"It's okay, sweetie. What are you doing up here?"

She glanced out the window with a half smile. "I just needed a minute alone. I'm meeting a ton of David's friends and associates, which is hard now that I'm being introduced on an equal level. David's been my boss for two years, so it's just a bit strange. I don't want to disappoint him."

Kennedy walked over and grabbed her hands. "Sit with me for a minute. I want to talk to you." They both sat on the padded bench next to three pink frilly pillows. "Why would you think such a thing? David loves you, and you couldn't be a disappointment to anyone. What's really wrong? We're worried about you, sweetheart."

Gen gripped back with a surgeon's strength. She spoke carefully. "There are a lot of people who expect things from me. I don't want to let anyone down." She lifted her head and gazed at her directly. "I don't want to fail."

Ken's heart broke. Another successful, gorgeous woman afraid of dropping the ball. Life was just overwhelming sometimes. Was David really right for her, after all? Shouldn't her friend be over the moon in love and happy to be planning a wedding? Or was it just societal pressure to have everything perfect?

"There's nothing to fail at," she said. "Alexa, and I, and Kate will help you plan every last detail. You're our family. You need to take a step back and see what you're doing to yourself. Too much pressure won't make you happy, or David, or your patients, honey."

Gen nodded. "I know you're right."

"Have you talked to David? Maybe you can figure something out to slow things down?"

Gen's grip tightened. Her hands suddenly went clammy. "No! No, he's under a lot of strain at work since they doubled his responsibilities. He's traveling back and forth to Manhattan, and he's doing the best he can. It will be fine."

Kennedy studied her friend and took the plunge. "Are you happy with David?"

She jerked back. "What do you mean? I'm marrying him!"

"That wasn't the question, was it? I didn't even ask if you loved him. I asked if he made you happy."

Those blue eyes widened. Seconds ticked. Ken felt on the verge of something hugely important, and she was afraid to breathe and break the moment. Her friend dragged in a breath. Opened her mouth. And--

"Hey, is this where the party is?"

The delicate moment shattered and was abruptly lost.

Wolfe stood framed in the doorway, his head almost touching the top. Gen's face lit up and she raced over to give him a big hug. "'Bout time you got your ass here," she sassed. And just like that, the old Gen was back.

Wolfe laughed and flicked her earlobe. "Nice rocks. Is that what med students get paid in now?"

"Yeah, right. David gave them to me."

"Niiiice," he drawled. "Hey, Ken, I haven't seen you in a while. Things good? Making millions matching up poor schmucks looking for love?"

Ken rolled her eyes. "When are you going to break down and become my client? Really, Wolfe, I would've never picked the last woman I saw you with. Still together?"

"Nah, she only wanted my body. I wanted respect."

Gen snorted. "She was awful. She couldn't even throw a dart."

"Speaking of darts, you owe me another opportunity to get even. You keep canceling on me. I can't drink and aim sharp weapons alone."

"Sorry, Wolfe, I promise we'll do it next week. Wednesday night good? My shift gets out early."

A chilly voice cut through the room. "I don't think that will work, Genevieve. We have the nurses meeting and the charity fund-raiser."

Silence fell. Gen jumped up and ran to David's side, as if he normally had her on a short leash and the daily walk was over. Wolfe's jaw clenched along with his fists, but he forced a smile at Gen's fiancee. "Good to see you, David. Congrats."

David was a powerful presence in a completely different manner than Wolfe was. His suit was tailored in a neutral gray and obviously custom cut. White shirt. Demure tie. Thick blond hair was tamed and smoothed back from his face. Not a speckle of stubble, and his face held the lines and grace of an aristocrat. Kennedy watched in fascination as their opposing male energies swirled and combated with each other on two separate planets. Damn. They did not like each other.

She rose to her feet and walked over. "Hi, David, we met before. Gen's friend, Kennedy. Congratulations."

His smile was impeccable. White teeth flashed. "Thank you, Kennedy, it's a pleasure to have you." The cool bite of his voice softened as he stared at Gen. "Darling, I'm sorry for interrupting. There are a few people downstairs I really need you to meet--they're on the board. You'll forgive me, right, Wolfe?"


David slipped his arm under Gen's elbow. "I promise you'll have time to hang with your friends in a bit."

"Of course, no worries. I'll see you both later," Gen said, stiffly following him out.

Ken caught Wolfe's expression. Pissed off described it well. Boy, something was going on here. They obviously hated each other, but was it because they were both competing for Gen's attention? Or did the whole subtle put-down verbal challenge mean more?

She decided to talk to Wolfe about it while they were alone, but a toilet flushed, a door opened, and someone trudged toward them. Oh, well, she needed to get in conference with Kate anyway. Where was her champagne glass? She turned and scooped it up.

"Oh, there you are. Hey, Ken, this is my friend, Nate."

She froze. Turned her head. And gazed at Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle.

Wow. Just . . . wow.

He pulled his own weight next to Wolfe in the "holy hotness, Batman" category. No tats, piercings, or staggering height, but Nate didn't need it. Those moss green eyes shimmered with heat and intensity, and the strong line of his jaw and cheekbones screamed command. Broad shoulders were clad in a hand-stitched black silk button-down. She'd picked it out personally. The fabric shimmered under the light and showed off his lean, muscled chest. The sleeves were rolled up and golden brown skin sprinkled with light hair confirmed his golfer's tan. His spectacular ass was cupped in dark-washed Banana Republic jeans, with a large silver belt buckle. He was completely . . . solid. Energy swirled and tightened around them in a familiar sensual challenge that had been there since day one. She just hadn't been ready to see or accept it.

She still wasn't.

His eyes widened in pure surprise at seeing her there. So this wasn't planned. Oh, no, this was some sort of crazy God universe thing who liked to laugh and torture her. What were the odds? And how the hell did he know Wolfe? She tried to squeak out something, but it took a few times before words took hold. She didn't need to worry. He said the exact thing she would've bet he'd come up with no matter what the situation was.


The worst part was the softening of her heart at the familiar greeting. "Hey."

Wolfe looked back and forth between them. "You know each other?"

"Yes," they both said together.

Nate explained further. "Kennedy is my matchmaker."

"No way. You're hooked up with Kinnections? Dude, you never told me."

"Small world," Nate murmured. His gaze roved over her, hot and hungry and . . . knowing. He knew she loved when he nibbled and bit the crease where her neck met shoulder. Knew the exact pressure to use on her nipples to bring them to a point of pain/pleasure. Knew how to curl his fingers just right when he slipped inside her to bring her quickly to orgasm.

Knew way too much.

"How do you two know each other?" she asked.

"Nate saved my ass showing me how to golf. I'm courting a big client for Purity, and the only way to get close is on the course. Of course, I sucked, and he took pity on me. He's got this scientific thing with figuring out a swing."

"Yes, he's quite the teacher."

Nate remained silent.

The air between them grew heavy and thick with unspoken words and arousal. Wolfe seemed to catch something weird going on, because he kept shifting his glance as if trying to figure out what it was. "Nate's been a wonderful client. I'm excit

ed about his new match."

Nate crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Yeah, Mary does seem perfect. Too bad I'm still stuck on that last woman I was with. Don't you think I need some time to get my head straight? Or convince her to take a chance on us?"

She shook her head hard. "You need to look at the big picture. Mary is more suited to you; this other one will break your heart."

He took a step in. "How do you know?"

"Because she's a mess."

"Maybe I like messes."

"Maybe you don't know what's good for you because she fogged your head with sex."

Wolfe whistled. "Way to go, Nate."

Nate continued, staring Kennedy down with everything he had. "Maybe she should give me more credit to know what I want and see the situation clearly. Maybe she's so terrified of taking a chance on a real relationship because she's never had one before."

"Maybe she's the only one seeing things clearly and trying to protect you."

"Maybe she's full of shit." He took another step in. His eyes gleamed with a fierce light that shot sparks of fury and frustration. "Maybe she just doesn't want to know the truth."

"What truth?" she asked.

"That I love her."

She gasped. Her heart stopped. Then took off at heart attack pace. The room spun and the glass almost slipped from her numb fingers.

"Uh, dude, when I told you to admit your feelings, I meant to the woman herself. Not your matchmaker."

They locked gazes and ignored Wolfe. "Don't say that," she whispered. "It's not true."

"You don't get to tell me what I feel. You can throw a bunch of women at me, hide away, pretend this is something it's not, but I'm done with the lies. I love her, and it's not going away. Go ahead and make me date Mary, or Sue, or any other woman you toss in, but it won't change the outcome. I love her."

Her body shook with mini convulsions. He had said he loved her. He thought he loved her. But how could he? How could he know all her secrets and still think she was a good match for him? Men loved her body, her face, her persona. They loved the way she looked on their arm, and her power career, and that she didn't need a man to make her happy. They didn't look into her damaged soul and love the hidden parts. How could they when she didn't even love them herself?

Coldness seeped into her skin and bones. She couldn't do this anymore. He'd already become way too important, and she was slipping under his spell. She had to cut him loose.