
"Come. Come for me, Gen."

The orgasm milked every muscle in her body, squeezing mercilessly so her scream splintered the air and got smothered by his lips over hers. Her hips jerked helplessly as he spilled his seed inside, following her over, and the spasms kept going on and on and on . . .

She didn't even realize she was crying until the deep sobs spilled from her lips. He murmured soothing words and scooped her up into his arms, cradling her while she cried for the boy he was, and the pain he endured, and the devastating way she loved him more than anyone in the world.

She cried for him, and for her, and the fear that tonight still wouldn't be enough for him to love her the way she needed.

He held her for a long time. Finally, when she calmed, he led her back upstairs, tucked her into bed, and climbed in with her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her tight against him. She lifted his battered, scarred wrists to her lips and gently kissed them.

They slept.


Gen rolled over and stared at the wall. The morning light crept in. He'd made love to her two more times last night, transcending the physical. They'd entwined tight into each other's souls, so close they were no longer individuals but burned together as one.

She'd never be the same. Never love someone the way she did Wolfe. Last night could've been the beginning of a new chapter. One where friendship was forged into love and a relationship to grow with.

Instead, Gen sensed last night was his final good-bye.

Slowly, she sat up. She winced at the slight bruises on her body, but no pain compared to the one in her broken heart. The scent of sex and musk rose to her nostrils. Somehow she had to find a way to reach him, or she would be forced to make the only decision left.

Give up on him.

Gen showered and dressed, making her way to the kitchen. Julietta juggled the baby on her hip, a spatula in her hand and the phone tucked beneath her ear. A rapid stream of Italian flew through the air: "Sono sulla mia strada. Rimanere li." She threw the phone down. "Che idiota! Why must I deal with stubborn men?"

Gen grabbed the platter of eggs and veggies, and took the baby. "I'm asking myself the same question."

Julietta shook her head, put together two plates, and settled Gabby in the bouncy seat. Two steaming cups of coffee were plunked on the table. "Drink. Caffeine makes things better. Is Wolfe being an idiota?"

She choked out a laugh. "Yes. Seems we reached an impasse." Gen remembered Julietta didn't know about their friends-with-benefits package. "I mean, with our friendship, of course."

The woman's lips curved in a knowing grin. "Ah, you think I am an idiota? I know you're sleeping together. I know you're in love with him, and he's in love with you, and he's probably tearing himself up inside with denial and the past and refuses to deal with the truth of the relationship. Am I close?"

Gen stared. "How did you know?"

Julietta shook her head and sipped more coffee. "It's all over his face and yours. Wolfe is my son. I knew one day he'd fall in love and struggle. He's a lot like Sawyer, and we had a hard road to follow. Is there something I can do?"

Gen sighed. "Don't think so. It's up to him to make a choice. I just can't do this anymore. Play at a friendship that's changed. I can't go back."

"You shouldn't have to." She tapped a finger against her lips. "He's gone to therapy, but there's a part deep inside of him no one can touch. I've never seen him as open as when he looks at you. His heart is lighter, and he's more at peace. You make him happy."

Gen fought back tears. She hated being weepy and girly. Enough with the crying. "Thank you for that. It means a lot."

"Has he told you about his past?"

Her throat closed up, but she forced the words out. "Yes. He finally told me everything."

The woman nodded, lapsing into a thoughtful silence. "He gave you a gift. But other than Sawyer, and maybe his therapist, he's never told anyone. I think there will always be a dark place inside of him we'll never truly understand. But I taught Sawyer he doesn't have to live there anymore. They both deserve so much more." Her voice broke, and her eyes flickered with memories from her husband's past. Gen watched her, soothed that she understood and had battled the same obstacles. But now they had a family, and a future filled with promise. Wasn't it possible to have the same happiness with Wolfe?

"What do I do?" Gen whispered. "I love him."

Julietta reached over and squeezed her hand. "Fight. I fought for Sawyer, but it wasn't easy."

"And if he doesn't want to fight for me?"

Her hand slipped away and sadness flickered over her face. "Love is a choice, isn't it?" she said softly. "Sometimes we can only do so much."

Gen's cell vibrated, interrupting the conversation. She glanced at the ID. The Verily police. "I'm sorry, I need to take this."

"Go. I'm going to get Gabby ready for the day."

Gen clicked on the phone and walked into the library. "Hello?"

"Dr. Mackenzie. Officer Petty."

"Hi, Officer. Did you get ahold of David?"

"Matter of fact, we did. He was in Boston at the time. Witnesses corroborated."

Her spirits sank. "Any way he could've snuck away? Gotten someone else to do it? I just don't understand."

"We got 'em. Actually, we got her." His voice was laced with derision. "Do you know a Sally Winters from the hospital?"

The room spun. What? "Yes. We worked together. She's a friend of mine. Are you telling me she did this?"

"Yep. She was writing the words liar and whore on your house again last night when one of your neighbors confronted her in the act. We were called in and caught Sally with the paint can. She admitted the whole thing."

"Which neighbor?"

> "Mrs. Blackfire."

Gen shook her head. She pictured her nosy neighbor with a telescope and fought off crazy laughter. Guess spying did come in handy sometimes. "How did she catch her?"

"She said she didn't like graffiti messing up the value of the neighborhood, so she did a night watch for the past few nights." A touch of humor leaked out. "She's a bit of a spitfire. Tried to press charges against Sally Winters, but it's your property. Your call. Anyway, Sally admitted she'd slept with David after your breakup and thought it was permanent. She was afraid he wanted to get back together with you so she concocted a plan to scare you off."

Gen bit her lip. Something still wasn't right. Even if Sally was interested, the entire episode screamed manipulation. "Are you sure David didn't put her up to it?"

A short silence settled over the line. "She denies it, but I wouldn't be surprised. Still, I got it all on record in her deposition. Need you back here at the station though."

The knowledge her coworker and friend could stoop to such a level pained her. She also knew how David worked. Probably promised her a future without telling her about Boston. Sowed the seeds of what he wanted Sally to do. Relief loosened her muscles. David wouldn't be stalking her any longer, especially after Sally was caught. She was finally free.

Now it was time to take the last stand.

"Thank you, Officer. I'll be flying home tomorrow if that's acceptable."

"Of course. Contact me when you're home."

They said good-bye and she clicked off.

Funny, it was almost as if part of her life was also clicking into place, finding a new home in the scheme of her life. She wanted to be a doctor again. Go back to the hospital and finish what she started. She wanted to rebuild a relationship with her twin, and make more time and balance for her friends.

And she wanted Wolfe.

Gen found him outside on the balcony. Sipping his coffee, looking out over the city streets, deep in thought. She paused and studied him.

The millionaire model turned hotel magnate wore his usual getup of shorts and T-shirt. His bare feet were propped up on the coffee table. Chocolate-brown curls fell in disarray around his head, and the familiar scent of lemon, soap, and coffee clung to him. She imagined not waking up with him in the morning, or kissing him good night. She craved to be the one to kill the spiders for him, cook for him, yell at him, and make love to him every spare moment.