His eyes narrowed and he leaned forward. "You told me I needed to be a bit softer and approachable around women. You said being a bastard doesn't necessarily get the girl. Does any of this sound familiar?"

She kept smiling and nodded. "Yes, that's correct. Instead of treating women with ego and attitude, letting yourself be a bit more vulnerable and nice to a woman isn't a bad thing. That's the way to find and stay in a solid relationship."

"Bullshit." He had a basset hound kind of a face, with saggy cheeks and a droopy-type mouth. His stocky body was buff, since he worked weights like crazy, and his thick blond waves of hair formed a prideful lion's mane, but Arilyn found his crude mannerisms a definite turnoff. They'd been working with his attitude adjustment for a while.

"Why is it bullshit?" she asked calmly. She dug her fingers into the cushioned arms of her chair and began dragging in long, slow breaths. He was pissing her off, and it wasn't a good sign that she'd rather yell than help him work through his problems. Keep breathing.

"Because I tried it. Met a girl at the bar this weekend and approached. Instead of my usual lines, I gave her my name. Listened to her. Hell, I bought her way too many drinks. When I asked her out, she said no. Said she was more attracted to the dominant kind of man and that we wouldn't fit. Left me at the bar humiliated and broke. Because of you and your stupid advice."

Her smile slipped. Stupid, huh? Maybe he was stupid to think any intelligent woman wouldn't be attracted to a complete macho idiot. "She probably wasn't meant for you, Ben. Perhaps she just wanted one night and not a relationship."

"That's what I wanted, too! I'm over this. Over your counseling and computer surveys just to get a mixer where I may not even connect with anyone. Your agency sucks, and I want my money back or I'll sue."

She'd been well trained. When people dealt with emotions like love and vulnerability, many acted out. The contract was ironclad regarding legal liabilities; Ben would never be able to sue Kinnections. As many happy endings as she had helped with, there were also heartbreakers when a couple just didn't make it. The scenario had occurred many times before, and usually she was able to calm them down, get back on track, and move on.

She opened her mouth.

"Maybe the problem isn't Kinnections but your lousy attitude problem regarding women," she snapped. "Maybe I haven't set up a mixer yet because I feel sorry for every woman who has to meet you!"

His eyes bugged out. "You can't talk to me like that!"

She leaned forward over her desk to meet him halfway, lowering her voice. "Watch me. You're terminated from Kinnections. Your refund check will be in the mail."

He sat up. "Wait. Maybe we should try again. I saw some of the pics on the website and your clients are hot."

"Good-bye, Ben."

"I'm going to sue you for wrongful termination!"

Arilyn got up from the desk, stormed to the door, and yanked it open. "I'll look forward to the legal papers. Have a good day and thanks for using Kinnections."

He stared at her for a few minutes before slowly getting up and trudging out the door. The other thing she had learned about Ben was that he was a bit of a bully. Stand up to him first, and he backed down immediately. The little bell over the entrance jingled merrily, confirming his exit.

Muttering under her breath, she slammed the counseling room door and marched to her own office. Idiot. A waste of time even trying to get him to see what his real issue was or to treat women as anything other than a bodily ornament for his arm. Better to cut him now and give him his refund. She was sure Kate would understand.

She got back to her desk, moved her mouse, and tried to concentrate on the endless load of work that had piled up. The new computer program had some glitches that needed to be worked out, and she needed to step up her training with Lenny and Mike before she brought them back to the shelter for the adoption process. This morning, she'd found her slippers chewed up, so the little incident with the red shoes hadn't been smart. Parenting a puppy was like raising a toddler, and routine and discipline were key. Of course, their fur ball faces and adorable wide eyes killed her every time.

She reached for her water bottle and chugged the last drop. Proper hydration was the key to good health. Another step she always followed in her endless pursuit of doing the right thing.

The lightbulb crackled and lit.

She did everything right. Always. She listened to authority figures. Treated her body like a temple. Completed karmic service to help others. Kept her mind calm with meditation. Helped others, whether they be human or canine. She gave her full heart and soul to every task, knowing it meant a big difference to do things lovingly rather than grudgingly.

But she ached for more. Something bigger that came to taunt her in the deep night, until she twisted under the sheets and tears stung her eyes with frustration. A yearning for . . .


The familiar anger washed over her. She'd meditated for a full hour last night with a garnet around her neck and the cottage cleared of all negative energy. So why did she still feel pissed off, depressed, and generally miserable? Why was she suddenly thinking a Big Mac, a beer, and a big-assed ice-cream cone would put her in a better mood than chanting in the goal for peace and harmony?

Yep. It was official.

She was losing her mind.

A knock sounded. Kate popped her head in with a big smile. "Got a minute?"

Arilyn forced a smile back at her friend. "Of course."

Kate strode in, clad in her usual black pants and lace top, her blond hair a halo around her face, highlighting her ocean-blue eyes and pale pink mouth. The driving force behind Kinnections, Kate was the main CEO and handler, making sure the business thrived and bringing her own special touch to love matches.

A real touch.

Gifted with the ability to sense a true soul connection between two people, Kate experienced a burst of electricity when she touched a couple meant to be. She'd lost many of her own dates to others until Slade Montgomery came on the scene, determined to prove Kinnections a fraud. Their relationship was rocky, passionate, and ended up with a true happy ever after.

Her friend slid into the purple chair opposite her desk and cocked her head. That assessing blue gaze traveled over her with frank concern. Uh-oh. There was nothing scarier than when her friends decided she needed an intervention. They were ruthless. Arilyn straightened up in her chair, determined to show no weakness.

"How are you doing?"

"Great." The lift of Kate's brow made her change the answer. "I mean, it's hard, of course, but I'm doing much better. How are the wedding plans? Do you need any help?"

Kate was scheduled to marry Slade in a few weeks, and crunch time was upon her. Arilyn had always wondered why she counseled so many women planning weddings, and now realized why. It was a bitch. If a couple actually made it intact and still in love to the ceremony, they had a 50 percent shot for success.

"I'm taking your advice and letting it go. The details are complete. And I'm tired of getting caught up in ridiculousness. I almost had a breakdown when the Asiatic lilies weren't available and they suggested calla lilies. I mean, am I nuts or what

? Slade will dump me before I even get to the ceremony. You were right, A. It's not the wedding that's important, it's the marriage. I refuse to stress any longer."

"Good for you. Concentrate on the reward. St. Lucia, right?"

Kate sighed. "Yeah. Sun, sand, and sex. The perfect trifecta."

Arilyn laughed. "Honeymoons are worth the craziness of the wedding."

"Yeah, but we both wish we could bring Robert. We can't put him on a plane, though, so he'll have to stay. Thanks so much for taking care of him."

"He's going to be fine, Kate. He's stayed with me before, and you know how much I love him." Kate's dog, Robert, was paraplegic, and used a scooter to move around. Kate had rescued him years ago, and they were a tight team. Now Slade was just as madly in love with him, and they became a true family. "I'll spoil him so bad he won't want to go back."

Kate chuckled. "Slade would fight you to the death. He yelled at me the other day for taking up too much room in the bed. I mean, are you kidding me? He literally chose the dog over me."

"And you love it."

"Yeah, I do." Her face became misty, and once again Arilyn struggled to fight the punch in her gut. The need for what Kate experienced. God, she'd never been a jealous person before, and not that she wasn't happy for her friend, she just wanted it for herself, too. "But I'm worried about leaving Kinnections for such a long time. We've doubled our workload, and since we lost Gen as our assistant, I haven't been able to get anyone good."

Arilyn tapped her finger against her lips. "I know the last temp was a bit undependable."

Kate rolled her eyes. "She came in late, and every other day she had her period. Nightmare."

"We'll work it out."

"Let's talk about it. Can you ring in Kennedy?"

"Sure." Arilyn buzzed her friend. "Can you come in here? Kate's in my office."

A few moments later, Kennedy Ashe strolled in. Looking perfect as usual, her caramel-colored hair falling in thick waves over her shoulders, the third in their crew handled all the social events and makeovers for Kinnections. Her red Jimmy Choos clicked on the floor, and she slid into the final seat, legs crossed, looking smart and polished in her Jones red suit with matching polish on her toes and nails. She was a complete dynamo in her job and personal life, until her newest client, Nate Dunkle, nerd extraordinaire and rocket scientist, burst into her life. His awkward social behavior and disastrous physical appearance called to her sense of challenge, until she decided to transform him and find him love. Then proceeded to fall for him herself.