Sexual energy blasted to life. Crackled.

Raw arousal struck him hard. Squeezed.

She sucked in a breath. Hypnotized, he took in the lush pink mouth that had been rubbed free of lipstick. The gold-rimmed irises within eyes so dark and deep, a man could sink forever and never want to be pulled out. He leaned over. Her breath struck him with soft, breathy wisps.

"Ella?" he whispered.

Her lips parted. "Connor?"

They paused on the barrier, reluctant to take the tumble, frozen in place by the question asked of each other.

Connor made the only decision available because if he didn't kiss her in this moment, he'd spend the rest of his nights grieving the lost opportunity of a lifetime.

So he kissed her.

He swallowed her moan and tasted pure sweetness, an intoxicating swirl of purity and lust in one delicious twist. Her lips opened under his without hesitation, not only allowing entry but demanding. Her hands closed around his shoulders and she held on with a brutal force that rocketed his desire. Laid out on the snow, tucked away from the crowds, Connor kissed her like he'd never kissed another woman, and when he finally pulled away, he knew nothing would ever be the same again.

They stared at each other in pure shock.

"You guys okay?"

The deep voice cut through the fog. Connor jumped up, turning around to see one of the park attendants. He hoped his voice would work when he tried to use it. "Yeah, sorry. Had a bit of a wipeout. Thanks."

"No problem. Want me to take your tube?"

Ella stumbled to her feet, looking dazed. "Umm, yes, I don't need it anymore. Thanks."

"Sure." He took the tube and trudged away.

Ella averted her gaze. "I better go check on Luke."


She shuddered. Wrapped her arms around her chest. "Yeah?"

He searched for the right words but didn't know what he really wanted to say. "I'm sorry."

She stiffened. "Don't be ridiculous. We were just caught up in a moment. It was silly. Let's forget it, okay?"

He tried to study her face but she turned and headed up the hill. As he followed, Connor wondered if he'd be able to forget it.

She'd kissed Connor Dunkle.

Ella nodded and smiled as Luke chattered nonstop through dinner. He'd met two boys from school during snow tubing and spent some time with them in the arcade. Watching her son bloom from sullen to joyful filled her with such relief her muscles seemed to actually sag. The weeks spent with Connor had been good for him. He never complained about shoveling, and got into the habit of doing his homework next door with Connor. They'd gotten close, and a bond had developed between man and boy she'd never seen before.

Of course, it was dangerous.

Especially after the kiss.

Ella sipped her wine and picked at her salad. Luke was her main priority, and she didn't want him to be confused with the relationship between her and Connor. Somehow, they'd become good friends. He was also still technically her student. She wasn't about to screw anything up just because she had a physical weakness and was tempted by rock-hard muscles and stinging blue eyes. She'd need to forget the way his thighs had pinned her in the snow, parting her legs just enough so she could feel his erection through his jeans. She refused to think about the drugging, addictive taste of him on her lips, or the way his tongue had slid inside her mouth and taken charge with delicious, drugging thrusts.

No way. They had a good thing going, and she knew how Connor worked. Women fell into his path like they'd been hypnotized, helpless against the mix of gorgeous looks, physical stature, and melting charm. She wasn't the type of woman he dated or looked for in a mate. She had small boobs and dressed like a sparrow rather than a peacock. She had no idea how to flirt or play games. She had no desire to have a one-night affair and wreck their friendship. Pretending that kiss was anything but an impulse, quickly forgotten, would be disastrous.

The encounter proved one thing to her. She needed someone in her life. It was time. The image of the business card from Kinnections flashed in her mind, and Ella knew what she was going to do.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Luke announced.

"Okay, honey."

Her son left them alone. An awkward silence descended.


She dragged in a breath and forced herself to look up. "Yeah?"

His blue eyes filled with worry. "Did I screw up? With us?"

She wondered what she'd do if he boldly stated he wanted her. Woman to man. Naked. When he kissed her, she'd experienced such an intense bolt of hunger, her body had wrested control of her mind and let her fly free. Maybe this was a sign it was time for her to begin searching for what she needed. His kiss proved she had her own needs. It had been two years since she had a date or sexual experience. Hadn't she sacrificed enough yet? She loved her son, but didn't she deserve to find love or companionship, too? Wasn't it her turn?

Ella forced a smile and shook her head. "No. We're friends, right? We're not going to let a kiss ruin that for all of us."

Relief flickered over his face. "Good. Wouldn't want to lose the best neighbor I ever had. Or Luke, of course. He's an incredible kid."

"Yeah. I'm kind of crazy about him."

"He seems to be happy. Making some friends."

They stared at one another for a bit. Again, the connection hummed between them. Ella cleared her throat. "So I made a decision. Remember when you offered to babysit for me?"


"I may need to take you up on that. I found a card for a matchmaking agency called Kinnections. I'm calling them to start the process."

"Did you say Kinnections?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, why? Have you heard of them? They're located in Verily."

He shook his head and grinned. "My brother's girlfriend is an owner."

They were interrupted when the waitress came back and placed their dinners on the table. She was young, with pretty blonde hair, a short black skirt, and a gaze that focused solely on Connor. Ella bit back her irritation while she fluttered around him and completely ignored her. He shot the girl his standard, charming smile, and she practically sighed with pleasure.

"Thanks, darlin'. I appreciate you working so hard."

The girl boldly stared at him, cat green eyes hungrily roving over his body. "Don't mind working for a man who appreciates it."

"Well, I do appreciate it. Your pretty face brightened up my day."

Ella blanched at the awful line, but the girl smiled with pride. "Well, you can brighten my day anytime."

What? Oh, she was so going to lose it.

Ella cleared her throat. "Yes, thanks so much for doing your job. We're good." The waitress shot her a glare, then slunk away. Ella pointed her fork at him. "What's wrong with you? I don't care if you flirt with every female in a skirt, but why do you have to soun

d like you have zero intelligence? I mean, darlin'? You're not even Southern!"

He frowned. "I was just trying to lift her spirits. Waitressing is hard work."

She ground her teeth in frustration. "Then don't thank her for having a pretty little face! Thank her for working hard and anticipating our needs as customers. Ugh, it's like you dragged womankind back a few decades. How do you get away with this stuff?"

He gave a suffering sigh. "Now you sound like Nate and Kennedy. I never had complaints before, okay? Women seem to like it."

"Well, they shouldn't. And if they do, you're dating the wrong type of women," she muttered.

"Can we go back to our original subject? I can call Kennedy and tell her you'll be calling. She may even be able to give you a discount. I'm excited for you. They screen all their clients and match you with a guy who's right for you. It's thorough and safe."

She picked up her fork and dug into her lasagna. Did he have to sound so damn excited about her suddenly dating? "Sounds good."

He began eating his ravioli. "They do a consultation and a makeover, too. It's all included in the price."

A flash of pain cut through her. She'd never be a woman to inspire a man to rip off her clothes and tumble her on the ground. But she'd be damned if she'd settle for the dregs of his pity for the poor, single mom. Did he want her to get a makeover that bad? If he was so turned off by her appearance, had he kissed her out of obligation? To make her feel better about herself? Shame burned.

She tried to keep her voice light and teasing though she squirmed inside. "Didn't know you were so excited about hooking me up, Dunkle? Trying to keep me distracted for a bigger curve on your upcoming assignment?"

He grinned. "Nah, I know how that works now. No more pissing off my professor. I just think you deserve to be happy, Ella. You're, well, you're--" he stopped off, shaking his head. He rarely stumbled over words or compliments toward females, so she studied him with interest.

"I'm what?"

"You're an incredible woman," he said softly. "You deserve...everything."

She sucked in her breath. Raw emotion flooded her system, but she had no time to answer. Luke came racing back, shoveling spaghetti and meatballs in his mouth in between trading bad knock-knock jokes with Connor.

Ella told herself to forget his intimate words and the way he made her feel. He was right. It was time to move on.

It was time to join Kinnections.