"Happy Valentine's Day, Mom," he said.

And then he walked into her arms without pause.

She hugged her son and the flowers close to her chest and lifted her gaze.

Connor watched them, ocean-blue eyes filled with an intense longing that stripped away the delicate barriers and dove deep into her soul. She knew in that instant, he'd been the one to get her the flowers. He'd been the one to suggest it to her son.

Her breath caught, and a swirling mass of hot energy sizzled between them, choking her with a want she'd never experienced before. Where had this come from? And why did it feel like it was growing each time she saw Connor Dunkle?

Fighting her rioting emotions, she closed her eyes to try and get back control.

When she opened them again, he was already gone.

Chapter Eight

"The Eskimos had fifty-two names for snow because it was important to them: there ought to be as many for love."--Margaret Atwood

"You were right about the flowers," Luke said.

Connor headed to his last stop of the night, maneuvering carefully on the roads even though his tires were stellar with their grip. He'd never had a kid in his truck before so he drove extra slow.

"I told you, women like to be appreciated. Especially Moms. Especially on Valentine's Day, even though it's not my favorite holiday."

"Mine either. Christmas is so much better."

He laughed. "Yeah, Christmas is pretty epic. We have one house left and then you've completed your parole time for the day. You did well."

Pride etched the boy's features. Funny, Connor figured the night would be torturous trying to entertain a ten-year-old, but Luke was good company. He owned a wicked sense of humor and worked hard without grumbling. Shoveling pathways and steps worked muscles most boys didn't have anymore because they mostly worked out by playing video games. Bet his grades were off the charts, too. He reminded him so much of Nate. "Is this your regular job?" Luke asked.

"No, I just do this as extra side work. I'm in construction. Right now, I'm working on the team that's building the Tappan Zee Bridge."

"Seriously? That's awesome. Do you go up on the crane?"

"Sometimes. Most of the time it's hard, repetitive type work in the extreme hot or cold. Sometimes it's real boring, but I like working with my hands and watching a structure rise from nothing."

"How come you're in my mom's class if you already have a job?"

He eased around the upcoming turn and cranked the heat a notch higher. "I want to get into management, and they require a degree. Don't make my mistake. Go to college after high school. It's harder when you're old like me and have to start over."

Luke seemed to mull over his words. "Mom says people do things when the time is right. Maybe you just weren't meant to go to college when you were younger."

Luke's simple acceptance of fate soothed him. Ella's words wrapped around him via her son's lips. He'd never forget her face when she told him about her ex leaving. A mixture of sadness and acceptance had radiated from her and made him want to pull her into his arms and comfort her. He couldn't imagine how hard it was to hear her husband tell her she wasn't wanted. The asshole had just walked out on a beautiful family and didn't seem to care about Luke. Her heart and trust was shattered, yet she seemed more whole than any other woman he'd known. She was truthful, and real and smart. Not to mention strong. She'd kept it all together and was raising a good kid.

The more he found out about her, the more he liked her. Underneath that drab exterior beat the heart of a very mighty woman. She'd looked different without her glasses. More touchable. More...vulnerable. If she only took more care with her appearance, she could probably meet a nice man who would be good for her and Luke. A conservative type, maybe. A man who was stable and employed, and appreciated all of her qualities.

Nate's girlfriend, Kennedy, owned a matchmaking agency called Kinnections. She'd teased him mercilessly about not setting him up until he went through social training to be more sensitive to women. Connor had just laughed it off. One thing he didn't need help with was finding dates. Women had always come easy to him, though he'd only fallen in love once. The memory still stung but it had been his own stupidity thinking he was good enough for more than great sex. He'd been thinking long-term future. She'd been thinking short-term orgasms. Eventually, she'd cheated on him and moved onward, not pausing to look back and see how she trampled his damn heart.

His fault.

But Ella could use some help and Kennedy had a magic touch when it came to makeovers. She'd completely transformed Nate and promptly fell in love with him. Could she do the same magic for Ella?

Connor pulled up to the house and parked. "Okay, dude, you're up. I'll plow the driveway and you work on the steps. Last call."

"Got it."

Luke slid out, grabbed his shovel from the back, and trudged through the growing mounds of snow. They both worked quickly and thoroughly and finally headed back home.



"Have you decided what you're going to do when the Little Rascals show up?"

His statement had the desired effect. Luke grinned. "I like that. The Little Rascals."

"Thought you would."

Luke gave a long sigh. "I don't know. I just want them to leave me alone. I was stupid. I'm just sick of not having someone to hang with at school."

"Are there any guys you'd like to hang with?"

He nodded. "Yeah, there are two that seem tight and they're cool. But they kind of keep to themselves."

"I hear you. You're not going to want to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyway. They're not going to approach you. You need to man up and ask if you can hang wi

th them. Either at lunch or recess."

The boy gnawed at his thumbnail. "I don't know. I'll look like an idiot if they say no."

"If they say no, it's really not a big deal. It's not like you're asking them on a date, dude. You just want to have a few conversations."

He laughed again. "Maybe. I'll see."

"What are they into?"

"Pokemon cards. Basketball, too, but we can't play outside until it gets nicer."

"You got any Pokemon cards?"

Luke snorted. "Of course. Got a whole binder full."

"That's your in. When you approach them, talk Pokemon. Usually you just need something to break the ice a bit." Connor mentally winced. Another cliche. Damn Ella and her crazy tyrannical English.

Luke tilted his head, obviously thinking over his suggestion. "Good idea."

"The weather's not going to be pretty the next couple of days. I'll talk to your mom, but are you up for helping me out?"

"Yeah, no problem. I'm alone every day until Mom comes home anyway. I do my homework and stuff but sometimes it gets boring."

"Same as me. My shifts start early. Other than Tuesdays and Thursdays, when I have your mom's class, I'm home in the afternoon. If you ever want to do homework together, just come over. And if you've ever read Virginia Woolf, come by with your notes."

Luke laughed. "Okay."

They drove back in comfortable silence, and Connor dropped him back off at the house. He watched him disappear inside and he parked the truck, his spirits light. Luke was just like his mother. After a while spent in his presence, it became easier to find ways to like him.

He settled in for the rest of the night with a smile on his face.

Chapter Nine

"Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, but which will bloom most constantly?"--Emily Bronte

The next couple of weeks, Connor settled in to a comfortable rhythm.

Luke accompanied him when he needed to plow, and they got into a habit of stopping at the diner afterward for cheeseburgers. On Monday and Wednesdays, he showed up with his homework and hung out until Ella got home.