“You. I belong to you.”

He pulls the phone away and speaks, “I no longer have use for you. Leave.” Then he’s back with me. “Tell me, pet. Have you touched yourself since my fingers have been inside you?”

Bastard. I grit my teeth. “No.”

“Good,” he says, then hangs up.Gabriel

Three days later…My eyes are glued to the naked woman dancing in front of me, but my mind is elsewhere. Heath is rambling about something, but I can’t focus enough to pay attention. The only thing I see is her. Pink. Wet. Willing.

I slam my scotch, shooing the girl away to fetch me another. “I’m thinking of taking up a new girl,” I blurt out. I need complete control to feel like myself. And right now, someone has me out of sorts.

“What happened to your old one? You break her already?” He laughs, taking a sip of his bourbon.

“She doesn’t shine like she used to. It’s time to replace her.” It’s no secret I go through toys as fast as some go through underwear. I like them shiny and new. When they dull, I set them free. I have rules and specific tastes. When a woman no longer fulfills those tastes, she’s useless to me.

“You know, that shit is going to catch up to you one day. Some may consider your tastes borderline illegal.”

He has no idea.

It’s illegal, all right, but only really in the eyes of friendship and morals. Hazel is of age, which is just about the only thing on my side. I’ve shared a private room with girls a time or two with Heath, so he knows my needs, and there’s no hiding how much of a sadistic motherfucker I can be. If he even got wind of Hazel and I. Where the fuck is that girl with my drink? “Enough about me. What has you wound all tight? Looking for a woman to take all your problems away?”

“More like a girl the same age as my fucking daughter.”

This grabs my attention. “Ah, now you’re speaking my language. Do tell.”

Heath is typically stressed; he’s a powerful man in his line of business and doesn’t pull a shit ton of money without bearing the weight of the responsibility behind it. But lately, he’s been wound tighter than usual.

“What’s there to tell? Hazel has a roommate who makes my blood boil. Just the sound of her voice makes me want to drive my cock down her throat. She’s fucking eighteen, man, and I can’t stop thinking about ripping her in two. Jesus, I’ve lost my mind. I just need to get some pussy. That’s my problem. Ignore me.” He slams the rest of his drink.

My, my, my…looks like we’re in the same boat. Too bad my boat consists of his precious baby girl.

“Then what’s stopping you?” I ask. Maybe his answer will help me figure out why I stopped myself from fucking his sweet little daughter.

“Stopping me from what?”

“Fucking her? What’s stopping you? Is she willing?” Like your daughter? Fuck, I need to stop.

“I can’t.”

“Why? Afraid she won’t like your taste in sex? They all submit sooner or later. Some don’t know what they want until you introduce them to it. Young and eager? Sounds like the jackpot to me.” If he only knew who I was describing. It makes me want to go to her. Bend and break her. The mental image alone stirs awake the sadist inside me. It’s a good thing she’s at school, putting distance between my beast and her beauty.

“No. I mean, I can’t. Not only is she way too young, but she’s also Hazel’s roommate. That’s just all-around fucked up. I’m not a fucking asshole.”

My hands wipe down my face at his reply. Fuck. What does that make me? I don’t wait for my drink to come. I tell him to fuck the girl or get a private room because he’s becoming intolerable, then get up and head to the elevator. My finger jabs roughly at the button for the lower level, and my jaw ticks as the doors open. I storm into a private room, needing to release all this pent-up aggression. Ever since I started this game with Hazel, I feel like I’m the one who’s losing. I come into these rooms and use my whip to blow off steam, but then I make them leave. I have yet to touch another woman since I’ve touched her.

Tonight, I’m changing that. I’m the one in control here. Not her. I pick up the phone and let the girl on the other line know exactly what I want—young, blonde, submissive. I undress while I wait, pacing the room, picking out the exact toys I fancy for the evening. A soft knock sounds on the door, and I instruct her to enter.

I keep my back to her as I order her to undress and face the wall. She’s quiet and obedient, just as I demanded. When I turn toward her, she’s doing precisely as I instructed. “Kneel.”