"I swear! She accused him of not doing his job and got all mouthy. I think he was hot for her. There was something almost electric in the air. Oh, and he smokes."

Kate gasped. "That'll never work. I'm worried about her yoga teacher. She seems a bit mopey lately. Think he's cheating again?"

"Probably. He screwed around on her twice, hiding it in a bunch of bullshit about men not being naturally monogamous and embracing their innate tendencies. He's a player."

"Should we talk to her again?"

"No. She needs to come to the conclusion on her own. Same way I did with David."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

The artist leaned over her ass and spoke brusquely. "Ready? I'm gonna be a while."

"Ready." Excitement slithered through her. Maybe this was what it felt like being a bad girl. Izzy would be proud of her. The thought of her twin sent a pang of regret through her, and Gen wondered if she should try to reach out again. Maybe since her screwup with David, Izzy would be more apt to have a conversation.

Kate shrieked as the needle hit the small of her back. Tiny pinpricks of pain shot through her, but it was bearable. "Kate, you're freaking me out. Breathe."

"Sorry. Why are you doing this again? Are surgeons allowed to have ink?"

An image of Wolfe flashed in her mind. Strolling out the door, looking hot as hell, ready to bed some gorgeous, confident, sexual female who'd make him feel good, touch him all over, and take him deep in her body.


She wanted to scream. Instead, she'd given him a thumbs-up like she was his buddy who didn't care how many women he screwed. And she used to be. Usually, she'd laugh, call him a man whore, and be done with the episode. Now the game had changed. Jealousy coursed through her and she didn't know how to handle it.

She focused on Kate's question. "Yeah, you're thinking military. As for why? Let's just say I need to shake things up a bit. I feel like doing something a bit crazy. Outside my comfort zone. Know what I mean?"

"Totally. Of course, you could've come with me to visit my mom and she would've gotten you high."

Gen grinned. Kate's mother was a posthippie, pot-smoking sex therapist with a big heart. "How is your mom?"

Kate nibbled on a few Skittles. Sugar helped balance her fear of needles. "Fine. She got all excited about this new client who was experiencing erectile dysfunction. She aims to cure him."

"Your mom is a badass."

"Slade loves her. She's been pretty chill about the wedding, so we're thrilled she's leaving most of it to us."

"I can't believe you're getting married soon. I'm so excited."

Kate smiled. "Me, too. Maybe Kennedy will be next if Nate has his way. Speaking of men and living together, how's it going with you and Wolfe shacking up?"

The memory hit her like a left hook. Wolfe standing naked in her living room. Wet. Hunger flashing in those blue eyes. She swallowed. "Uh, okay."

Kate swiveled her head around. Her gaze reeked of suspicion. "You don't sound okay. You sound involved."

She tried for a casual air. "Just doing the roommate thing. Sharing meals, a TV, et cetera."

"Sharing a bed?"

Gen flinched. The artist cursed and slapped her upper thigh. "Don't move."

"Hey, you're not her dom!" Kate yelled.

The guy raised a needle. "Quiet, girl, or your friend's gonna get a very different tattoo."

Gen sent her a pleading look. "Kate! Let him do his job, please."

"Fine. Are you sleeping with Wolfe?"

"No. We're friends. I told you a billion and one times. In fact, he's out tonight screwing some woman who probably means nothing to him."

"Interesting. Why do you sound jealous?"

Gen glared but it wasn't too intimidating with her pants down. "I'm not. I want him to get past these brief sexual affairs and experience a real relationship. He refuses to join Kinnections and keeps insisting he's unable to commit."

"Maybe he is."

"Bullshit. He's scared of letting someone in. It's frustrating. Hell, he hasn't even told me about his past, and I've known him for years."

"That's his journey, Gen, not yours," Kate said gently. "He's gotta be ready for more and you can't force him. Why don't you concentrate on your upcoming date? Are you ready?"

Was she? Since Wolfe began wrecking her peace and once-stable libido, she forgot what she wanted from the date. A hopeful beginning? A confirmation there was love out there for her? A leap into the unknown to remind herself sex didn't have to be a battlefield? Or love. Or whatever that Pat Benatar eighties song said.

"Yes. I'm excited. It was a good match per the computer system, right?"

Kate nodded. "You really complemented each other. He's divorced, but completely ready to date and fall in love again. He's a pharmacist, so he'll appreciate your medical background. He likes to have fun, and he's not stodgy at all."



"If all goes according to plan, I'd like to sleep with him."

The low chuckle of the tattoo artist was nothing compared to the gasp her friend gave. "No! It's against the rules of Kinnections. Well, the implied rules. No sex on the first date. You're not out to get laid but to build a healthy, satisfying relationship."

"Will you throw me out if we have sex?" she asked curiously.

Kate moaned and covered her face. "No, don't be silly. But I don't think Charles is that type of guy. If you just wanted to get laid, you should've t

old me!"

Gen tamped down a giggle. "Why? Do you have a separate list of men who want a one-nighter versus a long-term relationship?"

Another laugh emanated from behind her. Kate glared.

"No. But I may have chosen differently. He's relationship material. Not hot sex."

Her shoulders slumped. Of course. Why was she surprised? None of her friends thought she was built for short-term. Especially not Wolfe. Was it so wrong to want to buck the system now and then? Was it so wrong to want a night of passion and impulse before worrying about china patterns and white picket fences?"

"Ah damn. I said something wrong. What'd I say?"

Gen avoided her gaze. "Nothing, don't be silly. You're probably right. I was just thinking since I broke off my engagement, diving into another relationship wouldn't be a good thing. Maybe I need to have a bit of fun and frolic. Does that sound terrible?"

Kate reached out and squeezed her hand. "Not terrible at all. I'm sorry I didn't ask more questions about what you want." She tapped her finger against her lip. "Maybe Charlie will surprise you. If you have heat, he may want to go a bit crazy and sleep with you."

Gen couldn't help it. She laughed. Kate had expressed the thought as if it was a complete novelty. Who was she kidding? She'd never had a one-night stand and never been interested in one. She liked connection, dialogue, and emotion. But Wolfe didn't have to know.

The thought morphed into a plan. She'd go on her respectable date with Charles, but she'd keep her mouth shut about the ending. Wolfe might assume she slept with him, and maybe that would put a barrier between the weirdness that was sprouting up all the time. If she experienced a spark with Charles, she would let her gut instinct lead the way. A voice growled behind her back.

"You can always get him in the mood by showing him this beauty," the tattoo artist said. "Sure you don't want baby's breath sprouting from the rose instead? Ladies seem to go for that one."

No. She may have picked a rose, but this was her own little secret. A bit of darkness within the beauty. Pain within the pleasure. She may not want to live in that world, but it existed, and she would never try and shut it out again. It was now a tiny part of who she was.

"No," she said aloud. "I want the thorns with the drops of blood."