“Babe.” Connor strode over to me with Skye beside him, carrying her paper plate with a burger sliced into quarters. There were no condiments on it because Skye liked everything plain. Connor’s hand snaked around my back and jerked me against him. “Fuck, I’d love to sink inside of you right now,” he growled in my ear, keeping his voice low so Skye couldn’t hear.

“Daddy?” Skye said, looking up. “Can I go eat with Danny and Hope?”

“Sure, baby,” Connor replied, his hand stroking the top of her head. She smiled and ran off, the burger precariously close to falling off her plate.

“You realize Deck’s mood is going to suck now that you kicked his butt,” Georgie said as she continued by us.

He chuckled. “When does his mood not suck?”

“When I’m on my knees,” she replied over her shoulder and winked, while walking off with London and Chess to their men and the barbecue.

I rolled my eyes and Connor threw back his head and laughed. If melting with love were possible, I’d be a puddle at Connor’s feet.

I stood on my tiptoes and placed my arms around his neck. His T-shirt was wet, a mixture of sweat and water from the cooler that had partially spilled on him. “I love how you are with our daughter.”

He smiled then tilted his head and his mouth claimed mine. It was slow, sensual, and completely possessive. And I loved every second of it as I sagged against him.

When he drew back, his eyes twinkled. “So, when were you planning on telling me you’re pregnant?”

My eyes widened. Shit, how did he know? I had found out three days ago, but I’d wanted to surprise him with the news tomorrow after I had the confirmed blood test results from the doctor. I should’ve known he’d suspect. Connor watched me like a hawk. His overprotectiveness hadn’t changed and I was okay with that because I liked his protectiveness, especially if it involved ogling me.

I bit my lip while smiling. “How about right now?”

“I’m right? You’re pregnant?” he asked.


“Fuck yeah!” he yelled. His hands came under my butt and he picked me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he swung me around. “We’re having another baby.”

I weaved my fingers in his hair at the back of his neck. “Yeah.”

He shouted, “My girl is pregnant.”

There were cheers and shouts of congratulations and then there was Tyler’s, “Is it yours?”

I heard a smack and then Tyler’s, “What?”

Connor grinned and my chest swelled with so much love for this man.

He tilted his head, so his mouth was next to my ear, then whispered, “Limitless, shutterbug.”The End19 Questions

Alina’s answers.1) Vampire or Werewolf? Werewolf.

2) What was your favorite thing to do as a teenager? Dance on the rooftop of our house.

3) One word to describe you that starts with a “p”? Polite.

4) Favorite color? Powder blue.

5) How do you take your coffee? One milk.

6) What kind of pet or pets have you had? None. Never had a pet, but I’d maybe like a cat.

7) Would you ever polar bear dip? No way in hell.

8) One superpower you’d want to have. Invisibility.

9) Swim or laze on the beach? Swim.

10) What would you give up for your family? Everything and anything.

11) Favorite flavor ice cream? Butterscotch.

12) What type of bird would you want to be? Bald eagle. They are fierce and mate for life.

13) Potato chips or chocolate? Chips.

14) Bungee jump or rock climb? Bungee jump.

15) Favorite flower? Wildflowers.

16) What have you done that’s illegal? Drove a car before I had my license.

17) Do you want kids? And, if so, how many? Yes, but not sure how many.

18) Someone who would help bury a body? Why would I ever bury a body? My brother, Juan.

19) What is the best sound in the world? Children laughing. Connor’s laughter.

20) Will you marry me? YES.Connor’s answers.1) Vampire or Werewolf? Vampire.

2) What was your favorite thing to do as a teenager? Dirt biking.

3) One word to describe you that starts with a “p”? Protective.

4) Favorite color? Blue, and I hate orange with a passion.

5) How do you take your coffee? Black.

6) What kind of pet or pets have you had? My sister had all the pets.

7) Would you ever polar bear dip? I have. Naked.

8) One superpower you’d want to have? Invincibility.

9) Swim or laze on the beach? Swim.

10) What would you give up for your family? Everything.

11) Favorite flavor ice cream? Cookies and cream.

12) What type of bird would you want to be? Great grey owl. Their prey never hear them coming. Silent and deadly.

13) Potato chips or chocolate? Chips.

14) Bungee jump or rock climb? Done both, but prefer bungee jumping.

15) Favorite flower? Fuck if I know. Something blue.

16) What have you done that’s illegal? Broke into my sister’s school and stole the hamster.