They stared at her. For such a sweet, gentle soul, Arilyn had a vicious streak that always fascinated Gen. "Good idea," Ken jumped in. "Nate can help us set it up."

Gen laughed. Only her friends could introduce humor into every situation. "Thanks for the suggestion, A, but I think I'll pass. I just want to move on. Nothing else matters right now."

"What are you going to do?" Kate asked. "Transfer to another hospital and residency program?"

She shook her head. "I'm taking a break. I need to figure out if this is what I really want, or if it's just been a goal I've set for myself. I'd still need to commit to years more of training to do surgery. Maybe this is a sign I'm not meant for it." They jumped in together to protest, but she held up one hand. "No, I'm not saying I'm not good enough. I just don't think I ever gave myself any other options. I need time." A small smile touched her lips. "I have nothing left. Maybe it's a good thing, since I can start fresh. Find out who I really am again. Make sense?"

Arilyn nodded. "Perfect sense."

"Is David pressuring you? Are you afraid of him? I still think we should call the cops," Kennedy said.

"No. Now that I left the hospital, he has no more need to torture me. He can keep my stuff, I couldn't care less. I just want to be free and start over."

"Okay, but you're not going to spend endless days in bed eating bad food in an attempt to figure things out," Kate announced. "You're getting a job."


"At Kinnections, of course."

Kennedy and Arilyn high-fived. "Yes, that's perfect," Kennedy squealed. "We're growing so fast we're getting behind and need to hire another assistant. You start tomorrow."

"What? I can't work for Kinnections! I know nothing about matchmaking."

"You don't need to," Kate said briskly. "We'll teach you what you need, but you already have half the battle won. You've always had an amazing instinct about people. You just need to rediscover that part again."

The idea was so ridiculous she almost believed it could work. She'd learn about her friends' business, keep busy, and help out. She'd get paid. And what better environment than around the people she loved best?

"I'm not letting you say no, so just get over it," Kate said.

Gen grinned. "You're always so bossy."

"Yeah, Slade loves it."

Ken rolled her eyes. "Oh please, he's so the dom in your relationship. You get all gooey when he commands you to do all sorts of nasty things."

Kate sniffed. "What's Nate studying now, Ken? Anal play?"

Gen laughed at the red flush on Kennedy's cheeks. Priceless. Her geeky rocket scientist had a passion for studying academics and new subjects that included the best ways to have sex. His inventiveness had kept their sex life quite active. Many times Kate said she'd found Ken asleep at her desk in a desperate effort for some actual sleep.

A pang of longing hit. That should've been her and David. She wondered if there'd ever be someone who'd understand and love her for who she was, warts and issues included. As much as she didn't want to admit it, her confidence was badly shaken. Would a man ever want her with such a raw passion and longing? Was it even possible for her?

The memory of Wolfe's kiss flashed before her. The solid press of his erection against her thigh. The blistering heat of his skin. The thrust of his tongue claiming her mouth. Yes. With David there was a physical connection, especially in the beginning, but it faded to technique and never cut deep. Just that one kiss from Wolfe gave her a taste of what he'd bring to his partners in bed. Was that wrong to crave such passion for herself?

She pushed the thoughts out of her mind and tried to focus on the present. "If you think I can be helpful, I'll do it."

Kate smiled with satisfaction. "Good. Nine o'clock. This is going to be epic."

"But first you have to shower," Ken piped up.

Arilyn patted her shoulder. "Why don't you clean up and we'll order some takeout from Mugs? We can have a movie night."

"Oh, how about The Heat with Sandra Bullock? That was hysterical," Kate said.

Ken sighed. "You and your comedies. How about Magic Mike?"

Arilyn shook her head. "We've seen that together three times. There's no plot."

Ken lifted a brow. "And your point is?"

Gen got up from the bed and headed for the shower. A glimmer of hope flared. She'd get to the other side eventually, and things would work out. And if she was a surgical dropout and future spinster, so what? She had great friends, family, and a working brain and body.

Today, that was enough.

"HI, WELCOME TO KINNECTIONS--Wolfe? What are you doing here?"

Oh, he wanted to strangle her.

He strode over to the receptionist's desk, where those wide navy blue eyes looked innocent. He was used to seeing her in scrubs or jeans, so the sexy black lace top and flash of bare leg from her skirt threw him off for a moment. Her usual ponytail had been replaced by curls flying free over her shoulders. Chestnut waves flopped over one eye, which looked annoying but damn seductive. Flirty. Definitely not like the Gen he knew.

He laid both palms flat on the desk and leaned over. "I think the better question is, what are you doing here?"

She gave a pout. Was she wearing lipstick? He wouldn't have pegged her to wear a bold color, but the rich, coffee-colored lipstick clung to her mouth and tempted a man to try a sip.

What the hell was he thinking?

"You're in a mood. I work here now."

His temper rose another notch. "You're a doctor. Why aren't you at the hospital?"

She shifted in the chair. "I quit."

He turned. "I'm going to kill the son of a bitch. Wait here."

Wolfe took a few steps before she scrambled and skid ahead of him, blocking his exit. "Kate already tried twice. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it's for the best. There was an incident and I realized I won't be able to work there."

"Why didn't you tell me? I get a text saying you're working late, then staying at Kate's. You refuse to answer my calls, and when I finally get in touch with Kate, she says you're not with her. Crap, Gen, you gave me a heart attack! I'm stuck at the convention with a bunch of suits and couldn't get to you. What incident?"

"A patient thing. I needed some time alone and didn't want to bother anyone."

Wolfe gritted his teeth and prayed for calm. "You're not a bother. You're my friend."

Her face softened and she grabbed his arms. Her fingers lay directly over the thin leather that covered his wrists, but the heat from her touch still burned. "I know. You have to understand how I've been feeling lately. Like a whiny, pitying, weak female. Suddenly I'm doing all these crazy things and I broke. I'm better now, but thank you."

Her patronizing words made him more enraged. He still wasn't sure why. Her self-imposed isolation drove him nuts, but the thought of her turning to someone else was much worse. He wanted to shake her until she understood how important she was. "You're not better. I refuse to let that asshole push you out when you were born to be a surgeon. You can't work at a matchmaking agency. It's totally beneath you."

The softness disappeared and turned to fire. She practically growled like a she-cat. "Who the heck are you to judge me or Kinnections! Did you suddenly turn into a snob, O playboy turned millionaire hotel magnate?"

Wolfe fought not to flush. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm just saying you were meant to save lives, not make matches!"

She sniffed like it was a reasonable argument. "I disagree. This may be my true calling after all. I'm tired of stress and medicine and decisions that are life-and-death. I'm goin

g to have fun. Who knows? Maybe I'll even find real love."

Irritation scraped him like a Brillo pad. "You'll get bored of this place in a week."

She stuck out her tongue. Was she serious? "No, I won't. And I'm not quitting till I help make a great match for someone. I need to be around magic and hope. Hey, want to sign up? Kate says if I get clients on my own I get a recruitment bonus."

He stared at her. "Are you kidding me? No, I'm not signing up for Kinnections. Listen, I'll help you get transferred to another hospital. I can make some calls--I know some guy in Albany who's high up the ladder. You can't leave your residency when you worked so hard. We'll fix this."

"There's nothing to fix. This is my job now and you'll have to get used to it." The phone rang and she brightened. "Gotta get that."

Wolfe watched her run to the phone and lean over the desk. The skirt stretched over her full rear, rode up her thighs, and left her indecent. She wobbled a bit on three-inch stilettos till she found her balance. For God's sake, she never wore heels. Had Kennedy gotten ahold of her? Why was it so hot in here?

He dragged his fingers through his hair and listened to her chirp about some upcoming mixer at the Purple Haze. She gave a low little laugh that sounded suspiciously like a giggle. Oh yeah. Kennedy had definitely done something horrible to her. She hung up, wiggled back around, and tugged down the indecent minuscule fabric that constituted office wear. Even her perfume was different. The lingering sweet scent of peach mixed with a sharp citrus and musk that tantalized. Was she working here to find dates for herself? No, that wouldn't be like her at all. She used to say she needed months to get over a relationship. A broken engagement would take at least a year.

"Sure you don't want to help me earn some more money?" She gave him a wink. "You'd be a hot commodity with the women."

Ugh, he refused to be embarrassed. "No. I can get my own dates."

"Fine. At least I'll get something for signing myself up."

He opened his mouth, then shut it. Opened it again. "What are you talking about?"

Gen grinned. "I'm going to be a new client of Kinnections!"

"You just broke up with David. You're always bitching about people needing months in between serious relationships in order to heal. Remember that time I broke up with Allie, and you made me cancel my date the next weekend? You forced me to be celibate for two whole weeks!"

She rolled her eyes and cocked a hip out. The black top shifted and he caught a fragment of lace peeking from her shoulder. Huh? He had it on authority she only wore cotton underwear. "You needed to suffer. You broke her heart."