"What do you think?"

He adjusted his clothing, took a sip of water, and studied her over his glasses. "Tell me this is a one-shot deal."

She shook her head. "We Zumba every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You'll enjoy it more each time."

"I think I'd rather see Benny or Ming." His gaze pierced hers. "Do you torture all the men at Kinnections before getting them their happy ever afters?"

She laughed. "Love and relationships are work. We always say learn to do the labor beforehand, and it will become a habit and lead to a more successful relationship."

He pondered the words and tilted his head. "Do you follow your own advice?"

The question took her off guard, but she made sure to recover quickly. "Yes. I've done a lot of hard work with myself. I think that's helped me form better relationships."

Nate nodded. "When was your last one?"

"My last what?"

"Long-term relationship."

Irritation bristled her nerves. She forced a casual smile. "Oh, not too long ago. But I'm ready and open for the next."

"You said you didn't do long term."

She took a slug of water so she didn't have to answer. He waited her out anyway, his gaze probing for truth. "Long term means something different to everyone. Yours is marriage. Mine is a few months."

Students chatted, mats were dragged out for the next class, and his voice reached her ears, deep and dark and caressing. "Maybe you deserve more."

She opened her mouth to set him straight, but a sweet, female voice interrupted. "Hi. Just wanted to welcome you to Zumba. It's so great to see a man here. Most don't have the guts."

Kennedy took in her high ponytail, bare midriff, and interested gaze. Whoa. She was really interested, her sly gaze sliding up and down his body. Fresh meat was always welcome at the gym. Nate didn't move. Didn't respond. Kennedy cleared her throat and bumped his shoulder. This was a perfect opportunity to watch him handle a first meet. Maybe he'd learned a few lessons from the disastrous speed dating and their time together. "Umm, Nate, I'll be right back."

She moved away to give them a bit of privacy, and fiddled with her iPhone. Come on, dude, you can do this. Talk. Say anything. No, scratch that, say something that's not stupid.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Nate."

Kennedy slumped with relief. Perfect. Maybe she should school him just to be direct from the get-go. No bad pick-up lines, body-related comments, or probing questions. Just direct information.

"I'm Heidi. Haven't seen you at the gym before. First time?"

"Yep, I'm a golfer, but figured I'd try something different. Hey, you have a great--"

Kennedy squeezed her phone in a death grip.


She let out her breath. He'd listened! Maybe this would be easier than she thought. Was he ready to be sent out? They had the wardrobe makeover coming up, and of course the role-play session with Arilyn and Kate, but she always saved that for last. A mixer would definitely work. Plenty of options.

"Thanks so much. I'm heading for a shake at the health bar. Wanna join me?"

"Sure." He glanced over at Kennedy. She gave him a subtle thumbs-up sign. He gave a slight nod in acceptance and began walking out. Their voices drifted through the room. "What do you do, Heidi?"

"I'm in school. Studying to be a nail technician."

"You need to go to college to learn how to paint nails?"

Heidi paused and swung her head around. "Nails are serious business. Why, what are you? A rocket scientist?"

He stiffened. Kennedy winced. Oh, no. No, no, no, no . . .

"Actually, an aerospace engineer. They don't call it rocket science anymore."

She cocked her head. "Are you serious, man?"

He gave her the look. Filled with derision and judgment. "Of course. Listen, I don't think this will work between us for a long-term relationship, but I'm completely open to having a short affair. What do you think?"

Ah, shit.

Heidi gasped. "You're an asshole." She stalked off, ponytail bouncing, and disappeared through the smoked-glass door.

Nate blinked. The lines of his face were stamped with complete surprise. He turned back to Kennedy with his palms upturned. "What did I do wrong?"

Okay, no mixer. Not for a while, anyway. Why the hell didn't he respect the woman's career path? Any work in this economy was a thing of pride. How dare he evaluate anyone's choices just because he was successful? Disappointment flooded her. She marched over and jabbed her finger against his chest. The scent of male sweat, cotton, and a hint of musk hit her nostrils. "Too many things to go over in a few minutes."

"I was honest and direct. Women appreciate that, right? I wasn't rejecting her, just changing the course, since I knew right away marriage was never going to happen."

"I don't want to hear it right now. Follow me."

She led him toward the back stairs. "Where are we going?"

"Out the side door. I think it would be best to avoid the shake bar until Heidi calms down. Don't you?"

He didn't answer. They popped out into the cool evening. She walked off her temper and into the diner where they had their first coffee date. Sliding into the red booth, she ordered a cup of black coffee.

"And you, sir?" the waitress asked.

"Do you serve humble pie? My gut is telling me I may need it for something."

"Excuse me?"

He waved a hand in the air. "Never mind. Tea with lemon, please. And a Clorox wipe."

The waitress shot him a look. "You kidding?"

"No." She rolled her eyes but returned with one, and he carefully wiped down the table. "The amount of germs at public eateries is staggering. Do you know many restaurants just use a wet cloth to wipe the tables clean after each patron? No soap or disinfectant."

Kennedy practically spit in fury and launched into her tirade. "Must be nice to make judgments on people who are trying to figure out what they want to do in life."

He blinked. "Huh?"

"Why do you think a nail technician is beneath you?"

He jerked from the direct hit. "I don't. I may not understand it, but I'm sure there's training involved. She said she needed schooling. It's honest work. That wasn't my problem."

"What was?"

"Connor said women in the beauty industry are unfaithful. I can't marry someone who won't be loyal."

She placed her palms flat on the table and leaned forward. "Wait. Your brother thinks all women who are cosmetologists or hairstylists will cheat?"


"For God's sake, why?"

The waitress plopped down their mugs. He took a moment to examine the rim of the cup for traces of lipstick before he seemed comfortable enough to take a sip. "He had a girlfriend once who worked at a beauty shop. She cheated on him and broke his heart. Later, he found out that all the women in the salon had encouraged her to do it. I've never seen him that upset over one woman before, and after that, he swore off any long-term relationships. Connor warned me never to get involved with anyone in the beauty industry."