“A little after two,” she said. They heard movement outside the door. She sighed and walked over and opened it. “You didn’t win the bet, Amy. I was grabbing my clothes. I have to make a quick trip to the pharmacy.”

Amy rolled her eyes. “Damn it!” She walked away.

“My entire family is placing bets on us?”

She smiled sweetly at him. “Not on me, baby. You.”

“If they only knew,” he said, giving her a lopsided grin that he knew melted her heart. “Where are we going?” he asked.

“I’m running out to pick up my prescription,” she said.

“You’re running out at two in the morning for prenatal vitamins?” His eyes narrowed on her.

“Well, that and a SoBe or two. I’m really thirsty,” she muttered with the cutest little pout.

He stood up. “That’s my job to get whatever you need. I’m not letting my woman go out at two in the morning by herself.” He took her hand and led her into the hallway. They heard a door open.

“No one is winning a bet. I’m going with her to pick up some drinks,” he said.

“Oh,” his father said after a moment. “Grab me a Ruby Red then and your mother some orange juice.”

“Got it,” Edward said, leading her downstairs so he could grab his shirt.


“I guess you were thirsty.” Edward chuckled as Dana finished her second drink.

“I did tell you.”

“Yes, you did,” he said, agreeing with her. She finished her drink and placed a hand on his thigh, gently rubbing it distractedly as she looked out the window.

“If you could just move your hand two inches up and an inch and a half inch over I’d be in heaven,” he said playfully.

Dana’s hand froze where it was as she absorbed what he was saying. When she moved her hand where he asked her he gasped loudly. He forgot how uninhibited she was when it came to their sex life. He silently thanked god as her hand teasingly stroked him through his pants. His erection jumped in response to her hand and could have sworn it damn near purred when she gripped it.

He saw a closed beach and pulled into the huge empty parking lot. He threw the car into park. “Baby, I apologize that this isn’t going to be the sweet romantic reunion you deserve. I’m too past my limit for this to be anymore than a quick hard f**k.”

She climbed into his backseat without saying anything and pulled her clothes off slowly while he watched. The moonlight lit up the interior of the car, giving him a perfect view. He licked his lips when she pulled her baby pink panties down.

“Fuck, baby, trust me I want to kiss, lick, and caress every part of you, but I have no self-control. The second I touch you I’m going to explode.” He yanked his shirt off and undid his pants freeing himself. Dana smiled at him and spread her legs wide in invitation. He growled as he climbed over the front seat to claim her.

He entered her in one swift move. She was more than ready for him. He moaned loudly as he began to move inside her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding on for dear life. She kissed and sucked his neck hard, knowing how much he loved that. His hands dropped beneath her bottom and pulled her up to meet his thrusts.

“Fuck! I missed this!” he groaned. She was so wet….so tight….It felt like a thousand tongues gripping his c**k as he thrust into her.

Her response was to suck on his neck harder, making his eyes roll back in his head. “You’re mine!” he said through clenched teeth.

She moaned against his neck. “Mine….fuck…all mine!” He thrust into her harder, shaking the car violently. She screamed his name as he kept up a hard pace. He forced himself to hold back, making it last as long as possible. The second time she came he couldn’t hold back as she milked him viciously. He yelled her name and a few profanities then claimed her lips.

He dropped his forehead to hers, panting. “Thank you,” he gasped.

“Mmm, I forgot how good you feel.” She kissed his clammy shoulder, gently making a trail of kisses to his neck. She ran a tongue down his neck making him moan and within minutes he was moving inside of her again.

“My turn,” she said, pushing him off.

“What?” he asked still dazed. She pushed him onto the seat and then straddled him, taking him in her. She began to move slowly on top of him as he kissed her deeply. His hands gently squeezed her br**sts. Then he moved his hands down to her bottom and cupped it, moving her on him harder and faster.

“Oh Edward! Edward!” she moaned, enjoying the moment.

“You like that baby? It’s all yours,” he said huskily.

“I love it!” she moaned, dropping her head back as she rode him.

“Fuck!” he groaned at the sight of this beautiful woman riding him with abandonment. She was so beautiful, so sexy and so damn sweet he could cry.



Her hands tightened on his shoulders as she obeyed.

“Hello?” a man said.

Chapter 12

A flashlight tapped against the window. “Excuse me, would you folks please step out and show me some ID,” the officer said.

Dana jumped off Edward’s lap and pulled her clothes on in record time. He zipped his pants up and opened the car door when he was sure that Dana was completely dressed.

He held out his hand for Dana. “Identification, please,” the officer said.

Dana and Edward handed over their ID’s. Edward’s eyes were drawn to the second officer and patrol vehicle parked ten yards away. It looked as though the officer was lecturing three young men and a woman. The four of them seemed to be ignoring the officer as they stared straight at him and Dana.

They weren’t press that much Edward was sure of. He looked around and saw a Jeep parked some ways down the parking lot. The officer went through their ID’s and handed them back.

“I would ask what you were doing here, but….uh….thanks to these kids we know,” he said, gesturing back to the teenagers standing next to the other cop. “I have to give you a ticket for trespassing after hours.”

“That’s fine, officer,” Edward said automatically. His eyes were focused on the kids.

“Officer, what exactly were those kids doing?” Dana asked.

The officer shifted uncomfortably. “We saw them hovering around your car. They were using a camcorder.”


“Oh no.” Dana mumbled.

“Get the tape!” Edward demanded.