It was more of a threat than a promise. Arilyn tried to keep her cold dignity, but stumbled once on her way out. His chuckle told her he'd caught it.

Gen decided not to bring up the odd dialogue between them and got to work.


NOW, THIS IS something I hope to avoid when my son is of age."

Wolfe looked up. Maximus Gray, his stepfather's close friend, general badass, and partner in La Dolce Maggie bakery--a local New York chain born from the Contes' original bakery in Italy, La Dolce Famiglia--stared at him through the bars of the jail. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt dribbled with baby saliva and an array of interesting stains, he still looked more intimidating than most men Wolfe knew. A touch of humor twisted his lips.

Wolfe got up from the bench and walked over. "You will. First thing I'll tell Max Jr. is to call his old friend Wolfe to bail him out. You've always been cranky about losing sleep. Hey, who contacted you? I didn't get a chance to make my one phone call."

"Gen. What happened?"

"A clusterfuck."

"Sounds familiar. Give me the story."

His muscles relaxed. He related the whole story, sparing nothing. Usually he was stubborn enough to get himself out of his own messes, but there was one goal in his mind that left all others to the side.

Get back to Gen as quickly as possible.

He couldn't do that in jail.

Max scribbled a few notes. "First thing to do is get you out. I'll make some calls. Riscetti's restraining order sounds fishy. No prior evidence, so maybe strings were pulled. Is Gen okay?"

"Think so, she's strong. But I need to get out of here, Max. I need to be with her."

Max nodded, looking thoughtful. "You guys together now?"

Wolfe let out a half laugh. "No. Just friends. Why has the whole family been intent on hooking us up since day one?"

He waited for Max to laugh with him, but he was strangely silent, probing his face as if he suspected something Wolfe didn't even know. Wolfe tried to keep calm, hoping no one ever found out about that one stolen, perfect kiss between them.

"Because you both fit," Max said simply. "Not that I didn't want to see her happily married. Glad she ran from the asshole before it was too late. She's always been wicked smart."

"Yeah. This guy's good, Max. He set the whole thing up, got her to quit the hospital, and likes to control her. I'm worried. I don't want him near Gen."

"Got it. Let me take care of some things. Want me to call Sawyer and Julietta?"

Wolfe winced. He didn't need them worried when they couldn't do anything for him. "No, I'll tell them when it's all over. Knowing Sawyer, he'd fly here and start kicking ass and taking names. Let's get this done first." Max nodded. Wolfe was so used to Max being able to do anything, he remembered he wasn't a lawyer. "Hey, how are you gonna get me out?"

A vicious smile curved his lips. "Let's just say I know people. I'll be back."

Wolfe shook his head. Thank God Max was on his side. He wouldn't want to be the other guy.

Wolfe paced back and forth in his cell and waited.


Genevieve flung herself into his arms. He lifted her easily, kicking the door closed with his foot, and let her cling as tightly as she wanted. Usually he laughed and called her a girl when she was overcome with emotion. Right now, he seemed content to allow the well of messiness to overflow on his behalf. Good, because she didn't know if she could let go if she tried.

His lips pressed against her scalp and he whispered low nonsense to her. The ugly events of the night unfolded and caused a deep trembling. She expected him to smell like stale sweat and musk. Instead, she caught the soothing scent of cotton, water, and soap. His familiar warmth wrapped her in a cocoon, and his soft shirt cushioned her cheek.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

He tilted her chin up. "That's stupid. You gonna apologize for serial killers and natural disasters, too?"

She gulped in a breath and ended up snorting. "Yes. I'm sorry for those. I'm sorry for anything that's hurt you."

His face softened and something hot flared in his blue eyes. He stroked her messy hair back, which he'd done hundreds of times, but this felt different. More intimate. Like she was a lover rather than friend.


He seemed to reach the same conclusion simultaneously. Wolfe cleared his throat, released her, and stepped back. "You were smart to call Max. He straightened everything out, but I still have to appear in court. I've got a few things to do first and then I'll be back. Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Yes. Arilyn stayed with me last night. Slade's taking care of the restraining order against David. I'm sure he'll never come near me again when his reputation is at stake. Slade said he'll make arrangements to get my stuff back without me having to see him."

His lips tightened. "There's only one way to guarantee he never comes back. I'm moving in with you."

His words slammed through her. A crazed laugh escaped her lips. "Are you nuts? You can't move in with me."

"Do you feel safe here, Gen?"

She fought a shiver. "No. But I'm getting a locksmith to install a dead bolt and get an alarm system. Everyone will be on the lookout for his car. I have legal protection. I'm covered."

Wolfe narrowed his gaze. "Not good enough. You insulted him by leaving, and he wants revenge. I don't trust him, and I'm too far away from you in Manhattan. We'll both feel safer if I'm sleeping here at night."

Gen paced the room. She couldn't let him disrupt his life. Once again, he was rescuing her, and he must be getting sick of it. "No, I appreciate the offer, but I can handle this. You can't live in Verily when your apartment is close to Purity. The commute is an hour. My home has only one bedroom. We'd be ready to kill each other by the second week."

"You're being ridiculous--we get along great. I'll sleep fine on the couch. It'll be fun, like a monthlong slumber party. Girls like that, right?"

She rubbed her forehead at the craziness of his suggestion. "We gonna braid each other's hair, too?"

"If you want."

"No! I can take care of myself. My friends live local, and I can always have Arilyn stay over if I get spooked. You are not moving in with me."

"Fine, then I guess I'll be bunking in my car. Because I'm packing up my stuff and keeping watch every night. If you want to ban me from the house, that's on you. Personally, I'd prefer the couch."

He'd do it. He was stubborn and frustrating when he decided on a course of action. She'd watch him sleep by the curb every night until she broke down. Gen fisted her hands. Dammit. When had she become a damsel in distress? She hated those stupid Disney princesses--they sucked.

But the truth was his presence would make her feel safer. She was spooked. Afraid she'd see David's face around a dark corner, at her window at night, telling her to relax and fake it like she always did. The ugliness ran too deep to forget overnight.

Maybe a week or two. Tops. She'd prove David had lost interest, and soothe Wolfe's protective instincts. They'd look back on the episode with a few laughs, their friendship stronger, and she'd be able to finally move on.

Besides, she had no choice. Better to save her strength for a battle she could win.

"Fine. You win."

"Good choice." He ruffled her hair and grinned. "I'll pack, check in with Purity, and head back. How about I cook dinner for our first official night together?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'd like to actually eat, so I'll cook."

"Even better."

Gen crossed her arms in front of her. "Don't think I'm gonna spoil you like Julietta does. I swear, if you begin leaving dirty underwear around the house you're out of here."

He actually looked wounded. "I'm the perfect roommate."

"Because you've never had one."

"It's been on my bucket list. Now I can cross it off."

He left. She looked around the small bungalow, noting some of the cobwebs she hadn't gotten to clean yet, and decided it wo

uld be a good time to restructure. There were a bunch of repairs to make, and already her neighbor Mrs. Blackfire, aka the Wicked Witch of Verily, had begun leaving more nasty notes telling her to cut down her favorite tree. The large, old pine was beautiful, overgrown, and leaned slightly to the right of the front yard. The Witch insisted it was dead and would fall on her roof. Gen disagreed. One lawyer, insurance inspection, and town hall meeting later, she'd won. Kind of. Moving out finally silenced the feud, but now that she was back, Gen realized round two was coming.

Still, she loved her place, and refused to let David steal her sense of safety.