The door opened.

Gen strode out in black lace boy shorts, matching push-up bra, and black leather stilettos.

Holy. Crap.

His gaze devoured the sway of her hips, the luscious curve of her ass, the mouthwatering cleavage on display. Her legs flexed with each step, pushing her breasts out. Her nipples pressed against the lace. Without a glance over, she clicked over toward the kitchen, completely ignoring his instant erection, hanging tongue, and lust-filled eyes.

"Oh good, you cleaned up for me. And poured more wine. Perfect."

He tried to speak but only made some caveman noises.

She turned, and Wolfe caught the gorgeous ink hovering above the lacy band of her panties. The thorns wept blood, trickling down into the covered spaces of her bare ass.

"Wh-wh-what are you doing?" His voice sounded like a girly, high-pitched squeal.

She grabbed her glass, took a sip, and cocked her hip. Her belly quivered. Miles of pale, bare skin burned in his vision. "What do you think I'm doing?" she drawled. "Using sex to close out an argument."

He blinked. "B-but you said that wasn't a good way to communicate."

She smiled at him with such dazzling sexual charm he became dumbstruck. "That's true when a man uses sex as a weapon. But a woman? Well, that's completely allowed. Can we make up now and watch Love It or List It?"


He was on her in two seconds. Lifting her up and pressing her down onto the clean wood table. Knowing he'd never make it into the bedroom, Wolfe took what he wanted and swore he'd cherish for the rest of his life.

His woman.

She never had a chance. His mouth devoured hers, delving deep while he ripped off the tiny shorts and spread her legs. The moment his fingers slipped inside, her wetness coated him, but he couldn't wait. This was no foreplay or slow, sweet teasing. This was pure sex and taking and hunger, so he maneuvered his belt open, took his dick in hand, dragged her to the end of the table, and paused at her entrance.

Ripping his mouth from hers, he gave the command. "Grip the edges of the table and don't let go."

She did.

One deep thrust and he was buried inside.

She moaned. Arched. Held on to the table like it was the only thing in the world to save her. And it was.

Wolfe held nothing back, pounding inside her drenched, silken pussy over and over, refusing to let up the pace or give her time to recover. She cried his name, bit down on her lower lip, and came.

He didn't stop. Raising her higher so his piercing scraped her clit, he refused to slow, forcing her into another orgasm, while she begged and yelled and wept with pleasure.

Then he did it again.

Her body slumped helplessly underneath him. Her fingers gentled and she surrendered into the biting pleasure/pain, giving herself over completely.

Wolfe let go, burying himself deep and spilling his seed. His hips jerked as the stinging satisfaction rolled over him in waves, dragging him under.

Spent, he kissed her belly, her lips, stroked her damp hair back. Looked into her eyes, the gorgeous navy blue that beckoned him to give in, give over, and love her completely.

"Have I told you how much I adore your communication skills?"

She smiled, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him.


GENEVIEVE SKIPPED UP the steps like she had so many times as a child. "Hurry up, we're late."

Wolfe trailed behind her, shaking his head in amusement. "Whose fault is that? I was dressed and ready. You're the one who came out of the shower all wet and naked and inviting."

Heat burned her cheeks. Unbelievable she could still blush. He'd stripped away all modesty and barriers with his voracious sexual appetite and adoring appreciation for her body. Gen had never felt so gorgeous, even with her full curves. Even knowing he'd dated skinny models. It was if she was finally coming into her body in her late twenties, enjoying her own unique assets and not looking to be someone else.

"Shush, someone may hear you."

She ignored his low, sexy laugh and flung open the door. Now that things with David were a bit more settled, Gen was looking forward to spending quality time with her family without the crippling guilt. She'd moved on. David had moved on. Maybe her father would finally stop calling her with concerned questions and hopeful suggestions to contact David to try and work things out. Maybe he'd finally soften toward Wolfe, though she intended to keep their new relationship a secret.

Jim MacKenzie lit up and gathered her in a big bear hug. "About time. I was about to eat all the antipasto by myself."

"Mom has my back. Bet she hid some pepperoni just for me."

"I did!" came the yell from the kitchen.

Jim's smile slid off his face when he caught Wolfe standing behind her. He stiffened and gave him a polite nod. "Wolfe."

"Jim. How are you? Thanks for inviting me."

"Fine, thank you. Maria was the one who extended the invite."

Gen winced. Ouch. Her father was one of the kindest people she knew. His job as an alcoholism counselor put him in touch with varying types and he rarely held judgment. But something about Wolfe turned him into a stranger. She deliberately caught Wolfe's hand and led him inside. A show of unity. A silent back off to her dad.

Jim frowned.

"The whole crew here?" she asked, walking into the living room, where appetizers were already laid out and bottles of red and white wine were breathing. Her twelve-year-old niece, Taylor, was texting on her phone at the same time she bopped to music on her player.

Gen walked over and waved a hand in front of her. The blond-haired angel grinned, tore off her earbuds, and gave her a hug. "Hi, Aunt Gen! Hi, Wolfe. Aunt Gen, you are not going to believe it. I swear you will absolutely hit-the-floor die right now when you hear."

She assumed her serious face. "Tell me."

Taylor's bright blue eyes gleamed with a secret. Oh boy. She knew that look well. She and Izzy had perfected the art. "I'm going to Paris."

Whoa. "Are you kidding me? Your mother's letting you travel overseas? For what?"

"There's a special foreign-language transfer student program I want to sign up for. I spend the month in Paris, learning French and the customs, and stay with a family. Do you believe this?"

Gen looked around for intervention from her insane brother and sister-in-law. This could not be possible. "When are you going?"

"When I'm sixteen."

Relief sagged her shoulders. Wow, that was a close call. "So, you're telling me in only four years you're going to live in Paris, learning French and being generally fabulous?"


"I can't believe it! I'm so excited!" She jumped up and down with Taylor, squealing and holding hands, while Wolfe laughed behind them. "I'm so coming to visit you."


Lance and Gina came in from the backyard, and they launched into a discussion about traveling and how Maria never allowed them to go farther than the next-door neighbor's.

"I don't understand these children today." Her mother sighed, setting down a tray of bruschetta in front of them. Wolfe dove at the same time as her father, and Wolfe jerked back, allowing him the win. "What's wrong with staying home? Plenty of time to do traveling later in life. You all turned out fine."

Lance kicked back in the chair, feet propped up on the worn ottoman. "Gina may disagree with you, Mom. Says I have issues."

Gina and her mother both swatted him on opposite sides. Taylor giggled.

"Where's Alexa and Nick?" Gen asked.

"Lily has a virus, so they're both staying home tonight. I'll bring her chicken soup tomorrow."

Gen smiled. She loved how her mom's chicken soup cured illness and general malaise. They plunged into general conversation, with teasing, jibes, and lots of wine. Her mother had just declared dinner ready. Everyone got up and began filing into the dining room, when a loud bang echoed through the house.

Izzy walked in.


n stared. Her sister had stopped coming to family dinners a long time ago. She remembered that fateful dinner when Izzy had barged in hopped up on drugs, sneering at their so-called happy family and launching personal attacks on everyone. Gen shuddered at the memory.