Rough hands dragged him back. Light exploded as something smashed against his head, and he fought for consciousness, the swirl and mix of male voices and shouts mingling in the air. His mind screamed one word the entire time he desperately tried to break away, the one word that would be repeated in his nightmares for years after the horrid night.

No no no no no no . . .

Two men tossed him into his room onto the bed. He groaned and twisted, but they were much bigger than Scott, and one guarded the door while the first dragged him off the mattress and threw him to his knees. He gagged, ready to vomit, his palms plastered to the battered wooden floor.

"Gonna teach you some manners. Also gonna teach you how to make some money."

Scott walked over, jerking his head up by his hair. He grinned with an evil purpose, blood dripping from the shallow wound near his shoulder. "You'll pay for that one. I'm gonna enjoy you working off your mama's debt."

No. No no no no no . . .

The first man laughed and began unbuckling his pants.

No no no no no no . . .

And then the nightmare began.


GEN WALKED OUT of Cafe Xpressions with a bag of biscotti and big plans for that night. She planned to make scampi with pasta, and then work off the calories by engaging in her new fave sport.

Sex. With Wolfe.

She hummed under her breath, swinging the bag and soaking in the sun.


The familiar voice popped her bubble, and she felt her happiness slowly leak away as she stared at David. A tiny shiver of fear trickled down her spine, though they were in broad daylight. Pressing her lips together, she turned to walk away but he said her name again with an odd urgency.

"Please give me a minute. I know I don't deserve it. We can talk right out here in front of witnesses. Please."

She stiffened but turned around. He must have come straight from his shift, since he still wore his scrubs. His burnished hair looked mussed, but glinted like a halo in the sun. Tiny lines bracketed his mouth and eyes, giving him an exhausted look she knew too well. A pang deep inside exploded through her. She missed the hospital. Missed the work. Missed feeling a part of the bigger picture, sacrificing her time to save lives. She fought to keep the longing off her face in case he misread her emotion.

"What do you want?"

"First? To apologize. My actions make me sick. I lost it, was so crazed with jealousy I wanted to hurt you."

"Sorry. I can't forgive you. You took away anything good we once had when you laid your hands on me with violence."

He nodded, his jaw clenched with tension. "Understood. I still had to say it out loud. I made arrangements for your stuff to be delivered this weekend, if that's okay."

She raised an eyebrow. Max had been working on it, but things stalled when David's lawyer threatened to drag her to court, declaring that her affair with Wolfe entitled her to nothing. "I don't want any personal deliveries."

"No, I won't be there. You win, Gen. It's over. I'm going to stay away from you. I've gone over every piece of our relationship and think I know how I went wrong, but if you won't give me another chance, I can't fight you."

"We can never go back," she whispered.

"I know." For a brief moment, those first few months drifted past her vision and sadness leaked through. Once, she loved him. Wanted to marry him. Now he was just a stranger. Life was both odd and bittersweet. When Wolfe took her in his arms, all the pieces clicked into place. She'd never before felt such a bone-deep rightness in her soul.

"But there's one thing I need to ask you," he said.

Here we go. She narrowed her gaze.

"You need to come back to the hospital."

Her muscles tightened. It took a few moments to catch her breath and speak calmly. "I can't. You know why."

David shook his head, intensity radiating around him. "You belong in medicine, Genevieve. You have a gift. I saw it from the very first, and to see you wasting away in some cheap matchmaking company is a crime."

"Kinnections is a successful business that helps people find love. How dare you judge me."

His lips pressed together. "You're hiding there. I also know I'm the reason. Look, the idea of you working beside me, seeing you every day but not being able to claim you as mine, almost destroyed me. I did everything in my power to force you out. Another apology owed. So I'm transferring."

Her mouth dropped open. "You're the backbone of the surgical unit. And I don't believe you. It's just a trick to get me back."

"No, Genevieve. I've been offered an opportunity at Boston Children's Hospital. It's time to make a move. I can do a lot more, especially in the teaching and surgical fields. I've been stifled for a while, but I didn't want to admit it. Especially with you finishing up your residency and wanting to stay in New York."

Shock hit her in waves. The opportunity of returning to the career she had lived and breathed for so long suddenly shimmered before her again. "Why are you telling me this? Am I supposed to believe you're suddenly ready to accept our breakup? After you got a restraining order against Wolfe? And convinced my parents I was having emotional problems? Forced me from the hospital in the first place?"

He never flinched. Just gazed at her with the same intensity he used on the residents. "It's the truth. I felt you slipping away and did everything in my power to keep you. I never trusted that asshole anyway--he was gunning for you the whole time. But I'm not about to waste the rest of my life begging you to come back to me. I wanted to tell you in person about my decision. Contact the residency director, Brian, and he'll get you back into the program. I've already cleared it."

Her heart thundered, roaring in her ears. "It may be too late."

"It's never too late. Don't waste yourself on a career unworthy of you. You're better than that." His gaze flicked over her. "You're better than Wolfe, too."

She opened her mouth to protest but he'd already turned on his heel and walked away.

Gen stared at the empty pavement. So many decisions. She enjoyed Kinnections. It was more challenging than she originally thought, and working with her best friends was a dream come true.

But she was a doctor. A surgeon. The medical field was in her DNA, and though she'd tried to run and forget it, hoping she could have a fuller, more balanced life than before, Gen realized all roads led back to the hospital.

She had a lot to think about.

Gen headed toward her house, thoughts spinning.

WOLFE STARED AT THE large-screen monitor in front of him. He'd just closed a big account that would be booking all its future conferences at Purity. Screw you, Plaza. We have arrived.

He looked forward to telling Sawyer about his recent coup. Every win was another opportunity to give back to the man who'd offered him a chance and dragged him out of the gutter.

As usual, his blood heated at the idea of using his brain and skills to get what he wanted. Especially in business. His personal life had been a flat, unending desert plain with nothing in sight he craved. Made things so much easier. Empty, but easy.

Until Gen, of course. Now he bounced through his workday like a kid looking forward to Christmas.

He shook his head in self-mockery and looked around his office. He'd furnished it in a replica of Sawyer's office in Italy. Mahogany wood. Burgundy carpet. Interesting sculptures and knickknacks that appealed to him. A floor-to-ceiling bookcase filled with rare editions and popular fiction. And a private entrance to a gym where he pounded out his frustrations on a punching bag to eighties heavy metal.

How many times had he slept here without thought? Now the minute 5 p.m. arrived, he headed out the door. His personal assistant almost fainted when he announced his refusal to stay late and chair a meeting. Wolfe knew he wasn't needed. He just liked being involved in all stages. Until a sexy brunette cast a spell on him.

He pushed back the worried thoughts ready to spring loose. Couldn't last. He didn't care. One full week had

already passed and things were perfect. He decided to wring out every last ounce of pleasure until what they had slowly dissolved. Who would've thought this friends-with-benefits thing could work? But so far, it did. They spent their time together, engaged in mind-blowing sex most of the night, and enjoyed each other's company. No questions, restrictions, or contracts. No promises. Just the moment, and a boatload of pleasure.

His cell buzzed and he quickly scooped it up. A smile curved his mouth immediately. "Hey, Sawyer. How the hell are you?"

A low laugh echoed over the receiver. "Was gonna ask you the same. Heard you beat out the Plaza in the Conway contract. Nice work."

Wolfe shook his head in disbelief. "Who do you have planted here? The ink's still wet and I planned to call you later to give you the good news."

"I couldn't wait. Listen, I wanted to ask you a favor."

He clenched the phone. "Anything."

"Think you can fly out here next week? Spend a few days with us?"

"Is everything okay? Julietta? Gabby? You?"

Another laugh. "Calm down, we're all great. We just wanted to share something. Plus, Julietta misses you. So do I."

The emotion surged hot and strong, enveloping him in the only comfort he'd ever had in his life. "I miss you, too. Yeah, I'll wrap up in a few days and get out there."

"Good. I want to catch up on things. Texting and Skype just aren't the same. And Gabby needs to torture her big brother."

Sawyer grinned. "Give me a break. You guys just want a sitter."

"Busted. I already bought the tickets to La Scala, so don't think you're backing out now."