“It is too late for that, Angelus,” he said.


“Because he paid his way, and I accepted the price. Because”—Xavier slowed his words, as if he was letting them fall into place in his mind—“he is my friend, and I have no other.”

“He’s not your friend,” Angelus hissed. “You’re too brainless to have a friend. Brainless and heartless. All you care about are your worthless trinkets, your lost baubles.” Angelus sounded frustrated. I wondered why he cared what Xavier thought or did.

What is Xavier to him?

There had to be a story there. But I didn’t want to know about anything that involved Angelus and his minions, or the crimes they must have committed. The Far Keep was the closest thing I’d ever found to Hell in real life—at least in my real afterlife.

“What you know of me,” said Xavier slowly, “is nothing.” His twisted face was even more expressionless than usual. “Less than I know of myself.”

“You are a fool,” Angelus answered. “That I know.”

“I am a friend. I have in my possession two thousand assorted buttons, eight hundred keys, and only one friend. Perhaps it is not something you can understand. I have not often been one before.” He looked proud of himself. “I will be one now.”

I was proud of him, too.

Angelus scoffed. “You will sacrifice your soul for a friend?”

“Is a friend different from a soul, Angelus?” The Council Keeper said nothing. Xavier cocked his head again. “Would you know if it were?”

Angelus didn’t respond, but he didn’t need to. We all knew the answer.

“What are you doing here, then? Mortali Comes.” Angelus took a step toward Xavier, and Xavier took a step back. “Friend of the Mortal,” Angelus snarled.

I resisted the urge to insert myself between them, hoping that Xavier, for both our sakes, didn’t try to run away.

“You seek to destroy the Mortal, do you not?” Xavier swallowed.

“I do,” Angelus answered.

“You seek to end the Mortal race.” It wasn’t a question.

“Of course. Like any infestation, the ultimate goal is annihilation.”

Even though I was expecting it, Angelus’ answer caught me off guard. “You—what?”

Xavier looked at me like he was trying to shut me down. “It is no secret. The Mortals are an irritant to the supernatural races. This is not a new concept.”

“I wish it was.” I knew Abraham wanted to wipe out the Mortal race. If Angelus was working with him, their goals were aligned.

“You seek entertainment?” Xavier watched Angelus.

Angelus looked at Xavier’s leathery wings, disgusted. “I seek solutions.”

“To the Mortal condition?”

Angelus smiled, dark and joyless. “As I said. The Mortal infestation.”

I felt sick, but Xavier only sighed. “As you wish to call it. I propose a challenge.”

“A what?” I didn’t like the sound of it.

“A challenge.”

Angelus looked suspicious. “The Mortal defeated the Dark Queen and won. That was the only challenge he will face today.”