“I want to get drunk.” I need to numb the pain eating away at me.

“Darn, I thought you’d say that. Daddy Heath doesn’t take too fondly to me drinking.”

I give her my biggest smirk. “Good.”

“Ugh, I also knew you’d say that. Well…drinking it is.”

Violet doesn’t disappoint. She’s never been a big drinker, even before she was claimed and given rules and restrictions by my possessive dad. But tonight, she doesn’t let me down. We head to a local hole-in-the-wall bar and start a tab for the entire bar, courtesy of my dad’s credit card, and she matches me shot for shot. We’ve been at it for well over an hour when someone startles me, grabbing at my shoulder.

I jump in my seat and whip around to see Evan. “Geez, Tyson, don’t hit me.” He laughs and backs away as I lower my fists.

“Oh, sorry, I thought you were going to be someone else.” We have a stare-off, as if he’s waiting for me to say something. “So, what are you doing here?” I ask.

“Wild Wednesday. Drinks are super cheap.” He waves at Violet, and they exchange small talk. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, a little lighter on my feet. When I catch my reflection in the mirror, I groan. I look like I lost a battle with a beehive. My eyes are puffy, and my face is blotchy from crying. Not to mention, I think I’m drunk. Actually, I am drunk. I grab the counter and take a few deep breaths, hoping they help me sober up some, but then I break out into a fit of giggles. “What the hell is wrong with me?” I start to laugh harder. “I just singlehandedly blew up my entire life,” I yell out and bend over, holding my stomach as more laughter tears through me. To anyone else, I must look certifiably insane. I mean, how am I laughing right now? I not only lost the man I love, I told my dad I hated him and probably just got disowned. He’s most likely canceling the checks for my tuition and enrolling me into a convent on Mars.

My erratic laughter takes a downward spiral, turning into sobs. “Shit, don’t do this here.” In and out, I try to catch my breath. When I pull it together, I slap water on my face and pee. When I head back out, Evan is sitting in my seat.

“Thought you fell in,” Violet says. “Your turn keeping Evan company. I have to pee. Maybe make a quick call to make sure campus security isn’t searching for us.” She winks at me and takes off toward the bathroom. I dread making small talk, so I accept the drink he hands me and busy myself drinking it.

“You left in such a hurry this morning. Everything okay?”

So much for hoping he wouldn’t bring that up. “Yeah, it’s just…I—”

“Had to call your boyfriend back?”

His tone is less friendly, his eyes missing their normal friendly look. “I told you, I don’t have a—”

“Boyfriend. I know. You’ve said it a bunch of times. But you wanna explain to me why your family friend calls you nonstop? Seems like more than a friend to me. I looked into him. The name.”

I’m not what he’s getting at with this, but I’m not liking where the conversation is going. “Listen, I’m not sure that’s really any of your business.”

He grabs my bicep, pulling me toward him, and I stumble between his thighs. “It is my business when I’ve invested the whole semester on you.”

What the fuck? “And I’m pretty sure I’ve never given you any reason to think we were anything but friends.” His grip on my arm tightens, and I yelp in pain.

“Is that so? Flirting with me for my notes. Promises for coffee and lunch. What? Did you think I was helping you out just to be nice?”

What a jerk. I tug at my arm, and he releases me. I rub my bruised arm and step back. “Sorry I mistook you for a nice guy. Clearly, my asshole radar was off.” I slam my drink, place the empty glass on the bar, and turn to grab Violet and get the hell out of here and away from him when I sway back into the bar. Shit. My head spins. “What the hell…?” I grab for the bar stool as my vision blurs. Evan stands, pulling on my arm. I fall into him, and he forces me toward the exit.

“Yeah, bitch, so is your radar for nice guys. You ain’t getting away without giving me what I’m owed.” The world around me tips on its axis, and my mind goes blank as my body becomes not my own. My mouth opens to scream, but no sound comes out. The second I’m placed in his vehicle, I make the mistake of closing my eyes, and within seconds, lose consciousness.