon?” another woman asked.

“I’m not sure yet. The kids are keeping me pretty busy. I also have some book engagements I have to take care of.”

“That’s right, the new Christian and Bailey book is coming out tomorrow! Oh my God! My daughter and I are going to camp out in front of Barnes and Nobles tomorrow at three in the morning to get a copy!” the older woman said.

Guilt shot through her. It made her feel bad to know what lengths fans would go through to get a copy of her latest books or her autograph. “Please don’t do that. I would hate to know you were standing outside all night for a book.”

The woman smiled brightly. “I don’t mind. I do it every time one of your books comes out! It’s well worth it!”

There were several copies of her new book in the trunk and she was tempted to give the women a copy, but she knew it would violate her contract. If either woman scanned the books and posted them online before the official release she would be sued.

“Can I have your autograph?” they started to ask.

She nodded and accepted a pen from Tyler. She greeted each fan and talked to them for over an hour. Tyler stood by protectively. It wasn’t until her phone rang that she realized what time it was.

“Hey baby, I’m on my way now.”

“Good, your sons are up and hungry,” Edward said. She could hear the babies crying over the phone.

“I pumped this afternoon. There are four bottles in the fridge,” she said, signing another autograph.

“They already went through them…..and I….er, I dropped a bottle or two accidentally.”

She laughed. “Okay, I’m on my way now.”

“Dana, sign my ass!” a teenage boy asked.

“What?” Edward almost growled.

“Don’t worry about it,” she told Edward and hung up. She shook her head at the boy and made her way to the car. She stopped short. All over the car were handmade posters and notes were taped. Someone also used lipstick to write on the car's windshield.

“Great,” she mumbled. Tyler quickly wiped the windows clean while Dana sat in the car. On their way home several fans attempted to follow them home. Tyler took several wrong turns on purpose to lose them.

Twenty minutes later she walked inside her house to find Edward sitting on the couch with nothing more than a pair of pants on. He held up Caleb and kissed his little tummy, making him giggle. Tristan lay on the ground under his little play gym. He was making little spit bubbles and following the blinking lights excitedly with his eyes. He reached out to grab a soft toy that hung from the gym.

“I’ll go put these in your room, Dana,” Tyler said.

“Thank you, Tyler. Go take the rest of the night off you’ve earned it.”

Tyler smiled. “Yeah, I think I’ll go out for a drink.” Dana winced, feeling guilty for dragging him into Victoria Secret.

“Susan is in her room relaxing. The kids are asleep. All we have to do is tire out these little monsters and we can relax, too,” Edward said, kissing his son’s cheeks noisily, making Caleb giggle louder.

Tristan seemed to realize she was home and looked at her expectantly. His little arms and legs began to move frantically. She picked him up and brought him to the recliner. He squirmed in her arms eagerly as she unbuttoned her blouse and bared her nipple. He latched on immediately. He was not gentle.

“Ready for the other one?” Edward asked.