She sniffed. “Hmm. Ethan’s not strong enough to carry that kinda weight across. He probably doesn’t even know how.”

“But there is someone strong enough,” Marian coaxed. “Perhaps more than one someone.” She was talking about the Greats.

The question was, would Amma call them?

I bit my lip.

Please say yes.

“Figured if you were callin’, you were lookin’ to test out just how far crazy will go.” Amma opened the quilting bag and took out a shot glass and a bottle of Wild Turkey. “So I came prepared.” She poured a shot and pointed to me. “You’re gonna have to help, though. We need the power a both worlds, don’t forget.”

I nodded. “I’ll do whatever I need to.”

Amma nodded in the direction of Ravenwood. “You can start by gatherin’ up the rest a your kin. You don’t have the kinda power we need on your own.”

“Rid is here, and John can help, too. He’s half Caster.”

Amma shook her head. “If you want that book to cross, you’re gonna have to go get the rest a them.”

“They’re in Barbados.”

“Actually, they returned a few hours ago,” Marian said. “Reece stopped by the library earlier tonight. She said your grandmother wasn’t fond of the humidity.”

I tried not to smile. What my grandmother wasn’t fond of was missing all the action, and Reece wasn’t much better. With every Caster power in my extended family, I was certain they knew something was going on.

“I could ask them. But they might be tired from all the travel.” I was worried enough that Uncle M was going to change his mind about all this. Adding the rest of my family into the mix fell somewhere between risky and idiotic.

Amma crossed her arms, as determined as I’d ever seen her. “What I know is that this book isn’t going anywhere without them.”

There was no use arguing with her. I had watched Ethan try to talk her down when her mind was made up, and he rarely succeeded. And Amma loved him more than anyone in the world. I didn’t stand a chance.

Ridley nodded at me. “I’ll go with you for backup.”

“Your mom will freak if you just show up. I’m going to have to tell her you’re back. And I should probably tell them that you’ve—” I hesitated. It wasn’t going to be easy for anyone in my family to deal with the fact that Ridley ran back to Sarafine for her Dark Caster powers. “Changed.”

Link looked away.

That wasn’t the worst of it. “It’s going to be hard enough to explain to Gramma why I have the Book.”

Rid slung her arm over my shoulder. “Don’t you know that the best way to distract someone from bad news is to give them some worse news?” She smiled, leading me toward Ravenwood. “News doesn’t get much worse than me.”

Link shook his head. “No kidding.”

Ridley spun around and pushed her sunglasses up. “Zip it, Shrinky Dink. Or I’ll make you want to rip into your mother’s room and tell her you’re becoming a Methodist.”

“Your powers don’t work on me anymore, Babe.”

Ridley blew him a sticky pink kiss. “Try me.”


Caster Catfight

I opened the front door, and the air inside the house seemed to move. No—it was moving. Hundreds of butterflies fluttered through the air while others rested on the delicate antique furniture Uncle Macon had spent years collecting.


What was I doing to Ravenwood?