He looked back to see Mark talking with his cameraman. “Mark, are you coming?” Edward called.

Mark looked at him and nodded. His cameraman followed him close behind. Neither man looked triumphant about getting the hottest interview in town at the moment. Mark looked upset and serious. That was one of the reasons he liked the man. He never took joy out of someone’s misfortune and he certainly didn’t risk his own life saving children expecting anything in return. He was a good guy all around.

Chapter 11

Dana and Edward slipped into their bedroom and quickly got dressed before they made their way to the kitchen. Dana immediately started to make coffee, sandwiches and snacks for the police officers and firemen. Within twenty minutes she had a huge spread laid out on the table for them.

Police and Firefighters passed through the kitchen, grabbing something to drink, or eat, and thanking her. Soon she found herself sitting on the couch with Cole on her lap.

“Baby, you need to eat something,” Edward pleaded.

She shook her head. “Not hungry now.”

“Damn it.” He stood up and pulled out his phone.

Dana watched as Edward paced the living room. She didn’t listen to what he was saying. She was still trying to calm down from the last two hours. It seemed like a lifetime ago, but her heart was still racing in her chest as if it just happened two minutes ago.

Cole sat on her lap happy as a claim, eating a cookie that Amy gave him. Elizabeth watched her Daddy walking around for a minute before she jumped off Deana’s lap and ran over to him to give him a quick hug before she ran to see Amy in the kitchen.

Dana began to feel lightheaded. “Cole, go see Aunt Amy for a minute, okay?” she said weakly.

“Okay, Mommy,” Cole said, jumping off her lap roughly.

She placed her head in her hands and tried to ride it out. “Ma’am, are you okay?” a police officer asked. She saw him drop to his knees in front of her.

“Just dizzy,” she mumbled.

“Get me a medic in here,” he yelled.

Edward was by her side in a second. “Are you okay?”

“Just dizzy, baby. It’s normal,” she said, trying to stay conscious.

“Normal?” the cop asked.

“She’s pregnant with twins,” Edward said.

“You should be off your feet, ma’am.”

“Dana, I’m taking you in for your appointment now. I just got off the phone with Dr. Downy. He wants you to come in immediately.”

“What about the kids?” she asked hazily.

“Amy’s here and Mom and Dad are on their way now to get them.” Edward said. He turned his attention to the officer. “My parents are coming. Is there any way to make sure they get in?”

“I’ll make sure,” he said, helping Dana to her feet. Edward picked her up, his ignoring her weak protests and headed towards the front door.

“Amy, we’re going!” he yelled.

She popped her head into the living room with two pudding coated children. “Okay, Mom just called me. She’s on her way.”

“Thanks, Amy,” Edward said. “Bye, guys, have fun at Grandma’s.”

“Bye, Daddy! Bye, Mommy!” the kids said before turning to return to their pudding.


“Everything looks really good,” Dr. Downy said, looking over her blood results and ultrasound again. “The babies’ heart rates are strong and steady. Everything from the placenta to fluid looks good. I think you just had a hell of a scare today, which is more than understandable.”

“Can I get off bed rest now?” Dana asked as she nibbled on a saltine cracker one of the nurses gave her earlier. Edward held her cup of apple juice for her.

“I don’t see any reason why not. Now you are aware that you have to have these babies by c-section, correct?” Dr. Downy asked.

“Yes,” she answered the same time Edward asked “Why?”

“There’s nothing wrong with your children, Edward,” he said in a reassuring tone. “Her last two pregnancies were delivered by c-section and so it’s safer for her and the babies to do it this way.” He looked over his calendar. “How does January tenth for a delivery date sound, Dana?”

“That sounds fine with me doctor.”

“That’s the day we’re having the babies?” Edward asked.

“Yes, unless she goes into early labor, which is a possibility with twins.”

“What will happen if that happens?” Edward asked nervously.

“Then you bring her in and I will take them out,” he said simply.

“When do I have to stop traveling?” Dana asked. She had dozens of dates booked over the next several months.

“I would say by six month as long as you’re doing well by car. I want you to stop traveling by plane in one month,” he said. “We’re good for now unless you have more questions?” he asked them both, but looked at Edward. Dana had to bite back a smile. No one answered. “Okay, I will see you back here in a month, Dana. Make sure you keep eating and drinking no matter what, okay?”

“Yes, Dr. Downy,” she answered.

“Um, I have a question,” Edward said, looking embarrassed.

“What is it, Edward?”

“When should we stop having, um, relations?” he asked, looking mortified.

Dr. Downy chuckled softly. “She can have intercourse up until the day before her surgery unless I specifically prohibit it. It’s actually very good for her and the babies. So don’t worry about it.”

His face reddened. “I can’t hurt them when I’m inside her, can I?”

“No,” he said, chuckling. “They’re very safe.”

Edward nodded and looked away. He had one more question, but now it seemed pretty stupid.

“Okay, I'll see you in a month.”

Dana took his hand and led him out of the building. Before they were able to take their first step outside they were met by an onslaught of media.

“What the....,” Dana began to say. She was shocked they followed them here.

“Is she okay? Is it a boy? Are you here for an abortion?” were some of the questions screamed at them.

Edward pulled her closer to him and led her to the car. He had a hard time opening her door for her with the paparazzi surrounding them. It took several minutes before she was safely inside.

“What can you tell us about the girl? Is she your lover? Are you leaving Dana?” they screamed at him. He sat behind the wheel and slowly pulled out, trying to avoid the reporters who were making it difficult to leave.