She nodded.

“They had to take out your clips. They were very loose and causing problems.”

“Is that why my stomach hurt all the time?”

“They think that had something to do with it,” he said, clearly trying to hide a grin from her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” he said. “First I have to ask you something that I’ve been trying to ask you for a while now.” He helped her sit up in bed and tucked her in. “Comfy?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?” she asked, trying to stay calm.

Edward dropped to one knee and held out a velvet box. “Dana Mathews, will you marry me?” he asked, holding his breath while he waited for her answer.

Her hands went to her face and she began to cry, “Edward.” She gave him a watery smile.

“Is that a yes?” he asked, not really sure how to take that response.

“Yes!” she said, nodding frantically.

He sighed with relief and slid the ring onto her finger. He kissed her. “Thank you,” he said. “I have two more questions actually. When can I adopt Elizabeth and Cole and what do you think about having more children?”

She was flabbergasted. “You can adopt them any time you want and I would love to have your babies.”

His smile was brilliant. “I have to tell you something. The reason you were sick and feeling like hell is because you're pregnant with twins. The clips didn’t work. I think I impregnated you on the first attempt,” he said smugly.

“Pretty proud of yourself, aren’t you?” she asked teasingly.

“Extremely proud.”

Chapter 10

“What are you doing?” Amy demanded.

Dana looked at her future sister-in-law and swore. She caught her again. She needed to get up and walk around, but Dr. Brown’s orders were very specific. She was to stay in bed and her guards were taking their orders seriously.

Everyone was excited and nervous about the pregnancy. They were excited because they adored Elizabeth and Cole and wanted more and nervous because this was the first pregnancy for most of them to be involved in. Eleanor and James were nervous because it had been so long since they were pregnant that Eleanor forgot that a lot of the complaints were normal.

The media had a field day with her collapse. Some claimed drugs, suicide attempt, or publicity stunt while others claimed she turned anorexic under the pressure. That is of course until Edward strutted casually out of the hospital towards the large media camp and yelled triumphantly “We’re having twins!” She watched that clip on YouTube at least five times a day. It was so damn cute to see him that excited.

The downside, thousands of girls around the world were in hysterics now that Edward was off the market and a father-to-be on top of that. Dana started to receive hate mail yesterday. After finding her crying hysterically Edward told Amy to have all her fan mail forwarded to her fan club to sort through. They were more than happy to do it for her.

“Amy, I need to get up. I’m going crazy lying here,” she complained, not for the first time.

“Too bad. Lay back,” Amy ordered.

Dana scowled at Amy, but did as she was asked.

“It’s just two more days you can handle that,” Amy chided her.

“That’s easy for you to say,” she shot back.

“Yes, it is,” Amy said, smiling. “You never know, your doctor might tell you tomorrow that you’re all set.”

“I wish,” Dana said grumpily. “I’m just surprised Edward’s letting me out of the house for that. I half expected him to kidnap the doctor and bring him here.”

Amy shrugged indifferently and crawled onto the bed next to her. “So, what are you hoping for?”

“They won’t be able to tell for two more months. But I wouldn’t mind one of each again,” she said.

“I'd like that. Then I’ll have two nephews and two nieces,” Amy said pleasantly. “You know Edward and Dad are going nuts turning the blue guest room into a nursery, don’t you?”

“I was afraid of that,” she said, laughing.

“Mom’s in charge of picking out the decorating. The kids picked out a Disney theme,” Amy said.

“Oh, that was really sweet of them.”

“Yup, and I’m in charge of decorating when they get everything. Apparently I have the eye for it or something like that,” she said with an exaggerated sigh.

“You do indeed. You’re very organized and talented, sweet, kind, generous, did I mention unbelievably beautiful?” Dana asked cheerfully.

Amy rolled her eyes. “Stop sucking up, I’m not letting you out of bed.”

“Traitor,” Dana muttered.

Amy chuckled. “You know Edward started to move in. He put his house on the market a few days ago.”

“That would explain why all of his clothes are in here.” Dana looked around the room. He also had boxes in here. “I thought he was preparing for a long stay.”

“Are you upset?” Amy asked carefully.

“No, of course not,” Dana said. “I love your brother very much.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” Edward said, walking in with another box in his arms. He dropped it on the carpet and walked over to Dana. He kissed her and then kissed her stomach, his new routine.

She ran a hand through his hair and smiled at him. “I hear you’re redoing the house.”

Edward glared at Amy. “You have a big mouth, brat.”

She smiled unapologetically. “Well, if you two don’t mind, I believe I promised a certain little boy and girl I would go swimming with them,” Amy said, getting off the bed.

“Swimming? I can do that, can’t I?” Dana asked excitedly. Anything was better than staying in bed for another day.

Edward sighed and pulled out “The List.” He'd carried it with him everywhere he went for the last four days. It was a long list he and Dr. Brown made up. It had a list of every possible danger for her. After he looked the list over several times he said, “Well, it’s not on here, but I’m not sure. Hold on, let me call your doctor.”

“No, baby, don’t,” she started to protest, but he already had his phone out and was talking to her OBGYN. The same OBGYN she hadn’t met and Edward had spoken to twelve times now. She counted the time his phone dropped the call and had to call back as one time.

“Are you sure? What about the chlorine….yeah, I’ll check it before she goes in. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you.” Edward snapped his phone shut.