I walk over to the bed and slam the rest of my beer. “Wakey-wakey, little bitch. Time for you to pay up for all the times you teased me while making me work for your bitchy ass. You’re going to pay for all the time I spent on you without knowing you’ve been daddy fucking this whole time.”

I crawl onto the bed and spread her legs apart, having to pull my hand away to wipe my dripping nostril. “What’s that, bitch? You’re sorry for leading me on?” I take a finger and slide it inside her cunt. She groans, starting to come to. “Oh, you want more?” I take a second finger and slide it inside. “You should show a little bit more appreciation, dry bitch.” I work my fingers, trying to create a lather. “This isn’t going to be easy fucking you if you’re so dry, whore. Or do you only get wet for daddies?”

Becoming annoyed, I grab at her tit and squeeze hard. She groans on contact, and my dick gets hard. “That’s right, tell me how you want it. Beg, and maybe I’ll forgive you.” Her phone goes off again, killing my mood. I pull my fingers out of her and jump off the bed.

Him again.

Jesus, how pathetic can you be? I’m tempted to answer again and tell him she’s busy with my cock in her mouth. Maybe that will get him to stop fucking calling. The phone pings and another text comes through.

Dad: You’re dead, motherfucker.

Then another…

Gabriel: You lay a hand on her, and you’re dead.


Did her bitch roommate rat me out? I begin pacing my room, trying to figure out what to do. Another line. Another beer. I stare over at Hazel. Fuck that guy. He’s not gonna scare me. She asked for this—and she’s going to get exactly what’s coming to her. My father will cover this up, just like he always does. I toss back the beer in one gulp and chuck the empty bottle to the corner of my room. Pulling my pants down, I’m hard as fuck. Pumping my cock to get ready, I groan and walk over to Hazel. Too many fantasies flash through my mind. Shoving my cock in her mouth sounds enticing, but so does her ass. Fuck. I start jacking off at the mere thought. With one hand still wrapped around myself, I lean over and thrust a finger back inside her and growl out, frustrated at how dry she still is.

“Fucking bitch.” Leaning over to my nightstand, I open the drawer for my lube. I bet if I hurry, I can fuck her ass too before she fully wakes up. I coat my dick and push her legs open wider when someone starts knocking on my door.

“Evan, you in there, dude? Some chick is here for you.”

“Tell her I’m busy and to go away.”

“Yeah, I don’t think she’s taking no for an answer, man. She’s looking for her friend.”

More banging.

“Open the door, you sleazebag. Hazel, are you in there?”


Goddammit. This stupid bitch is becoming more of a hassle than she’s worth. Jumping off the bed, I throw the covers over her, slide back into my boxers, and open the door to my roommate and Violet, Hazel’s fucking cockblocking roommate.

“Dude, she’s fine. She doesn’t need a babysitter.”

“Fuck you,” she grits out, trying to push past me. My arm reaches out, and I grab around her neck, gripping her viciously and slamming her back into the wall.

“Evan! Jesus! What the fuck!”

Grayson tries to intervene, and I turn to him, my fingers digging into Violet’s throat. “Back off, man.” My eyes are wild with rage. No one tells me what to do. Like the pussy he is, he backs off, and I return my attention to the cunt roommate. She struggles under my death grip, and her nails scrape down my arms. I relish in the way her skin reddens as I cut off her air supply. “I don’t think so, bitch. You don’t just come into my room. As you can see, we’re fucking busy.” The bitch screams and tries to kick me in my nuts, so I slam her up against the wall again.

“Hazel!” she cries, looking over my shoulder. “What the hell have you done to her!” I can’t help but laugh. This bitch is practically purple.

“What the fuck, dude? Let her go.” Grayson whines and tries again to intervene. This time he knows better than to fucking touch me.

“Grayson, buddy, I suggest you stay the fuck out of this.” Still holding the bitch’s throat, I reach into my dresser and grab the 9mm Dad gave me for my birthday.

“Whoa, whoa, what the fuck, man!” Grayson backs up, throwing his hands up in surrender.

“I think I’m the one who should be saying what the fuck. You’re the ones barging into my room when I’m busy.”