"You work for your best friends. I think they'll agree you need a vacation and give you the time off."

Gen shook her head. "No. I refuse to be treated like a child you constantly worry about leaving behind. I'm not going to Italy."

His slow smile heated her blood, curled her toes, and scared her silly. "I'll just have to change your mind, won't I?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You can't make me do anything. You may think this hot-blooded caveman behavior is sexy, but you're dead wrong."

The corner of his lip lifted. "Better call Kate and tell her you leave Tuesday."

"I'm not going to Italy. And I'm not sleeping with you tonight."

He kept silent, but his knowing grin did bad things to her tummy and other places. Gen promised herself she'd stand strong on both counts.

"We'll see."

She stuck out her tongue and swore on a stack of mental Bibles she'd never weaken.


This was one standoff she was going to win.


She was in Italy.

The last two days had passed in a blur. Her friends took her off the work schedule without pause, pushing her when she resisted with lame excuses, and even helped her pack. She had to hand it to Wolfe.

He never even said I told you so.

The car crawled through the busy streets of Milan toward the house she'd been dying to see. Pedestrians clogged the sidewalks, mopeds roared in and out of traffic, and a heavy, smoglike mist settled over the city. Wolfe laughed as she twisted madly around, trying to soak in all the sights, sniffing the delicious scents of bread and coffee and exhaust that mixed together in a bouquet to the senses.

The crumbling three-story building looked a bit worn when they finally stopped. Huh. She'd imagined Julietta and Sawyer lived in a mansion, but the place did emanate a quaint character she loved. Lots of terra-cotta, brick, plants, and flowers surrounded her. The driver took their bags, but before her feet hit the ground, Wolfe's family rushed out, screaming and yelling in Italian, and smothered him whole.

Gen stared. Wolfe had never liked being touched by too many people. When they made love, there was no barrier between them, but in daylight, distance always radiated around him. He was always polite to people, shook hands, but seemed to scream hands off. He'd slowly opened up more with her own family, but he seemed to allow it rather than steeping himself in affection.

Her heart clenched as he threw himself into their arms with open enthusiasm, accepting the bond of affection that was even stronger than blood, because it was pure love by choice. Gen blinked back tears, enjoying the scene, until he managed to break away and reach his hand out to her. Slowly, she took, it, and he pulled her against him.

"I finally brought Genevieve," he said in a gruff voice. "Convinced her take a vacay and spend some time with us."

"Finally!" Julietta squealed, tugging her in for a family hug that rivaled her mother's. Julietta was more beautiful than ever, her long dark hair flowing over her shoulders, and almond-shaped eyes filled with a joyous light and mischief. Dressed in tailored black pants, a sleeveless ivory blouse, and ballet flats, she exhibited pure elegance and grace.

Gen laughed and hugged back. "Wolfe didn't give me much of a choice. Thank you so much for letting me stay with you."

Sawyer grinned and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "We've been dying to get you over here. You work too hard." His golden eyes gleamed with affection, a complete contradiction to the wicked scar that gouged his cheek and hooked under his chin. His lips curved in an easy smile, and the lean, angular features of his face seemed softer than normal. Probably because of baby Gabriella. Wolfe said Sawyer was baby crazy and sometimes babbled in meetings now, forgetting when he was around adults. She loved imagining such a strong, dominant male softening under a baby's coo.

Julietta linked her arms with Gen's and led her upstairs. "We'll eat, settle in, and plan our itinerary. I know you'll want to do some sightseeing."

"And babysitting," Sawyer added with a wink. "Gabby's napping now, but she'll be up soon."

Wolfe groaned. "I knew there was a reason you needed me."

Sawyer's next words took away her breath. "I don't need a reason to want you here, Wolfe. I missed the hell out of you."

He clapped Wolfe on the shoulder and Gen could swear the light glinted off some moisture in her lover's eyes, but it was gone so quickly she figured it was her imagination.

WOLFE GRINNED AT THE expression on Gen's face when she saw the inside of the home. He knew the outside was deceiving, but once the arched door opened, the space dazzled the eye. Shiny parquet floors, old gleaming wood that smelled of lemon polish, vaulted ceilings with heavy chandeliers, and an array of antiques and paintings that reminded one of another time. He'd normally find such decorations cold, but not with Julietta and Sawyer. It was all home, from the touches of magazines and books, various crocheted blankets in bright colors, baby gates guarding the elaborate steps, to the rush of garlic, tomato, and bread simmering in the air.

He was home.

Julietta took Gen for a tour while he walked to the kitchen with Sawyer. "You look good."

Wolfe turned with a grin. "Thanks. Bet you miss all the piercings and crazy hair though."

Sawyer laughed and handed him a bottle of water. "Nah, I like the man you've become. But I always gave you credit. I still remember picking you up that first day. Within a few days, you managed to kill your hair and get a tattoo and more piercings than I can imagine. You gave me a big fuck you. Remember what you said?"

Like it was yesterday. "I said, 'What do you think now? I'm as fucked-up on the outside as I am on the inside. Still want me?' "

Sawyer nodded. "Swear to God, I think I loved you right then. You were such a pain in the ass."

Wolfe shook his head, taking a long swallow of water. "You needed a challenge."

"I did. I'm glad you brought Gen. Surprised, but glad."


Sawyer frowned, as if thinking about the question. "You never cared about anybody enough to want to bring them home. I know you've been friends for a long time, but this feels different. You're together now?"

Wolfe stiffened. He didn't want Sawyer or Julietta thinking it was permanent or long-term. It would only complicate matters and maybe embarrass Gen. Better to keep it to friendship and not admit they were sleeping together. He forced a smile. "Nope, still just great friends. Since she broke up with her fiance, I thought a trip would be good for her."

Sawyer studied him for a while. Those razor-sharp eyes pierced and shredded through the lies, just like they had when he was young. But he accepted the declaration for now. "Sure. Either way, I'm glad you're both here."

"Looking forward to catching up. Besides babysitting, I have a feeling there's something else you want to talk about?"

"Yeah. But I'd like for all of us to sit down together. Tonight if that's okay? Over dinner?"

"Absolutely. You cooking?"

"Do I ever?"

Wolfe laughed. "Good. Some things never change."

They grinned at each other, then walked into the kitchen.

It was gonna be a hell of a week.


WOLFE SAT IN the library, which did double duty as Sawyer's office. Settling into the generous curved leather chair, he sipped cognac and let the quiet of the evening soak in. The low table held biscotti, some pastries from La Dolce Famiglia, and two other glasses filled with amber liquid. Julietta tucked her legs underneath her, leaning against the arm of the sofa, and Sawyer, who was sitting in the matching leather chair across from him, held a folder in his lap.

The scent of pipe tobacco permeated the air along with the aroma of liquor, musty paper, and leather. Wolfe took a deep breath and enjoyed the calm that spread over him. Gen had retired to her room early, and the window was open, letting in a soft breeze from the terrace.

"Thanks again for dinner," he said. "Between

you and Gen cooking for me, I've been gaining some weight. Gotta kick Sawyer's ass in the gym this week and get myself back under control."

Sawyer snorted. "I may be old, but I can still take you any day. Wisdom beats age."

"Not in the gym."

Julietta laughed. "You're both winners. What do you mean Gen's cooking for you? I thought she lived in Verily."

He'd totally forgotten they didn't know he and Gen had been living together. Temporarily, of course. "Her ex was giving her problems, so I moved in for a while. Just to make sure she was okay."

Her shrewd gaze saw as much as Sawyer's, but she just nodded. "I see."

Wolfe steered the subject into safe territory. "How about you satisfy my curiosity on what's in the file? Something good? Did I inherit?" He waited for the laugh, but Sawyer's face tightened, as if he was stressed. A worried gleam lit his eyes. Wolfe leaned forward. "I'm just kidding. If it's a problem, I'll help you fix it."

Julietta gave a soft sigh. "Not a problem. Actually, it's something we've been waiting years for. Didn't know if it would happen. We just hope you're as happy as we are."