His fingers worked its way into her hair and held her, giving himself up to her ministrations. Power surged through her, and she opened wider, until he slid to the back of her throat and his balls tightened.

"Kate!" Her name was ripped from his lips, amid hard pants. "Condom, now."

"Where?" she teased, swirling her tongue around his leaking tip.

"Ah, God, pants pocket. There!"

She reached down, grabbed one, and sheathed him, never breaking contact or the rhythm of her swirling fingers. Already wet and aching for him, she climbed on top, spread her legs, and sank down onto his length.

Kate threw her head back as the delicious sensations skittered over her skin and teased her clit. So good. The heat between them only added to the edge, pumping up the tension. She looked up his body and got trapped within the seething burn of his green eyes.

"Ride me, baby. Ride me hard."

She shuddered and obeyed. He cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples as she ground herself against him, closing in toward her orgasm, pumping her hips as her gut clenched and her skin prickled and her nipples tightened to hard, achy points.

Slade grasped her hips, moved her forward, and slammed her back down. Once. Twice. Then--

"Slade!" She came hard, and he kept guiding her up and down, extending the orgasm into mini convulsions. He shuddered beneath her and followed, and she ached for the feel of his skin against hers, ached to get rid of the condom and take his seed deep inside her body. She slumped over him, completely boneless, and he stroked her back with soothing strokes.

"Best morning wake-up ever."

She laughed and bit his shoulder. "Hmm, better than my coffee." Two sharp barks made her crane her neck. Robert looked up with endless patience and wide eyes that took in her bare ass. "Oops, sorry, baby. I'll take you out."

"Want me to get him?"

She pressed a kiss on his lips. "Nope, I got him. Be right back." She donned her robe, ignoring his hungry gaze and keeping her distance before she jumped back in bed and Robert had an accident. She took him out, ground the coffee beans, and got the pot started.

"Kibble or wet food this morning?"

Two barks.

"Kibble it is." Kate filled up the bowl, humming under her breath, and turned to a spectacular sight framed in her kitchen doorway.

Slade Montgomery. Buck naked. Thighs braced apart, hands on hips, his impressive erection confirming round five was about to come up. She drank in all that raw male beauty, with his flat stomach, defined pecs, and toasty brown skin. His lazy gaze probed under her robe and stroked her body.

"Thought I was better than your coffee."

She pursed her lips with interest. "I did say that, didn't I?"

He cocked a hip and that's not all that got cocked. "Maybe I need to prove my worth again."

She licked her lips and dropped her gaze. "I think your worth is pretty damn big."


She loosened her robe and began to pull it open. "Counselor. I think--"

"Honey, I'm here! Whose car is in the driveway? Oh!"

Her mother stood before them, open-mouthed, staring at Slade with, first, astonishment and then pure appreciation. She closed her mouth and broke into a wide grin. "Oh, honey! You're finally getting some--I'm so happy."

Kate yanked her robe closed and jumped in front of Slade. "Mom, what are you doing here?" She grabbed for the blanket over the couch and thrust it into Slade's hands. He wrapped it around his hips, but the broad, loopy holes in the afghan didn't hide much.

"I haven't seen you since I got back from my sex conference and thought we'd have breakfast together. But I see you've already taken care of breakfast. I must say, it's even better than Wheaties!"

Color flooded her face. Slade studied her mother with a fascination she was used to, as if an exotic, otherworldly creature had just burst through their universe. Madeline wore a canary-yellow top, a cream lace skirt that flirted with her knees, and lace-up sandals. Her floral headband held back her white blond hair, and bangles jingled on her wrists. Robert ran over to say hello, and Kate took the pause to push Slade behind the counter so at least his bottom half wasn't exposed. Madeline watched his retreat with a twinge of disappointment.

"Sex conference?" Slade drawled, glancing back and forth. "How interesting. Forgive Kate for not introducing us. I'm Slade Montgomery."

Madeline marched over and stuck out her hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Slade. I'm Madeline. I do apologize for interrupting, my daughter rarely allows herself to enjoy these opportunities."

Kate groaned. "Thanks, Mom. Umm, maybe you want to call me later?"

Slade steepled his fingers together as if he were in a business meeting. "Nonsense, stay and have coffee with us. We're in no rush."

"I'd love to. Is it those organic beans I bought you, dear?"

This was so not happening. Kate glared at Slade, but his delighted grin told her he was having too much fun. "Yes, I'll get it for you." She stomped over and poured her mother a mug, then slid it over the granite countertop.

"May I ask how the conference was?" Slade asked.

"It was truly wonderful. I'm a sex therapists, so it's important for me to keep up with the new techniques. I learned many ways to unblock a man toward orgasm. Have you ever had problems with

impotence, Slade?"

Kate gave him credit. He didn't even choke on his coffee. "Happy to report that's a negative."

"Hmm, I'm not surprised from what I caught. Still, many men suffer from the condition and it's usually some mental block. They taught us certain moves to go about breaking down barriers."

"What a fascinating job. Kate never told me."

"I'm not surprised. Kate's been blocked for years."


"So, tell me how you two met."

"I'm a client at Kinnections," he said.

Madeline sucked in her breath. "You're not the divorce lawyer, are you?" she whispered.

Slade hiked a brow. "You know about me? Kate, how sweet. I had no idea you told your mom about us."

Kate squirmed with sheer frustration and shot him a glare. "Look, Mom, let's not talk about this here, okay? I'd like to keep this whole thing private."

"But darling, this is the one you experienced the touch with! You've found a way to make it work, I'm so happy. We'll need to clear a bit of that negative karma, but if you're sleeping together, I'm confident in the outcome."

"Touch?" Slade frowned. "What touch?"


"Kate didn't tell you?" Madeline chirped. "She has a gift that's run in our family for generations. A sixth sense for matching people. She experiences a jolt of recognition when she meets a couple meant to be together."

Slade stilled. Kate barely breathed, hoping she'd become the guy from The Time Traveler's Wife and disappear through space. "Has she ever experienced the touch for herself? Or is this just for other people?" he asked.

The disaster loomed before her, like a volcano ready to erupt, and she was just as helpless to stop her mother as she was to stop the forces of nature. Madeline laughed as she played with her bangles. "Silly man. It's you, dear. She connected with you--you're her soul mate. I wasn't too thrilled regarding the divorce lawyer thing, but the universe is more powerful than humans, and we must bend to its will. At least you overcame your initial protests. Denying the touch is dangerous. Who would've known what could happen? Your cousin Rose died alone and miserable."

Kate swung her head around. "You said you didn't remember what happened to my cousin! You said it was a family secret never spoken about."