"Come in."

"No, I better stay here. I wanted to say a few things to Gen."

Uh-oh. She sensed a crowd gathering behind her, and when she glanced back, the scene confirmed her worst fears. Nick and Alexa peeked around the corner. Her father stood behind the group, a frown on his face. Her mother remained stock-still in the middle of them, as if waiting for something. Thank goodness Lily and Maria had gone to the basement to play Wii.

"I'll get out of your way," her mother said, turning.

"No. Stay." Gen's gaze flew to his. Determination and fear glimmered in blue depths. "There's some things I've needed to say to her for a long time. And since you're her family, and part of her life, I should say them to you, too."

Silence descended. The faint music from downstairs drifted up. No one seemed able to breathe, waiting for him to speak.

Gen's heart began to pound so hard she hovered on the edge of a panic attack. Sweat ran down her back. Why was he here? For another apology? Or for something else? Something she could only dream about?

When his eyes focused on her, everything else melted away.

"When you asked me to tell you my real feelings, I was too afraid. We'd been friends for so long, and it was safe, but over the past few months it became so much more. I fell in love with you. Every part. But I never felt worthy of you because of the things I've done in my past. So much shame. I convinced myself I was doing what was best for you, saving you from me and a future of hurt. But I was wrong, Gen. Finally, I know the truth."

He took a step toward her. She remained frozen, in the grip of his words, on the edge of a summit of so much beauty it took her breath away.

"I love you. I've always loved you. And I don't have to let the past define me or our future together. I may screw up and hurt you, but I have to try. If you'll have me. If you can forgive me for not being brave like you, and not taking the leap you deserve, I swear, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Her mother sucked in her breath. Gen heard her sister sniffle in the distance.

Gen stood in front of the man she loved and opened her mouth to say yes.

And then he quietly pressed his wristbands into her hand.

The scarred, bruised flesh was naked to her gaze.

"No more hiding. I used to look at myself and wonder why I didn't die. But now I know. I was meant to find you, and Sawyer and Julietta. Mama Conte. All of you." He tilted his chin proudly. "And I want to be a part of this family, if you'll have me."

He'd given her the ultimate gift, one so precious and fragile she was afraid to move and break the spell.

Gen lifted her hands, reached out, and went into his arms.


His warmth and strength closed around her. She stood on tiptoe, kissing him, running her fingers over his cheeks while she whispered over and over, "I love you."

In minutes, her family was around him, offering him the support and openness that was part of their core. Alexa was already crying, and her mother hugged him, and Nick slapped him on the shoulder. When she finally managed to pull him inside, her father walked over.

"Dad," she warned, wrapping her arms around Wolfe's waist. "I love him."

Wolfe looked her father in the eye. "Jim, I--"

"No." Her father put out his hand. "I have something to say first. I was wrong." They waited while he seemed to gather his thoughts. "I told you to stay away because you'd hurt her. I said you were just like me." He shook his head. "I was only trying to protect her from something I have no right to keep her from. I may have made stupid mistakes, but if someone had taken Maria from me on that basis, I'd never have my family. I wouldn't have something worth fighting for, worth living for. So I was wrong. We all deserve a chance, and I hope you forgive me."

Wolfe reached out and shook his hand. "Already forgiven."

Gen's family drifted away, and it was just her and Wolfe. She couldn't stop touching him, leaning against his strength, and realizing he finally belonged to her.

"What changed your mind?" she asked softly.

Wolfe smiled. "Some very smart people who love me."

She laughed and kissed him. "I'm glad."

He kissed her back and wrapped her in his arms. "So am I."


GEN LOOKED AROUND at the mess and sighed. She hated moving and packing, but it would be worth it. Haphazard piles of papers, boxes, and clothes lay everywhere. How did she have so much stuff in a bungalow?

"Gen? You here?"

"In the bedroom!" she shouted. Kate trudged through the door with a cup of coffee and Arilyn trailing behind. Gen jumped over the mattress and scrambled over. "Coffee! Oh, thank you, thank you!"

Kate laughed. Arilyn frowned. "I think you're addicted to caffeine. Tea has antioxidants and numerous health benefits. Maybe you should switch."

"I'll start tomorrow," she muttered, sinking her nose into the heavenly scent and breathing deep. "I need some sort of vice to get through packing."

"Well, we're here to help," Arilyn said briskly. Already her ruthlessly organized brain took in the mess with a positive energy. "I hope you're not rushing this on my account. Letting me rent your place is lifesaving. They actually found mold when they ripped out the pipes of my house." She shuddered. "Imagine what I've been breathing in with my poor animals?"

Gen squeezed her hand. "I'm so happy you can move in. Wolfe and I need to be closer to the city for work, and this place is a bit tight, but I refuse to sell. It's too special."

Arilyn looked around and smiled. "Yes, it is. And you're sure it's okay to bring all the dogs?"

Gen laughed and scooped up a box. "Bring as many as you can fit. I lived with my sister Alexa, remember? She was always sneaking in hordes of animals from the shelter. According to Nick, she still does."

"I love your sister," Kate said. "Your whole family's coming to the wedding. We'll have a blast." She began stripping sheets off the bed and throwing them into the box in messy Kate style, when she paused, pulling something from underneath the mattress. "Hey, what's this?"

Gen turned. Kate held a piece of white ledger paper.

The love spell.

The memory of that night surged up. A little tipsy on margaritas, and feeling sad over her growing doubts about David, she'd urged Arilyn and Kennedy to complete a love spell from the little purple book Kate had given her. Where was that book? And what had she written?

"It's the spell," she whispered, snatching it from her friend's fingers. "I can't believe I forgot about this!"

"From the Book of Spells?" Kate screeched. "Arilyn, didn't you do one, too?"

Arilyn flushed. "Yeah, but I was really tipsy that night. I don't know where I put mine."

"Read it, Gen! Do the traits you listed match Wolfe?"

"That would be impossible." She skimmed the contents, remembering that the instructions clearly said to write a list of all the traits wanted in a man, make a copy, burn one in the fire, and put the other under the mattress. Mother Earth or the universe was supposed to bring you the man you requested. Kate had sworn it worked for her and Slade. Also with Kennedy and Nate. "I did the spell when I was engaged to David, so the qualities probably . . ." She trailed off.

A chill crept down her spine. How odd. None of the qualities listed were part of David's makeup, yet she clearly remembered jotting down everything she dreamed of having in a soul mate.

She read the list aloud:

A deep friendship.


A wicked sense of humor.

Mind-blowing sex.

A man with character.

A man who believes in me no matter what my choices are.


Not a perfectionist.

A bit of a badass.

One with faults just like me.

A man willing to take risks.

This list was about Wolfe.

"Oh my God, it worked, didn't it?" Kate asked.

Her fingers shook around th

e page. Impossible. Gen looked up. Her friends stared. "This list is Wolfe. Not David."

Arilyn shivered. "A coincidence? Right?"

Kate chewed on her lip. "Maybe. But we have one more person to confirm the validity of the spell." Her gaze shot to Arilyn. "You need to check if Yoga Man matches the traits you wrote down."

Arilyn's laugh seemed forced. "I'm not even sure where I put it. Look, this is silly. Let's stop talking about love spells and voodoo and get back to packing. I'll start out in the living room." She grabbed a box and disappeared through the door.

Kate and Gen exchanged a look. "She so has that list under her bed."