He slumped over her, pressing a kiss to her damp neck. She turned over to face him, her fingers touching his cheek. "Not too rough?" he asked.

"No," she said softly. "It was . . . everything."

He waited for more, but she just lay beside him, seemingly content.

"Do you . . . want to talk about anything?"

She shook her head.

And that's when he realized she wasn't going to talk about it.

Somehow she'd pushed all her doubts aside and was grabbing the moment. The problem was Devine didn't know how long his Camelot was going to last. But if he pushed the issue, demanded they talk about their relationship, she might flee. Maybe the best thing would be to follow her lead. No need to decide on terms or how they were together.

"Will you spend the day with me today?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Maybe we can go to the dog--oh!" She yelped and pulled back, and Han and Leia jumped on their naked bodies with pure joy, barking and licking, with scrambling paws and tangled limbs.

Devine protected his most precious part and Han walked on his back, furiously licking at his ear, causing him to burst into laughter.

Yeah, things were just about perfect. No reason to complicate things.

Communication was always overrated anyway.

chapter ten


She spun around in her chair to face Kate. "What's up?"

Kate crossed her arms, studying her face. "You look good, babe. Is there something going on?"

She grinned. The last month had been perfect. Leia was finally learning to pee outside and sleep in her crate without crying all night. She'd finished the project Arilyn had given her and had done so well, they now wanted her to help out more with the clients. She was going through a brief training program so she could help them with intake sessions.

Then there was Liam.

The thought of him made her insides mushy. Since that morning on his couch, they'd been together almost every day. They took the dogs to the park together, cooked dinner, watched Star Wars, and had crazy, wild, dirty, delicious sex.

All the time.

Her body was loose, and her spirit was light. For the first time, she'd dumped all her worries and expectations and completely channeled her sister's favorite romance heroine: Scarlett O'Hara.

She would think about everything tomorrow.

When tomorrow came, Izzy pushed it off to the next day.

One glorious month later, she was still happily deflecting. How could she fight such a fierce connection? Liam was a powerful force and she didn't want to run any longer. She did what they had first taught her in rehab.

Take it one moment at a time. One day at a time.

Let your sense of control go and give it up to a higher power.

Believe you will be guided to the right path and have faith.

Every day, they grew closer, but Liam also refused to ask questions. They slipped naturally into a routine that was comfortable and never discussed the future. They also hadn't told anyone what was going on, so there was no feedback or good-natured advice that demanded analysis or thinking. Stone still didn't know, and Izzy kept her private life locked up from her friends and her sister.

For now.

She refocused on Kate. "Thanks. Leia is finally sleeping through the night, so I'm more energetic."

"Oh, that's wonderful! I know puppies are quite demanding, but things will only get better."

"Yeah, other than Leia eating half of my wicker basket and crapping out wicker pieces on my front yard. I got so nervous I took her to the vet."

Kate laughed. "Better than a pair of Louboutins."

Izzy gasped. "No! Robert?"

"No, I got Robert when he was older and past all those bad habits. Even worse. Arilyn bribed Kennedy to watch two foster puppies for a few hours one afternoon, and when she got back, Ken was holding the shredded shoes in one hand and the culprits in the other. Needless to say, she refused to ever dog-sit again."

Izzy shook her head. Kennedy's shoes were legendary. Now she didn't feel so bad about her wicker. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, sorry. I swear my brain has been all fogged up lately, especially since that stupid stomach virus. I can't seem to remember anything. It's about Devine."

Izzy tried to look cool. "What about him?"

"I found his match!"

It took a few seconds for her to process Kate's announcement. She'd forgotten that Kinnections had been working to match Liam this entire time. Sickness crashed over her but she struggled past it and remained calm. "You haven't mentioned him, so I figured he pulled out," she managed.

"No; I had Arilyn help me put him through the matching system and we did a few cross-checks with our client base. He's not the type to enjoy a mixer or a stream of first dates. I needed to put it on the line with one big match. And I think I found her!"

Izzy turned away fast, pretending to fiddle with papers so Kate didn't catch her expression. The sickness had turned into a dull fury. The idea of another woman coming near Liam made her turn vicious. "Umm, that's great. But how do you know this is his match?"

"Besides a perfect profile fit via the computer, she's a child advocate of the court system to help abused children find solid homes, and her father is a police officer, so she knows what to expect. She has no issues with cops--and I know a lot of women do. She's got a master's degree and she lives close to Verily. She's attractive and has a fabulous sense of humor, and guess what else?"

With each word, Izzy's temper grew, until her head got a bit foggy. "What else?" she growled.

"She has a dog! A beagle mix, just like Devine! Do you believe it? Their first date will probably be epic."

Izzy snapped her pencil in half and it went flying up in the air. Kate jumped back a step. Izzy grimaced. "Oops, sorry. Yeah, it'll be epic."

"Would you like to call him and tell him the big news? I know we're training you to deal more personally with clients. You can even schedule their date if you'd like."

Izzy gnashed her teeth. One of the folders crumpled in her grip, and she had to take deep breaths to release her fingers. Schedule a date with Liam and another woman?


She opened her mouth to tell Kate to stay far away from her man, then froze. What was she doing? Isn't that what she wanted? To set him up with a woman who could give him everything he needed? She practically choked on her response. "Sure."

A pause. "Wonderful. Why don't you try that new Japanese restaurant on Main Street? I heard it's got great food and it's pretty romantic."

The room tilted. Raw emotion battered her in waves. Never. "Sure," she said again.

"Excellent. Doesn't it feel good to finally set Devine up with a woman who's going to care for him? I have a feeling they'll have great sexual chemistry, too. Stone said Devine likes blondes."

Izzy gripped the edge of the desk and prayed for sanity.

"Well, I'm off to an appointment. Let me know when you've finalized the date. I've left Brittany's number in the contacts folder so you can call. Bye!"

Kate left. The bells tinkled merrily on her way out.

Brittany? Really? She couldn't believe he preferred blondes. He'd never told her that or even indicated his preference for blondes. And she was a child court advocate? Ugh--it gave her a cavity. Someone dedicating her life to helping those poor children was just too much. She had to have some kind of horrific skeleton in her closet. Maybe she was really a jealous maniac and would stalk Liam. And how did Kate know she had a good sense of humor? Liam's humor was very particular and she might not get it.

No, she wouldn't do it. Couldn't do it.

As the hours passed, she tried to pick up the phone a hundred times to make the call. She'd just schedule the damn date and let them be happy in their perfectness. They'd had a great month. Did she really think it could last?

By the end of the day, she was bottled up and ready to explode. When Liam texted her

about coming over, she ignored him. Screw him. Trying to date blondes behind her back? Whatever.

She walked Leia several times and started dinner. After ignoring two more texts, she was ready when the bell rang. She marched over, flinging the door open.

Liam held Han in one hand and set him down. With a yelp, he scrambled across the wooden floors, crashing into Leia, and they tumbled together in greeting. "Why didn't you answer my texts?" he asked in puzzlement. "I was going to pick up sushi for us if you didn't feel like cooking."

"Oh, sushi. Convenient."

He scratched his head and shut the door behind him. "Umm, yeah, it was supposed to be convenient. What happened? You look ready to pop, and not in a good way. Did Leia destroy something else?"

"Why didn't you tell me you liked blondes?"