In the days that passed, I prayed he would follow through with his offer: sneak into my bedroom, find me in the dark, and ravish every single part of me. But he never did.

My eyes never leave Gabriel’s car as the light turns green, and he heads north toward the city.

I shouldn’t…

It’s late. I’m sure my dad is wondering where I’m at. What would I even do if I found him with another woman? Hi, I’m his best friend’s daughter. I’m stalking him because I’m obsessed with older men. And yeah, can you not have sex with him? ’Cause I’m trying to pursue him.

Sounds real rational, Hazel.

Too bad my curiosity outweighs my common sense. Getting in my car, I turn the ignition over and follow him. He drives well into the city, passing block after block of the busy nightlife until we come to a patch of abandoned, brick industrial structures. He finally parks in front of an unmarked building. No business signs or vibrant lighting indicate where we are. I glance around, wondering why we stopped. A man appears out of the alleyway, and Gabriel gets out, handing him his keys. I watch as he disappears down the dark alley and inside an unmarked door.

I’m about as dead as that cat because my curiosity tonight clearly has no bounds. Parking on the other side of the street, I get out and jog toward the door Gabriel disappeared through. Not even attempting to knock, I open the door and step inside. My eyes widen as I take in my surroundings. Dance music and flashing neon lights grab my attention first. This place is some sort of club—a secretive one considering the seclusion and zero signs outside. I walk in further, my eyes adjusting to the low-lit room. An extensive bar lines the back wall while occupied tables surround a full dancefloor. When I spy a half-naked woman dancing on a table, my mouth falls open.

“Excuse me, can I help you?”

A woman dressed in a black lace lingerie attire approaches me with a sneer.

“I’m just here meeting a friend,” I lie, trying to keep my cool. Pushing my chest out, I stand straighter, hoping I appear older and she doesn’t kick me out.

“I’m sure you are, sweetheart. Can you tell me the name of the guest?”


“Do you harass all your patrons like this? I’m perfectly fine. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find my friend.” My weak attempt at acting rich and worthy of this club fails when she grabs my bicep as I walk past.

“I need to see your card or guest pass, or I’m going to have to ask you to—”

“She’s with me.”

Gabriel’s deep voice seeps into my veins. I don’t know whether to be scared or relieved.

“My apologies, Mr. Walker. Enjoy your evening.”

The woman walks away without another word, and my eyes stay trained on her back, refusing to make eye contact with the fierce man behind me.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you in such a place, little bird?”

My skin buzzes with nervous tension and anticipation for when I finally face him. Will his usual controlled manner still be there, or will I witness the beast of a man my dad talks about? I inhale a deep breath and turn to face him. There’s no stronger power than the will of a man with his kind of strength and stature. Gabriel screams dominance. Power. He takes control.

“I wanted to get a drink.”

His lips curve into a knowing smile. “Does your father know you’re here?”

“No. I don’t need to tell him everything. I’m a big girl.”

He lifts a crystal glass to his mouth and takes a long sip, his eyes never leaving mine. My bravado slips, and suddenly I’m not feeling so tough. His intensity is chipping away at my calm.

“No…okay…I saw you and…followed you. What is this place? A strip club?” I peer around, noticing more undressed women sitting on laps, dancing, doing—

“What do you think it is?”

I think I just walked into some sort of private sex club. “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me? You’re the one who came here,” I reply, acting confident, far from how I feel.

Gabriel takes a step toward me, his free hand caressing my cheek. His touch burns in a way I crave, and I want nothing more than for him to set my entire body on fire. “I can show you, little bird, but once you’ve seen it, I can’t have you flying away on me.”

“I won’t. I promise. Show me. I want to know,” I breathlessly reply.

He laughs at my eagerness and finishes off the rest of his drink. “All right. I’ll bite. But just know, you’re teasing a man who’s always hungry…I might bite off more than you’re willing to offer.”

Another warning I’m not sure how to process. Is this his way of giving me an out? A scare tactic to get me to turn around and run back home? What he doesn’t know is how bad I want this—him. He’s no stranger to sex or provocative women. I’ve heard him and my dad talk late at night after a few too many pours. The real question is: can I handle what he’s offering?