“Edward, what do you think about writing a book? You’ve been an actor for the last six years. How does it compare?” Mike asked.

He forced himself to look at Mike. “I find myself really enjoying the process. Acting is still my passion, but I can definitely see why Dana does what she does. It’s exciting and interesting.” So was she, he thought.

“Dana, your very first book is being made into a movie, I hear you’re currently writing another book aside from the one you’re working on with Edward, you have two small children…how has this affected your personal life? Or you able to have a personal life with a busy schedule like that?”

Dana looked at him nervously.

“Not to touch on too personal an issue, but I’ve heard from several sources that since your divorce you have kept dating to a minimum, why is that?” he pressed.

Edward turned to watch her as he eagerly waited for her answer. “Well, my life is pretty chaotic at times. I enjoy spending my free time with my kids and weekends are completely dedicated to them. I’m a bit of a workaholic I guess you could say. I make it a point to write every day no matter what the day holds. Other than that I spend a great deal of time with my kids and friends.”

Mike smirked. “That didn’t answer my question about men.”

“I guess you could say I’m shell shocked from the whole experience. I would rather wait for the right man then go for the right here in front of me guy. I’ve gone out with several men in the last few months. They were nice, but there was nothing beyond friendship.”

“What are you looking for in a man?” Mike asked and Edward had to fight the urge to kiss the man for this.

She blew out a breath slowly. “Well, I guess I would like a laid back guy, someone who loves kids, funny, smart and kept it interesting.”

Edward gave himself a mental overview. He believed he could meet that description. He hoped. For the past three weeks he tried to build up enough nerve to ask her out. That never happened to him before. Usually he asked a woman out the second the thought occurred to him, but with Dana he was a bundle of nerves. He was afraid he was already half in love with her. Amy teased him nonstop when Dana wasn’t around. And when she was, Amy made little innuendos that Dana seemed to either ignore or was completely oblivious of them.

“Edward, I have to ask on behalf of the women out there. How’s your love life been affected by the addition of this book?” he asked Edward, but he was staring at Dana in a way Edward didn’t like.

“I’ve taken myself off the market for now. I’m focusing on work and my family.” Edward glared at the man who saw staring at Dana with great interest. Dana didn’t seem to notice. She was staring at her watch when she wasn’t gently pulling the edge of her dress over her knee for the thousandth time, not that Edward was staring, but of course he was. He couldn’t help himself.

“I have everything I need. You guys have been great,” Mike said, smiling. He stood up and shook their hands. Edward went to gesture towards the door, but was completely taken back when Mike put his tape recorder away and moved to sit next to Dana.

“Dana, I have to be honest with you. I don’t usually do pieces like this. I took this assignment hoping to talk to you. I’ve wanted to ask you out since the luncheon we both attended two months back, but I couldn’t manage to work up the nerve. I was wondering if you would have dinner with me tonight.” Mike asked in a gentle voice, trying not to come off as intimidating or desperate.

Dana’s eyes shot up to Edward’s. She looked nervous and….she was gauging his response? He was sure of it. He shook his head slightly, telling her not to accept. He would have screamed it, but that seemed too obvious to him. Dana bit her lip nervously. She seemed unsure what to do or what to say. He had no claim on her so he couldn’t say anything. The only thing he could do was wait for her answer.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to put you on the spot,” Mike said apologetically.

She turned to look at him. “No, it just took me by surprise that’s all.” She smiled.

“So, would you?” Mike prompted.

Edward opened his mouth to say something when she looked back at him quickly. Damn, she really didn’t know what to do. He never saw her act like this before. He personally saw at least ten guys ask her out a day and she always politely declined and he'd heard from Amy that she was asked out several more times when he wasn’t around.

Dana sat nervously between Edward and Mike. She hadn't expected Mike’s invitation and she was really uncomfortable mostly because Edward was standing there waiting a little too eagerly for her answer. He seemed to be more anxious about it then Mike was. When he shook his head she had to stop herself from asking Edward what was going on between the two of them in front of Mike. She could only think of one vague answer that would satisfy the situation and not hurt Mike’s feelings.

“Off the record?” she asked.

Mike thought she was teasing and chuckled. “Of course.”

“I’m seeing someone and I was hoping to keep it private. I'm sorry. I really appreciate the invitation that was really sweet, Mike,” Dana said.

Mike’s smile faded while Edward’s heart broke. “He's a lucky guy.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Couldn’t hurt a guy to ask.”

Edward saw him to the door. Dana walked past them towards the bedroom. He sat down on the couch and tried to wrap his brain around it. She was seeing someone else. He hadn’t heard about this before. He was positive that Amy would have told him if she was. There was one person who would know and she would tell him.

Edward pulled out his phone and called Dana's home phone. “Hello?” Deana answered.

“Deana, it’s Edward. I have a question for you. Who is Dana seeing?”

“Oh, let me check my calendar. I don’t think she has any appointments today,” she mused.

He held back his aggravation. “No, who is she dating?”

That earned a hard laugh from Deana. “She’s not dating anyone. Why would you think she was? She’s practically in love with you-oh damn, I have to go.” Deana stammered.

“What did you just say?” he pushed.

“Nothing, I didn’t say anything. I really have to go I’m getting the kids ready. Please don’t tell her we talked.” Deana hung up.

Edward dropped into a chair at the table. Did she mean Dana was in love with him? Was that possible? That would be……perfect. Now he just had to work up the nerve to ask her out without ending up hanging out with his sister again.