Evan returns with a cup in his hand. “Here you go, madam.” I take a swig, trying to hide the burn of the cheap booze. “So, what’s your vice tonight? Physics or psychology? You know, I could help you with physics if you’d like.”

I grunt, pulling my physics book out of my backpack. “At this point, I’m not sure there’s any hope for me in that class. I’ve missed too much and blew off the extra assignment he gave me. I’m not sure there’s any saving me now.”

Evan claps his hands. “Never say never. How about we go into my room and let them work on psychology. I will work my magic and get you where you need to be.”

I’m hesitant. Being alone with him in his room doesn’t sound like a good idea.

“I promise I’ll be a complete gentleman. Studying only. I’m actually trying to get back together with Green Dress Girl, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to hit on me or make any moves.”

He wears a goofy grin, and I roll my eyes at his ridiculous way of bringing me comfort.

“Sure. Whatever you say. Hands to myself.” I can’t help but let a soft chuckle fall off my lips as we gather our things and drinks and head down the small hallway. We enter his bedroom, and I’m not surprised to find a typical college guy’s room: unmade bed, sports stuff everywhere, and in desperate need of someone to do his laundry. He throws a bunch of things off his bed, making space for me. I try to search for a better place to study, like a desk, but have no luck.

“Sorry, it’s a little messy. Okay! So, what’s the last thing you have? We’ll go from there.”

He gets right to business, and I find myself easing up a little. I set my stuff down, placing my cup on his nightstand. I open my notebook and groan, seeing how far I’m behind.

“You sure you want to do this?” I ask. “This might be a pet project you’re going to regret later.”

His hands go over his heart as he dramatically sighs. “How can anyone regret helping you?” He opens his physics book, and we get started.Time gets away from us, and before I know it, it’s close to one in the morning. We’re still heavily studying, but in between chapters, we find ourselves laughing at each other’s lame jokes and making small talk about our lives. I share minimal details, trying to stay away from the still bleeding wounds of Gabriel. Evan tries to pry about Violet and our psychology professor, but I keep to the basics of what was printed in the local paper. He lets it go but tries to be sly and asks me about a boyfriend. I keep my breathing steady when I tell him I don’t have time for one, hoping this time he gets my hint.

“Fine, fine… Hey, you look like you’re on empty. I’ll be right back.” Evan excuses himself to fill our drinks for the third time. I should probably decline. I’m a bit drunk, and this is not the best environment for me to be in while intoxicated. It takes him a bit longer to return, so I grab my phone to jump on social media and keep myself busy. That’s when I notice the three missed calls, all from Gabriel.

My heart races. My nerves are like a tight rubber band snapping as I contemplate calling him back. Why is he calling me? Why now? He hasn’t left a voicemail, and it kills me needing to know why he’s calling. Don’t do it, Hazel. He’s just going to suck you into his web of sweet lies.

Evan returns, and I toss my phone in my backpack. Forgetting my own warning signs about overdrinking, I accept his hefty pour of booze, tip my head back, and down the entire cup.

“Whoa there, cowboy.”

I wipe the excess alcohol off my lips. “Sorry, I was just…” What am I doing? I need to get out of here. “You know what, it’s been a long night, and my head is at its limit with physics equations. Maybe we should call it a night—”

“No way! We just got started. Plus, everyone in the living room is deep into a study session. It doesn’t look like Violet is anywhere near ready to go.” His comment throws me off. I know Violet takes school seriously, but considering the time, she’s probably just as concerned about getting home and not pissing off my dad for being out too late.

“Yeah, well…maybe I should just go check on her and touch base. It’s late, and we have a full day of classes tomorrow.” Standing up, I sway on my feet. My hand immediately clutches the bed so I don’t fall into the nightstand.