“I’ll go now, sweetie,” she said, turning to push the door open.

She heard Edward’s chair slide across the floor. “No, sweetie, don’t worry I’ll go.”

“No, I got it!” Dana said.

They stopped and stared at each other. Edward was still in his chair and her hand was on the door that led into the living room. Both of them were more than willing to go get the snacks. It meant a half hour to an hour of break time from the kids and peace and quiet. Errands in the house quickly became a race to the door. If Dana made it out this time she swore she was stopping and buying some cucumber and melon lotion, she was also going to walk around the grocery store and enjoy her momentary freedom. She loved her kids, but every now and then she really needed to get out of the house.

“Hold up. I have to go with whichever one of you makes it to the car first,” Tyler said, chuckling. This was their form of family entertainment. The kids cheered them on and laughed to see the antics their parents would pull in order to win. Until someone lived with infant twins, a toddler and a six year old they wouldn’t understand why even ten minutes outside of the house felt like pure ecstasy. Dana and Edward could almost savor it.

“Elizabeth, if you do that thing we talked about we’ll go out this weekend and pick out a puppy,” Dana said. Edward had promised the kids it was up her when she felt they were ready for the puppy. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to win right now. She was running low on essentials like shaving gel and desperately needed a new razor among a dozen other things. Getting out and running an errand with the twins was impossible. She always forgot something and never had enough time thanks to gawking fans and the paparazzi that drove her quickly through each aisle before she could grab what she needed.

Amy and Deana offered to pick things up for her, but they did so much for them already that she hated to bother them. Besides, Deana had her hands full helping with the children and was putting in overtime every other week so Dana could get a few extra hours of sleep. Amy was busy handling whatever she did to make people happy about Dana being on maternity leave from her book tour.

Edward used to pick up her things when he made his escape. After being hounded by women when he tried to pick out simple things like lotion for her he gave up. Every attempt he made to pick up tampons for her ended badly. He would end up grabbing whatever was closest at hand and make a run for the register. For some reason whenever women saw Edward Pierce in the feminine aisle they became giddy and nervous and would blurt out embarrassing menstrual stories in full detail.

He looked at Elizabeth in time to see his daughter jump onto his lap and wrap her arms around his neck firmly. “Go, Mommy!” Dana blew her daughter a kiss and made a run for it. Edward was laughing hard when she made her way out of the room. These little races were fun for both of them. They enjoyed the competition.

She wasn’t losing tonight. There was something she desperately wanted to buy for the last few days and tonight she was getting it. That’s why she played the puppy card. Eight weeks without being intimate with Edward was pure hell. It was standard after every pregnancy and she suffered through it. Tonight she was picking up something new to wear for him. He had no idea tonight was the night otherwise she was pretty sure he would have attacked her as soon as the words slipped from her mouth. It had been a very long eight weeks.

Dana burst through the garage door and found it empty except for the cars and tools. She was shocked, Edward usually won these races. He was fast and sneaky. It made her smile when he did his little touchdown dance when he beat her.

She ran to the car and reached into her pockets for the keys only to remember she forgot to grab them.

“Forget something?” Edward asked casually from behind her.

Dana turned around slowly to see Edward leaning against the door frame, dangling the keys in the air. She held out her hand for them. He grinned wickedly as he shook his head.

“I believe the rule we agreed to was that whoever got to the car first won.” Dana placed a hand on the car and smiled. “Game over.”

“You must want this pretty badly to offer the kids a puppy,” he mused. “I wonder why.”

She groaned. “Edward, trust me you want me to go. I have a surprise for you.”

“Hmm, I guess I could give you the keys. What’s in it for me though I wonder.”

She simply shrugged. “Okay go. But while you’re out I need some more tampons.”

“You’re bluffing,” he said evenly, but he looked nervous. He was gun shy about the feminine care aisle and she knew it.

“Whatever, just make sure you pick up a multi pack. Oh, and look for smooth plastic applicator,” she said, looking at her nails casually, knowing this round was already won.

Tyler walked past Edward and grabbed the keys from his hand. “You lost, big guy,” he said, grinning at Dana. She let him drive so he always rooted for her. Tyler hated being driven around. It made him feel useless.

Edward walked towards her and gave her a proper good bye kiss. She started responding, eagerly when Tyler honked the horn softly. She pulled back before Edward could grab her. He was suffering too.

“Bye, baby!” she chimed as she got in the car.


“I’ll meet you at the food court, Tyler. I just want to hit Victoria Secret’s for a minute,” Dana said.

Tyler’s face turned a fiery red, but he shook his head stubbornly. “Edward would can my ass the second he found out I left you alone.”

She sighed inwardly. “Okay.” They walked into the store. All eyes turned to her. She began to look through the lingerie. Every time she picked something up she heard the unmistakable sound of a camera phone go off. Just super, she thought. If Edward went online in a minute and went to one of the many sights focused on stalking them he would see what she was doing. It was something they did to amuse themselves when the other went out. There was no surprising Edward if he went online. Of course, she could intervene.

She picked up her phone and dialed the house. “Hello?” Susan answered.

“Susan, please tell me Edward is not on the computer.”

“I wish I could. He went on about five minutes ago.”

There was still a chance. It took at least two minutes for pictures to be added to fan websites. “Can you get him out of there?”

“Sorry, he told me that if you called I was to say, ‘Ha ha.’ He knows you’re up to something.”